Articles by Mark Huntley - FinMasters Master Your Finances and Reach Your Goals Tue, 30 Jan 2024 14:18:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How I Raised My Credit Score Over 100 Points With Fingerhut Thu, 10 Dec 2020 07:45:00 +0000 Are you looking for a credit tool to help boost your credit score for free? Inside I explain exactly how Fingerhut helped raise my credit score over 100 points.

The post How I Raised My Credit Score Over 100 Points With Fingerhut appeared first on FinMasters.

Fingerhut Credit Accounts are issued by WebBank, Member FDIC.

Summary: I attribute 50 to 60 points of my 100 point credit score gain to my Fingerhut credit card. Find out how it can help your credit score too… and what the downside is (it’s important).

My credit score has increased quite a bit since I started this credit journey. I am now circling back to review the credit tools I have found to be the most useful.

For those of you that are new to my credit journey, I had a credit score of 475 in January 2019. I have vowed to document each step of my credit journey, both good and bad, to a 700+ credit score.

I think the credit-building tool that has increased my credit score the most is my Fingerhut store card.

On March 11, 2019, I applied for Fingerhut credit. 

👉 Important note: There’s no such thing as a free lunch in the credit-building world. A Fingerhut account can help you build credit, but the goods you’ll purchase are much more expensive than they’d be in other stores. Keep that in mind, and buy only inexpensive items and as few items as possible.

How I Raised My Credit Score 100 Points With Fingerhut

When I signed up for Fingerhut, my credit score was 591 (Yes, I had already raised it a LOT by the time I signed up for Fingerhut in March).

👉 If you don’t know your credit score, you can learn how to get it for free by reading our definitive guide to getting a free credit score.

Fingerhut offers an unsecured revolving loan, which is the same type of credit that a traditional credit card offers.

The only difference is that you do not get an actual credit card that can be used anywhere Visa or MasterCard is accepted. Fingerhut credit can only be used to purchase from their online store catalog.

When I applied, I was unsure if I’d qualify for unsecured credit since I had been recently declined.

However, everything I had read about Fingerhut was that they gave credit out to just about anybody.

So I applied…

Within seconds, Fingerhut gave me a $1,000 unsecured credit line issued through Web Bank.

To give you some perspective, I do not think you could qualify for a traditional credit card from any bank in the U.S. with a credit score in the 500’s.

But you can at Fingerhut!

My credit score immediately jumped 29 points when the $1,000 of available credit hit my credit file.

Chart of my credit score jumping

This credit has come in handy.  With the $1,000 unsecured credit line, I have purchased multiple brand-name items from their online store.

They offer items such as clothes, kitchen stuff, shoes, outdoor gear, sports equipment, computers, and furniture.

💡 Quick Tip:

Fingerhut will usually increase your credit limit if you make your payments on time. But it gets better…

If you make your payments on time, they will increase your credit limit.

Since March, they have increased my credit limit in increments of $300, twice.

Each time they increase my limit, it improves my credit score by 7 to 10 points.

Overall, my credit has increased well over 100 points since the start of my credit journey.  Fingerhut has accounted for at least 50 of those points, and I expect it to continue to increase every couple of months.

Even if you have a lower credit score than mine, they offer a FreshStart program together with Fingerhut issued through WebBank, member FDIC, where you order $50 in products, pay $30, and then make monthly payments on the difference of a few dollars a month to build your credit score.

If you make all of your payments on time, they will move you over to their unsecured plan.

How Fingerhut Helps Your Credit Score

Fingerhut credit is the same type of loan that credit card companies give, a revolving loan.

What this means is that you are given a maximum credit limit that the lender will allow you to borrow.

As you borrow and make payments on your Fingerhut account, your balance will ‘revolve’ up and down within your credit limit.

They call them ‘revolving loans’ because the balances fluctuate.

Your credit utilization ratio is an important part of managing revolving credit.

The credit utilization ratio is the amount of revolving credit that you have divided by the amount of money that you owe.

For example:
Say all of your revolving loans have maximum credit limits of $10,000 and the total amount you owe on those loans is $2,500.  Simply divide $10,000/$2,000 and you would get your credit utilization ratio: 20%.

Not sure what your credit utilization ratio is?
👉 Use our credit utilization ratio calculator to find out.

When Fingerhut approved me for credit, it added another $1,000 to my available credit limit, which lowered my utilization ratio.

⚠ Be Careful! Maxing out your credit cards will hurt your credit score.  Try to spread the balances around to limit credit score impact.

You want to keep the balance owed on your Fingerhut card as low as possible to keep your utilization ratio low.

What’s the Catch?

If you’ve been around the credit-building scene for any length of time, you’ll know that nothing is free. Anyone offering anything helpful is earning from it somehow.

With Fingerhut, the catch might not be obvious until you compare the prices in the Fingerhut store with prices for the same items in other stores.

Fingerhut products cost much more than the same products at, say,

For example, this 13-piece name-brand cookware set is listed for $189.99 on Fingerhut. The same set is listed for $139.99 on Amazon. That’s a $50 difference, which is a high price to pay for building credit.

Should You Use Fingerhut?

A Fingerhut account is easy to get, and it will do what it says it does. It will place a revolving credit line on your credit report. It will increase your total credit limit, improving your credit utilization. If you make payments on time, it will establish a payment record.

It will also take money out of your pocket with every overpriced purchase.

If you’re considering a Fingerhut account, consider these suggestions first.

  • Apply for a secured credit card. A secured credit card is also available with bad credit. It will help your credit as much as a Fingerhut card and you can use it anywhere, getting better deals.
  • If you get a Fingerhut account, buy inexpensive items and buy as few items as possible. That will keep both your credit utilization and your excess spending low.
  • As soon as your credit improves, get a conventional card. The Fingerhut account may help you take the first step on your credit journey, but the prices are too high to keep using it beyond those first steps.

The Fingerhut account can be a useful tool for people with no credit or with credit so badly damaged that they can’t get anything else. If you use it carefully and buy as little as possible, you can help your credit without too much overspending.

If you start buying with it regularly, you will lose more than you gain. You’d be better off buying lower-priced products and using the amount you save to pay other debts or build an emergency fund.

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Credit Secrets Book Review 2023 Thu, 10 Dec 2020 05:42:00 +0000 We take an indept look in our Credit Secrets Book Review. Covering topics such as whether the book is worth it, what is included and the scam claims.

The post Credit Secrets Book Review 2023 appeared first on FinMasters.

You may have heard the hype about Credit Secrets. Some people even call it the “Smart Money Secret Book” or the “Secret 11 Words Book”. But does the book live up to the hype? Find out in this Credit Secrets book review.

Everything I have read about this book was so over the top positive that it made me start to wonder if it was just too good to be true. If you know anything about the credit repair industry, then you know my reservations and concerns about a scam were understandable.

So I decided to find out for myself.

Overall, I think the book is worth its cost. The smart money secrets given throughout this DIY credit repair book are much more than a temporary credit fix. They are credit lessons that you can use for the rest of your life. Implementing these strategies takes a lot of work, but it’s worth it.

What Are The Credit Secrets Book And The Smart Money Secret Letters?

As I reviewed Credit Secrets by Scott and Allison Hilton, I quickly realized it was much more than just a do-it-yourself (DIY) credit repair letters book.

Credit Secrets reviews much more than just how to send letters to creditors. This is a complete do-it-yourself credit repair kit.

In the first Chapter, Scott and Alison take a lot of time explaining how your credit works, how to analyze your credit report, how the credit bureaus work and the laws protecting your rights and governing the creditors.

Credit Secrets book cover

 The first chapter of Credit Secrets is a comprehensive and effective strategy to take on creditors and credit bureaus. One point it discusses is the importance of keeping your address updated on your credit reports and why you should have all of your past addresses removed from the three big credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.

This is because when creditors send in negative account information about you, the address included must match your address exactly. Or, when the credit bureau attempts to verify the record, it will not match and can be removed for this reason.

☝ If you only have one address in your file, the likelihood that the creditor will provide the wrong address is much higher than if you have multiple addresses in your file, including all the common spelling variations.

Not only do they lay out some very sound strategies like the one above, but they also provide sample letters to send to the credit bureaus to have your old addresses removed. This book is full of sound legal credit secret loopholes.

The meat of the book is definitely their DIY credit repair letters. They provide you with sample letters to be sent to your creditors and the credit bureaus that can force them to remove derogatory reports or act in a way that benefits you.

☝ Pay special attention to these topics and letters found in Credit Secrets. The advice in these sections can quickly increase your credit score:

  • Delinquencies
  • Student loans
  • Charge offs
  • Tax liens
  • Late payments
  • Collections
  • Repossessions
  • Bankruptcies
  • Foreclosures
  • ChexSystems
  • Small claims court

Is The Book Legit?

The question is a good one to ask. In the credit repair space, you have to be suspicious and careful with the products and companies you choose.

Some of the stories and testimonials in the book and on their promotional websites are not believable. One story claimed that an unemployed actor used the 11 words and the do-it-yourself credit repair letters and was able to purchase a Maserati in a short time.

They fail to explain how an out-of-work actor got the money to purchase a 100k car or how a creditor would ever approve a loan of that size for someone without a job. Maybe the point was that his credit was good enough to qualify for a large auto loan, but the story itself is hardly credible.

It’s hard to come up with great testimonials for people with bad credit because they don’t have a lot of money or buying power and are just trying to find financial freedom.

👉 Most testimonials say, ‘My credit score increased 100 points in 30 days!’ which is excellent but not as cool as” I bought a Maserati 90 days after reading Credit Secrets.

Testimonials from the CreditSecrets website

Does this make Credit Secrets a scam?

I do not believe so. As a former attorney, I believe the strategies advocated in this book are legal and exploit credit repair loopholes and protections the government has given you.

Do some people see this type of practice as a scam or somehow not legal?

Maybe, but those same people probably have 750, 800, or 850 credit scores, and nothing better to do than judge those of us not as worthy as them.

How Much Does It Cost?

The Credit Secrets book reviewed cost $39.95 plus taxes and shipping and handling… if you don’t wait on the purchase page for a few minutes. If you sit on the checkout page and do not check out, after a few seconds a button will pop up asking you if you want to buy the book.

Click on the button, and you will not have to pay for shipping and handling. In fact, I’d suggest you decline to purchase any of the add-on products in the initial offering because the next page will offer the same product for less money if you pass the first time.

Looking for FREE sample credit dispute letters?

Free Section 609 Credit Dispute Letters: Samples, Templates & PDFs

There are additional upgrades such as the Automator DIY credit repair letter writer which will automatically format all of the letters to your creditors and the credit bureaus. Just add your account information and press print! I think this upgrade makes a lot of sense, and it only costs a few more dollars.

I did not sign up for the guaranteed $10,000 credit limit offer. They offered an additional ebook about how to qualify for a mortgage and buy a house. I did not purchase that either.

Credit Secrets Book Reviews

We spent a few hours reading reviews from their customers and overall they were extremely positive.

Credit Secrets reviewers appreciate the ease of use of the smart money secrets program and how effective it has been for them.

The reviews found the book extremely detailed and said it gave credit repair seekers an effective road map to doing it themselves.

One reviewer thought that purchasing the book was better than hiring credit repair services but then pointed out that do-it-yourself credit repair is a lot of work.

This is why so many people turn to a credit repair to help fix their credit for them, it simply is so much work to do on your own.

If you do choose to take on this monumental task, Credit Secrets can help you along.

Credit Secrets BBB Reviews – Better Business Bureau

Credit Secrets is owned by Info Up LLC. The Company was started in 2016 by Jay Delboldt, according to the Better Business Bureau.

There are only three Credit Secrets BBB reviews, so it would be unfair to make too much out of them, but one of them is extremely positive.

The Credit Secrets BBB rating is a B-. This appears to be because Info Up LLC does not respond to complaints filed on the Better Business Bureau site.

This is pretty typical of companies like Info Up, who refuse to pay the large annual fee to be accredited by the BBB.

Nonaccredited companies on the BBB, on the whole, have much lower ratings than accredited companies…

How Do I Order?

You can order Credit Secrets on their website only. You cannot purchase the book anywhere else online.

Upon completion of your purchase, they will send you a hard copy of the book, and you will be given immediate access to a link for the Credit Secrets Book PDF file.

Be sure to complete the do-it-yourself credit repair tutorial software so you will be familiar with all of the tools they offer.

Can I Cancel And Get My Money Back?

Credit Secrets has a 100%, no questions asked, 30-day money-back guarantee. To cancel your order and receive all of your money back for free, all you need to do is email the Credit Secrets customer service team within 30 days of your purchase that you would like to cancel, and your money will be refunded. They won’t even make you send back your Credit Secrets PDF file!

Alternative Ways To Quickly Improve Your Credit Score

DIY Credit Repair is a lot of work, and some of the letters you send will not have the effect that you want. Some entries on your credit report are legitimate and cannot be removed.

You can also improve your credit by building a responsible, positive credit history. Those old negative entries will remain on your credit report for seven years, but their influence on your credit score will fade with time. If you add new positive entries, you can push your score up. Start with our guide on how to rebuild credit.

👉 The book Credit Secrets contains useful information that can help you repair your credit and avoid using a credit repair company. It also contains some hype and exaggeration, so you’ll have to use common sense about what to believe. If you’re really in over your head, consider credit counseling or even financial therapy.

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Chase Credit Journey Review: Free Credit Score and More! Thu, 10 Dec 2020 07:17:00 +0000 Are you looking for a free credit score service? Chase Credit Journey offers credit monitoring, score simulators, score tracking, credit education, card offers, personal loan offers, and more

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Chase Credit Journey gets you a VantageScore credit score from Experian, information from your Experian credit report, credit monitoring, score simulators, score tracking, credit education, card offers, personal loan offers, and mortgage offers.

All of this is free, and you don’t need to be a Chase customer. Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of this service.

Chase Credit Journey

4 out of 5

Chase Credit Journey provides members with weekly updated credit scores, alerts, and credit education articles. It’s completely free to use but you only get to see your VantageScore and Experian credit report.

5 out of 5
3 out of 5
Ease of Use
4 out of 5


Free to use

Strong identity protection


Access to only one credit report

Doesn't provide a FICO score

What Is Chase Credit Journey?

Chase Credit Journey was started in 2017 to provide credit scores, credit monitoring, and other services for free.

The model is similar to Credit Sesame, Nerd Wallet, or Credit Karma. All of them provide members with weekly updated credit scores, alerts, and credit education articles.

They can provide these services for free because they market Chase credit cards, personal loans, and mortgages to Credit Journey users.

The site feels like a budget version of sites like Credit Sesame, Nerd Wallet, or Credit Karma. It offers some free but limited credit monitoring services, and the credit education section does a thorough job covering the basics.

I think when large lenders attempt to educate on credit building, they are constrained because they are much more vulnerable to lawsuits for ambiguous advice.

This makes their articles and advice read ‘by the book’ and feel a bit like you are reading a textbook. The information is there, but getting it isn’t entertaining!

Chase Credit Journey

What Does It Cost?

My membership was free, and I had free access to all of the services once I joined and logged in.

The member dashboard does not attempt to sell anything or push any products upon you. In fact, if you want to shop for a credit card, personal loan, or mortgage, you will need to go to the ‘Offer’ tab in the Chase dashboard.

You’ll only spend if you elect to take them up on one of their credit card, personal loan, or mortgage offers. Otherwise, it is free.

Is Chase Credit Journey Safe?

When you enroll, you are giving Chase access to your credit records and score which, if ever breached, could be used to steal your identity.

Chase confirms your identity either with a one-time Security PIN sent to your phone number or through a series of questions based on the account and personal information in your credit report. If your phone number can’t be verified, you’ll be asked to answer the questions.

According to the FAQs, a multiple-step identification process is used to confirm your identity and keep your information safe.

The questions are based on the information found in your credit report and are presented in multiple-choice form.

You must answer multiple questions correctly to confirm your identity and if you are unable to, you will be given an alternate option for identification.

If you are still unable to confirm your identity after these attempts, you can contact Experian customer service representatives Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 9 pm (Est) at 1-844-343-5929.

Once you speak with Experian and confirm your identity, you will be given access to your account for free.

How to Use Chase Credit Journey

If you are new to Chase Bank Credit Journey, you can become a member for free by enrolling here.

After enrolling, you can go to the login page by clicking here.

The dashboard displays your Experian VantageScore 3.0 score when you log in.

The dashboard also provides a snapshot of the key factors affecting your credit, including; Late Payments, Oldest Account, Credit Usage, Hard Inquiries, Total Balances, and Available Credit.

You will also have access to a credit report alerts section when you sign in to your account.

The alerts will show any changes, additions, corrections, or deletions on your Experian credit report.

You also will be able to look at Chase Credit Journey offers of credit cards, personal loans, and mortgages.

One of the nicest features of Chase Credit Journey is the Experian limited credit report.

This report is pretty inclusive, especially since it is free. It includes most of the financial information Experian has collected about you and is used to determine your credit score.

Be sure to take a good look at the information and make sure that everything is correct.

👉 Chase Credit Journey lets you view and manage information from your Experian credit report. Most of their competitors don’t have this feature.

If you find a record that has any mistake on it, you can request to have it verified.

If the lender or furnisher of the information is unable to verify the record, then the credit agency will delete it from your account.

👉 For more information on the dispute process, check out our guide to how to dispute a credit report entry.

The Drawbacks

It’s hard to complain about a free service, but there are some things you should consider about Chase Credit Journey.

  • The free credit score is a VantageScore 3.0. Most free credit score providers use VantageScore, but most lenders will use FICO. The score you’re seeing may not be the score a lender is seeing, and they could be different.
  • You only see information from your Experian credit report. That will not tell you what’s going on with your credit reports from TransUnion and Equifax.

Those issues are not major concerns that should deter you from using the service. You’ll just need to be aware that you have two other credit reports to monitor and that the credit score you’re seeing isn’t the only one you have.

You can pick up some of this information from other sources. Look up how to get a free credit score and how to get a free credit report.

👉 Check with each of your credit cards and even your bank to see if they offer free FICO credit scores or monitoring services. Many financial products now offer this service.

Take Action!

Overall, Chase Credit Journey has been a helpful tool, however limited. Because it’s free, I don’t worry too much about the limitations. It’s easy to use, and it provides a quick snapshot of your credit health. If you know what you aren’t seeing, you can fill in the gaps.

The free tools and the credit education section are useful and worth a close look.

If you don’t want to worry and stress over whether the free credit score Chase will match your lender’s score, look for ways to get a free FICO score.

Many credit cards and bank accounts will provide FICO score access. If you don’t have an account that provides FICO scores, consider MyFico for your credit score and monitoring services. It’s not free, but it’s comprehensive: you’ll see all of your major FICO scores from all three credit bureaus.

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Which Collection Agencies Will Accept a Pay For Delete Agreement? Wed, 07 Oct 2020 04:33:00 +0000 A list of over 700 US collection agencies linked to their website with a phone number and whether they will accept a pay for delete settlement offer.

The post Which Collection Agencies Will Accept a Pay For Delete Agreement? appeared first on FinMasters.

If you fail to pay a debt, your creditor will probably assign or sell your account to a collection agency. If that happens to you, one of your options is a pay-for-delete agreement.

Collection accounts are not fun. They will inflict immediate and severe damage on your credit. They will also beat up your peace of mind: you’ll be barraged with phone calls, emails, and whatever else the collector thinks will get you to pay.

Debt collectors are regulated by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCA), but collectors are masters at pushing you as hard as they can within the law, or sometimes outside it.

One Bright Side

There is one advantage to dealing with a debt collector. Debt collectors pay an average of $.04 – that’s 4 cents – for every dollar of debt that they purchase from creditors.

If your original debt was for $5000, a collection agency may have bought the debt for only $200. That makes it easier to offer a settlement. Even if you pay only a fraction of what you originally owed, the collection agency makes a tidy profit.

If a collector bought your $5000 debt for $200, they may be happy to settle for $1000. They’ll still make $800.

Some debtors take this a step farther and Negotiate Pay-For Delete agreements.

What is a Pay-For-Delete Agreement?

Debt collectors want to be paid. Some debtors take advantage of this by offering a deal. They offer to pay a debt or a substantial part of it if the collection agency is willing to delete the account from their credit record.

If the debt collector is eager to make some money and close the account, they may agree. After all, they don’t care about your credit. They just want to earn a profit from the account and move on.

If you propose a pay-for-delete arrangement, put your proposal in a formal pay-for-delete letter. Insist on a written response.

It May Not Work

Pay-for-delete agreements are in a legal grey area.

There’s nothing illegal about asking for one, so don’t worry about that. However, creditors are legally required to report accurate information to the credit bureaus. A creditor that does not report accurate information could be blocked from getting information from the credit bureaus.

Some collection agencies will be reluctant to accept pay-for-delete agreements because deleting accurate information from your credit record could be considered an inaccurate report.

This also means that if the collection agency does not delete your record or the credit bureau continues to report it, you have no legal recourse. The information is accurate, the record is yours, and no agreement can force the credit bureau to remove it.

A pay-for-delete agreement will not remove the records of your original debt. Those were reported by your original creditor, not the collection agency, and the collection agency cannot remove them.

Collection Agency Policies

Collection agencies have different policies on pay-for-delete arrangements.

  • Some collection companies will delete any collection records from your report if you settle with them, even if you don’t ask for a pay for delete agreement. 
  • Others will consider a pay for delete agreement if you ask for it, but will not offer it. They won’t delete the collection filing from your credit report unless there’s an agreement in place.
  • The last group of collection companies will not accept any settlement that includes a pay for delete agreement.

We have seen a steady number of collection companies change their stance on pay-for-delete agreements.

We hope this article will be a good resource for you to find out which collection companies are currently automatically issuing pay-for-delete letters, are willing to accept them in a settlement, and those that will not agree to a pay-for-delete letter.

Below you will find a list of most of the US collection companies, their phone number, and whether they accept pay-for-delete agreements.

👉 We have designated the pay for delete question with the abbreviation ‘PFD’ followed by ‘auto’ for automatic, ‘yes’ indicating they will agree to a PFD, a ‘no’ that indicates they do not accept PDA’s at this time, and many will have an ‘Unknown’ for we don’t know.

🙋‍♂️ If you have settled with one of these companies with a pay for delete agreement and our records show that they do not accept them, or we do not know, please comment below so we can update our records.

Get Your Free Pay For Delete Template

Over 700 US Collection Companies In Alphabetical Order

Go to:  
B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Alliance One

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Alliance One contracts with financial services companies, credit card lenders, health care providers, utilities, and court and government agencies to collect delinquent payments and other debts.


Phone Number: (800) 858-4472

Mailing Address: 3043 Walton Road, Suite 201 Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Notes: Alliance One has an A+ rating with the BBB.  It is a debt collector but not the owner of any debt.

Alltran Financial

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Alltran is one of the larger debt collection agencies hired to collect a debt from consumers just like you. Alltran collects on unpaid credit cards, personal Loans, auto loans, student loans, retail, commercial and other debts. The majority of the unpaid credit card bills Alltran collects are charged off debts where no payment has been made in 6 months or longer.


Phone Number:  800-735-2989

Mailing Address:  5800 North Course Drive, Houston, Texas 77072

Notes: Alltran Financial has been in business for 39 years. BBB File was first opened in 1987, but they have No rating for reasons that may include ongoing review/update of the business’s file.

American Medical Collection Agency

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: On June 17, 2019, American Medical Collection Agency, which also did business as Retrieval-Masters Creditors Bureau, Inc. (the “Company”), filed a Chapter 11 petition in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.


Phone Number:  (800) 666-8097

Mailing Address: 200 Pemberwick Rd. Greenwich, CT 06831

Notes: At least 20 million US citizens have been impacted by the security incident, in which the hacker responsible ransacked AMCA’s internal systems to pillage user data including names, Social Security numbers, addresses, dates of birth, and payment card information. The stolen data was later advertised for sale in underground web forums.

American Coradius International LLC

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: American Coradius International LLC (ACI) is a full service first and third party debt collector for financial service agencies representing banks and finance companies on a national level. ACI represents some of the country’s largest National and Regional financial institutions.


Phone Number:  (800) 759-2241

Mailing Address: 2420 Sweet Home Road, Suite 150, Amherst, NY 14228

Notes:  Accredited by the Better Business Bureau (A+ rating). They have been in business for 31 years. They are committed to regulatory compliance.  ACI often agrees to stop reporting your account information to the credit bureaus, provided you are paying off debt in collections.

Ability Recovery Services

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Ability Recovery Services is a National Collection Agency, a family owned business. They specialize in helping many Higher Education Institutions, Telecom, Health Care Providers, plus Utility and Financial Institutions.  They use Skip Tracing to validate information with national credit bureaus, court records and use their own proprietary methods.


Phone Number:  (855) 207-1892

Mailing Address: 284 Main St, Dupont, PA 18641

Notes:  The Ability Recovery Services family has been in the collection industry for over 30 years.they have a A+ rating with the BBB and is not accredited.  They collect in all Fifty States and are Bonded and Insured Nationwide.


Bay Area Receivables, Inc.

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Bay Area Receivables, Inc. offers diversified debt recovery services to our clients. We service the Eastern Shore of Maryland and the entire Delmarva Peninsula, and surrounding areas.


Phone Number:: 410-860-1600

Address:  714 Eastern Shore Drive Salisbury, Maryland 2180

Notes:  They are rated A+ by the BBB.  On July 1, 2020, BAR acquired all of Delmarva Collection Inc.(DCI) accounts.  Services include Activity Reporting, Credit Bureau Reporting, Litigation Services, Competitive Rates, Pre-Collection Programs, Online Payment Options, etc.

Bonneville Collections

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Bonneville Collections is a debt collection agency, and collects debts for a variety of businesses and industries, including medical and healthcare service providers; grocery stores; municipal government agencies; convenience stores; consumer retail outlets; utility service providers; and restaurants. BBC also collects delinquencies for commercial business-to-business accounts.


Phone Number:: 801-621-7880

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 150621, Ogden, UT 84415

Notes:  Bonneville Collections have been at it since 1980. They have an A+ rating with the BBB.


Client Services, INC. (CSI)

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: CSI has developed customized collections and recovery solutions that are integrated and compatible with multiple industries. CSI’s third-party, post charge-off recovery programs offer liquidation results for debt recovery.


Phone Number: (800) 521-3236

Mailing Address: 3451 Harry S. Truman Blvd, St. Charles, MO 63301

Notes: Client Services, Inc. (CSI) was founded in 1987.  ‘A+’ Better Business Bureau Accredited. They do not purchase or sell any consumer debts so the owner of any account will be identified on your credit report.

Coast Professional

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Coast Professional is a collection agency and call center for colleges or universities, Federal student loans and debt with a local or state government agency (including municipalities or utilities). They offer collection-related services, including telephone and mail efforts, skip tracing, and litigation.


Phone Number: (800) 231-0225

Mailing Address: 214 Expo Circle, Suite 7, West Monroe, LA 71292

Notes: Coast Professional was founded in 1976 and has an A+ rating with the BBB, Once a debt is assigned to a collection agency, that agency becomes responsible for collecting the debt, and is the only one that can arrange payment terms. If you owe the bill, they can help you figure out ways to pay it.

Cavalry Portfolio Services

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Cavalry Portfolio Services is a debt buyer, meaning they buy your debt from the company, at a discounted rate. Their clients are usually big banks like Chase and Bank of America on non-performing consumer loan portfolios. The agency purchases and collects on credit card debt, payday loans, auto finance debt, cell phone companies, doctor’s offices, utility companies, and telecommunication debt.


Phone Number: 1-866-483-5139

Mailing Address: 500 Summit Lake Drive, Suite 400, Valhalla, NY 10595

Notes: Cavalry was founded in 2002.  They have an A+ rating with the BBB but are not accredited.

Credit Management Company

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Credit Management Company (CMC) provides full service collection management and debt recovery programs in the healthcare, government, education, and consumer industry sectors which are Financial Services and Commercial. Debt Recovery Services include: Third party collections and skip tracing.


Phone Number: 412-937-0900

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 16346, Pittsburgh, PA 15242-0346

Notes: Credit Management Company started in 1966, has an A+ rating with the BBB and is accredited.  Credit Management Company supports and contributes to several charitable organizations.

Central Portfolio Control, Inc.

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Central Portfolio Control, or CPC, is a third-party smaller collection agency representing creditors which include banks, finance companies, and other financial institutions.


Phone Number:  800-834-2147

Mailing Address: 10249 Yellow Circle Drive, Suite 200, Minnetonka, MN 55343

Notes: Central Portfolio Control was Founded in 1998 and has an A- rating with the BBB and is accredited.  They help customers to  fulfill financial obligations while returning to financial health. They offer links to help the client such as Ask Dr. Debt (ACA International),  a consumer resource with answers to frequent questions,, an online personal finance software service from Intuit, and MyMoney, a resource provided by the U.S. government.

Caine & Weiner

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview:  Caine & Weiner is an international full service domestic debt collection company covering a  broad cross-section of American industry for recovering commercial 3rd party debt.


Phone Number: (818) 902-4255

Mailing Address: 5805 Sepulveda Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91411

Notes: Caine & Weiner has been in operation since 1930  They have an F rating with the BBB and are not accredited.  They have over 4,000 credit and collection agents in over 90 countries to assist in addressing legal, cultural, monetary and language barriers.

Credit Control

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview:  Credit Control provides an array of services across the customer continuum, from loss prevention and loss recovery, to our specialty programs including our debt settlement company solution and pre-litigation & legal program to resolve delinquent accounts.


Phone Number: 1-888-365-7145

Mailing Address: 5757 Phantom Drive, Ste 330 Hazelwood, MO 63042

Notes: Credit Control was founded in 2000 and has a B+ accredited rating with the BBB. They use Third Party Collections, Skip Tracing, Pre-Legal & Legal Collections, and help with Bankruptcy Filing.

Capital Accounts

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Capital Accounts specializes in the collection of overdue balances for dental, medical and healthcare providers and commercial companies. Capital Accounts uses skip tracing to pursue debtors that have left their home state or are being evasive.


Phone Number: (800) 282-3214

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 680608, Franklin, TN 37068

Notes: Capital Accounts has been in business for 17 years and has a B rating with the BBB and is not accredited.  All collection efforts are conducted in compliance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act of 1977 and are HIPAA compliant. Capital Accounts regularly makes percentage based contributions to charitable organizations.

Commonwealth Financial Systems, Inc

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Commonwealth Financial Systems is a medium third party Debt collection agency and their services are offered nationwide. Their diversified client base includes Debt Purchasers, Financial, Retail, Commercial, Government, and Medical Clients. Commonwealth Financial Services is a late-stage, or junk, debt collector. That means some of the debts they collect on have been purchased from other collection agencies.


Phone Number: (800) 848-2170

Mailing Address: 245 Main St, Dickson City, PA 18519

Notes: Commonwealth has served clients for over 25 years. They have a B rating with the BBB and are not accredited. They offer a free online payment service to resolve your debt without speaking to a collector.

Capital Management Services, LP

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Capital Management Services L.P. is a nationally licensed is a third-party debt collections agency, providing delinquent receivables resolution. Their Prospective Clients page says they are available to accept delinquent accounts from virtually any type of merchant or business.  CMS claims it uses an Intelligent system. It is a computer system that thinks and reacts like a collections expert, making instant decisions that are typically routine and time consuming.


Phone Number: 716-871-9050

Mailing Address:  698 1/2 S Ogden St. Buffalo, NY 14206

Notes: Capital Management Services claims to have taken the security components critical and instilled these requirements including data control and physical security and has a detailed disaster recovery plan. They were established in 2000.  According to the Better Business Bureau website they have an A+ rating but are not accredited.


  • D.B.F. Collection Corp Mailing Address: P.O. Box 447 Hewlett, NY 11557 Phone: (516) 295-4636  PFD: Unknown
  • DBG Collection Inc.
  • DCM Services Mailing Address: 7601 Penn Ave S, A600, Minneapolis, MN 55423 Phone: 1-877-326-8786 PFD: Unknown
  • Debt Assistance Group, LLC
  • Debt Recovery Solutions, LLC Mailing Address: 6800 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 113E, Syosset NY 11791 Phone: (800) 851 – 9592 PFD: Unknown
  • Del Mar Recovery Solutions
  • Delivery Financial Services Mailing Address: 3710 West Greenway Road, Suite 131, Phoenix, Arizona 85053 Phone: 1 (877) 348-1146 PFD: Unknown
  • Dell Financial Services
  • Delmarva Collections, Inc. Mailing Address: 820 East Main Street, Salisbury, Maryland 21804 Phone: 410-546-3005 PFD: Unknown
  • Delta Management Associates, Inc.  Mailing Address:  100 Everett Ave #6, Chelsea, MA 02150 Phone:  (800) 688-6337 PFD: Unknown
  • Delta Outsource Group  Mailing Address: 62 N Central Dr, O’Fallon, MO 63366  Phone: (800) 364-1895  PFD: Unknown
  • Denovus Corporation, Ltd.
  • DeVille Asset Management Mailing Address: 1800 Route 34 Building 3 Suite 305, Wall, NJ 07719 Phone: 1-800-558-4027 PFD: Yes
  • Diaz & Associates  Mailing Address: 17671 Irvine Blvd. Ste 212 Tustin, CA. 92780  Phone:  (877) 544-2728  PFD: Unknown
  • Diversified Adjustment Service, Inc. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 32145Fridley, MN 5543 Phone: 1-800-279-3733 PFD: Unknown
  • Diversified Collections, Inc.
  • Diversified Consultants Inc Mailing Address: PO Box 679543, Dallas, TX 75267-9543 Phone: (877) 302-9264 – PFD: Yes
  • Diversified Recovery Bureau Mailing Address: PO Box 28, West Seneca NY 14224 Phone: (888) 612-3634 PFD: Unknown
  • DRS Bonded Collection Systems
  • Dutchess Bureau of Medical Economics Inc.
  • Dynamic Recovery Solutions, LLC (DRS) Mailing Address: 135 Interstate Blvd. Greenville, SC 29615 – Phone: 1-844-735-9451 PFD: Unknown
  • Dynia & Associates Mailing Address:  1400 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018  Phone: (877) 314-4308  PFD: Unknown

Dynamic Recovery Solutions

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Dynamic Recovery Solutions provides nationwide consumer and commercial collection services to organizations including Banking, Student Loans, Health Care, Retail, Telecommunications, Utilities, Legal, and Real Estate.


Phone Number: (800) 858-4472

Mailing Address: 4850 E. Street Road, Suite 300  Trevose, PA 19053

Notes:  Alliance One has an A+ rating with the BBB.  It is a debt collector but not the owner of any debt.


  • E.R.I.-Estate Recoveries, Inc.
  • Eagle Accounts Group, Inc. Mailing Address: PO Box 17400, Indianapolis, IN 46217 Phone: 888-322-3245 PFD: Unknown
  • Eastpoint Recovery Systems Mailing Address: 1738 Elmwood Avenue, Suite 104, Buffalo, NY 14207 Phone: (800) 459-2417   PFD: Unknown
  • Eastern Asset Services Mailing Address:  PO Box 1177 Park Ave Ste 5 PMB 151 Orange Park, FL 32073 Phone:  844-836-6228  PFD: Unknown
  • Eastern Account System, Inc. Mailing Address: 111 Park Ridge Rd Brookfield, CT 06804 Phone:  (800) 750-6343 PFD: Unknown
  • Eastern Associates Inc.
  • Eastern Collection Corporation
  • Eastern Revenue Inc. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 777 Horsham, PA 19044 Phone: 866-337-8875 PFD: Unknown
  • Eastern Shore Services
  • Eddie Bauer
  • Edward Sloan and Associates Mailing Address: PO.Box 788, Winnsboro, TX. 75494-0788 Phone: (888) 322-3402 x108  PFD: Unknown
  • Edwin A. Abrahamsen & Associates, P.C.
  • Element Global Services Mailing Address:  Phone:  PFD: Unknown
  • Elevate Recoveries, LLC  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 910009, Sherman, Texas 75091 Phone: (866)324-7040 PFD:  Unknown
  • Elite Recovery Services Mailing Address: 8035 E R L Thornton Fwy. Dallas, TX 75228 Phone: (888) 511-7251 PFD: Unknown
  • Encore Receivable Management
  • Endpoint Resolution Services Mailing Address:  266 Elmwood Ave. Suite 748 Buffalo, NY 14222 Phone: (844) 786-7790   PFD: Unknown
  • Enhanced Recovery Company, LLC (ERC) 800-617-0049 PFD: Yes
  • Enterprise Recovery Systems, Inc.
  • EOS CCA (877) 395-5997 PFD: Yes
  • Erin Capital Management
  • ESR Agency Inc.
  • Excuria Recovery Services, LLC
  • ExlService.Com India-Private Limited Mailing Address: 320 Park Avenue, 29th Floor, New York, NY 10022, USA Phone: +1 212-277-7100  PFD: Unknown


Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: EOS CCA is a professional debt collection company. They specialize in collecting payments of debts owed by individuals or businesses. They act under an agreement to work directly for the original service provider (such as banks, colleges and universities, student loan lenders, telecommunications companies, and other companies) They work on behalf of the original supplier based on a Debt Assignment Agreement.


Phone Number: (877) 395-5997

Mailing Address: PO Box 329, Norwell, MA 02061

Notes:  EOS CCA was originally founded as a Collection Company of America in 1991 and has specialized in receivables collection since then.  They are part of the EOS Group, with 50 companies operating in over 25 countries.  This business is not BBB accredited.


  • F.D.R. Credit Recovery Limited
  • Fair Collections and Outsourcing Mailing Address: 12304 Baltimore Ave.Suite #E, Beltsville, MD 20705 Phone: 877-324-7959 PFD: Unknown
  • FBCS  Mailing Address: 330 S Warminster Road, Suite 353, Hatboro, PA 19040 Phone: (866) 594-8640  PFD: Unknown
  • Feldman & Stern
  • F.H. Cann & Associates, Inc.    Mailing Address: 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2-120 North Andover, MA 01845  Phone:   (877) 750-9804  PFD: Unknown
  • Field Adjustment Bureau, Inc.
  • Fidelity National Collections (800) 860-9701 PFD: Yes
  • Fifth Third Bank  Mailing Address: Phone:  (877) 534-2264   PFD: Unknown
  • Financial Asset Management Systems Mailing Address: 665 Molly Lane, Suite 110 Woodstock, GA 30189 Phone: (678) 254-3307  PFD: Unknown
  • Financial Corporation of America (FCOA) Mailing Address: 12515 Research Blvd Bldg 2, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78759 Phone: 800.880.8200 PFD: Unknown
  • Financial Health Strategies, Inc.
  • Financial Management Solutions, LLC
  • Financial Management Systems, Inc . Mailing Address: 1100 W. Lake Cook Rd. Buffalo Grove, IL 60089  Phone: (800) 605-9817  PFD: Unknown
  • Financial Recoveries Mailing Address: 200 East Park DriveSuite 100, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 Phone: 800-334-8814 PFD: Unknown
  • First Credit Services Mailing Address: 9 Wills WayPiscataway, NJ 08854 Phone: 1-800-606-7066 PFD: Yes
  • First National Credit Card  Mailing Address: PO Box 5097 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5097 Phone: (888) -883-9824 PFD: Unknown
  • First Platinum Corporation
  • First Premier Bank Mailing Address:  Phone: (800) 501-6535 PFD: Unknown
  • Firstsource Advantage LLC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 628, Buffalo, NY 14240-0628 Phone:  PFD: Unknown
  • FirstStates Financial Services Corp.  Mailing Address: 200 Reading Ave Ste 201 West Reading, PA 19611 Phone: 866-328-7792  PFD: Unknown  
  • Flexible Financial Corp. Mailing Address: 17952 S. Avalon Blvd. Carson, CA 90746 Phone: 310-715-1112 PFD: Unknown
  • Focus Receivables Management, LLC
  • Forest Recovery Services  Mailing Address:  PO Box 1580 Clover, SC 29710 Phone: (877) 276-1066 PFD: Unknown
  • Forever 21
  • Fortune Portfolio Management Inc.
  • Forster and Garbus, LLP Mailing Address: 60 Motor Parkway, Commack, New York 11725 Phone: (800) 245-9943 PFD: Unknown
  • Fortiva Financial
  • Foster and Monroe, LLC  Mailing Address: PO Box 1031 West Seneca, NY 14224 Phone: 855-304-5142  PFD: Unknown
  • Franklin Collection Services Mailing Address: 2978 West Jackson Street P.O. Box 3910 Phone: 800-262-7590 PFD: Unknown
  • Franklin Credit Solutions
  • Frontier Financial Group
  • Frost-Arnett Company Mailing Address: PO Box 198988 Nashville, TN 37219 Phone: 1 877-753-9851 PFD: Unknown
  • Fundamental Business Service, Inc. Mailing Address: 14 Front Street, Suite 107 Hempstead, NY 11550 Phone: 800-272-1635  PFD: Unknown

Financial Business and Consumer Solutions

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Founded in 1982 as Federal Bond Collection Services, FBCS changed its name in 2014 to Financial Business and Consumer Solutions. They are a nationally licensed and bonded third party debt collection agency offering pre-charge off, early out, and third party collection services for clients across a variety of industry verticals, including major banks, credit cards, medical bills/healthcare, commercial, auto, student loans/education, and utilities.


Phone Number: (866) 594-8640

Mailing Address:  330 S Warminster Road, Suite 353,  Hatboro, PA 19040

Notes:  FBCS is a family owned company with more than 30 years’ experience servicing accounts. They have an A rating with the BBB and are accredited. They offer several helpful links on their website to help you understand your situation and  learn to get out of debt.


  • Gatestone & Co. Mailing Address; 260 – 455 N 3RD STREET, PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85004 Phone: 800-900-4238 PFD: Unknown
  • Genesee Valley Associates
  • Genesis Credit Management Mailing Address: PO Box 3630 Everett, WA 98213 Phone: 866.863.9194 PFD: Unknown
  • General Revenue Corporation Mailing Address: 4660 Duke Dr. Suite 200 Mason, OH 45040-8466 Phone: (800) 234-6258 PFD: Unknown
  • Gentran Management, LLC
  • GLA Collection Company Mailing Address: PO BOX 588, GREENSBURG, IN 47240-0588 Phone: (502) 267-7522 PFD: Unknown
  • Glass Mountain Capital Mailing Address: 1375 E Woodfield Rd Suite 400 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Phone: 877-214-0276 PFD: Unknown
  • Glenn Associates Mid-Atlantic, Inc.
  • Global Alliance Credit Corporation  Mailing Address: 1225 Franklin Avenue Suite 325. Garden City, Ny 11530 Phone:  (516) 221-7766  PFD: Unknown
  • Global Credit & Collection Corp.
  • Global Credit Network, L.L.C. Mailing Address; 656 Quince Orchard Rd. Suite 620 Gaithersburg, MD 20878  Phone; (888) 488-2770   PFD: Unknown
  • GM Financial
  • Gragil & Associates  Mailing Address: PO Box 1010, Pembroke, MA 02359  Phone: 800-336-0299  PFD: Unknown
  • Graydon Associates, Ltd.
  • Greenberg, Grant & Richards Mailing Address: 5858 Westheimer Rd. Houston, TX. 77057  Phone: (888) 961-1000 PFD: Unknown
  • Grimley Financial  Mailing Address: 1415 Route 70 East Suite LL-5 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034  Phone: 800-673-1414  PFD: Unknown
  • Guardian Recovery Solutions
  • Gulf Coast Collection Bureau Mailing Address: Gulf Coast Collection Bureau P.O. Box 987 Tallevast, FL 34270 Phone: 1.866.991.7360 PFD: Unknown
  • Gurstel Law Firm Mailing Address: Phone: PFD: Unknown


  • Halsted Financial Services  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 828 Skokie, IL 60076 Phone:  (855) 284-0831 PFD: Unknown
  • Harris & Harris Mailing Address: 111 W. Jackson Blvd, Suite 400, Chicago, IL 60604 Phone: 1-800-362-0097 PFD: Unknown
  • Harvest Recovery Services, LLC
  • Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group Mailing Address: P.O. Box 459080 Sunrise, FL 33345-9080 Phone: 800-984-9115   PFD: Unknown
  • Heritage Financial Recovery Services Mailing Address: 600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 304, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Phone: 800-325-3440 PDF: Unknown
  • Hill Top Collections, Inc.
  • Hillcrest Davidson and Associates  Mailing Address: 715 N Glenville – Suite 450 Richardson, TX 75081  Phone: 866-524-9866  PFD: Unknown
  • Holloway Credit Solutions Mailing Address: 1286 Carmichael Way,  Montgomery, AL 36106 Phone: 800-264-2700 PFD: Unknown
  • Honda Financial Services
  • HP Sears Mailing Address: 2000 18th Street – Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 888-766-5981 PFD: Unknown
  • HSS Collection Agency   Mailing Address:  605 Broad Avenue , Suite 106 Ridgefield,N.J.07657 Phone: (800) 624-0792 PFD: Unknown
  • Hunter Warfield, Inc. Mailing Address: 4620 Woodland Corporate Blvd. Tampa, FL 33614 – Phone: (888) 486-8927 PFD: Yes

Hunter Warfield

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Hunter Warfield provides collection services over a wide range of businesses and industries, including property management companies; funeral homes; medical and healthcare service providers; financial services companies, including deficiency accounts for personal, business, and commercial loans; lines of credit; home equity deficiencies; and credit card lenders. HWI also provides commercial collection services for business-to-business account delinquencies.


Phone Number:  (888) 486-8927

Mailing Address: 4620 Woodland Corporate Blvd. Tampa, FL 33614

Notes:  Hunter Warfield has a B rating with the BBB.  The company acts as a third-party collections agency. That means it doesn’t buy debts, so it’s under less pressure to collect.


  • IC Systems, Inc. 1-800-443-4123 PFD: Unknown
  • IDT Carmel Inc.
  • Image Capital Management, Inc.
  • Immediate Credit Recovery Mailing Address: PO Box 965156, Marietta, GA 30066 Phone: 866-401-7190 PFD: Unknown
  • Imperial Credit Systems
  • Independent Recovery Resources, Inc.  Mailing Address: 414 S. Service Rd. # 309 Patchogue NY 11772 Phone: (866) 271-6721   PFD: Unknown
  • Ingram & Associates
  • Integrated Asset Recovery, LLC
  • Integrated Collections Group, LLC
  • Integrated Commercial Enterprises Ltd
  • International Recovery Associates, Inc.  Mailing Address: 195 Smithtown Blvd. Nesconset, NY 11767 Phone: 800-729-3500   PFD: Unknown
  • Interstate Credit & Collection, Inc.
  • Island National Group, LLC
  • IQ Data Corp  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 340 Bothell, WA 98041-0340 Phone: (888) 248-2509  PFD: Unknown

Immediate Credit Recovery

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Immediate Credit Recovery is a private debt collection agency  They serve over 400 institutions of higher education including federal student loans default, healthcare providers, several different federal and state government agencies, including the Department of Education and commercial entities across the nation.


Phone Number: 866-401-7190

Mailing Address: PO Box 965156, Marietta, GA 30066

Notes:  ICR was founded in 1990 and has an A+ accredited rating with the BBB.  ICR does not offer any language access services other than English.


  • J.C. Christensen & Associates, Inc.
  • Jack Harris Inc. Mailing Address: 8855 Annapolis Rd Ste 107, Lanham, MD 20706 Phone: (301) 577-2666 PFD: Unknown
  • Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC 1-833-851-5552 PFD: Yes
  • Jenn-Way Recovery Bureau
  • Jersey Coast Associates, Inc.
  • JJC Collections, LLC
  • JKM Credit Services LLC  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 38 • Drums, Pennsylvania 18222-0038 Phone:  800-542-5173  PFD: Unknown
  • JL1 Consulting LLC
  • JPL Recovery Solutions  Mailing Address; 3840 E Robinson Rd Suite 324 Amherst, NY 14228  Phone: 877-350-2926  PFD: Unknown

Jack Harris, Inc.

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Jack Harris is a collection agency for Medical billing facilities and managing, collecting property management debt and recovering NSF checks…


Phone Number: (301) 577-2666 

Mailing Address: 8855 Annapolis Rd Ste 107, Lanham, MD 20706

Notes:  Since 1966, Jack Harris Inc. has partnered with organizations throughout Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C. to collect on accounts that are often considered “uncollectible.” They have an A rating with the BBB but are not accredited. Offer Bilingual collectors.


  • Kansas Counselors Mailing Address: PO BOX 14765Shawnee Mission, KS 66285 Phone: (888) 536-9852 PFD: Unknown
  • KB Merrill Associates, LLC
  • Kessler & Mortorano Associates, LLC
  • Key Recovery Group, LLC
  • Keystone Collection Services, LLC  Mailing Address: 664 Furnace Hills Pike, Lititz, PA 17543 USA  Phone: (888) 390-4860 PFD: Unknown
  • Keystone Credit Collections Inc.  Mailing Address: P.O. box 707, Richland, PA. 17078 Phone: (844) 391-0721 PFD: Unknown
  • Kirk & Newman, LLC
  • Kohl’s
  • Kopp Collection Service, Incorporated  Mailing Address:  PO Box 2367, Syracuse, NY 13220  Phone: (315) 701-1068  PFD: Unknown
  • Kramer & Associates  Mailing Address:  302 W. Main St.  Suite 101, Avon, CT 06001 Phone: (860) 409.7639 PFD: Unknown


  • Lamont, Hanley & Associates Mailing Address: 1138 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03101 Phone: 1-800-639-2204 PFD: Unknown
  • Lane Bryant
  • Law Enforcement Systems, Inc.  Mailing Address: 30-00 47th Avenue, 7th Floor, Long Island City , NY 11101 Phone: (718) 729-3895  PFD: Unknown
  • Law Office of John E. Lindner, PA  Mailing Address: 1410 Crain Highway North, Suite 3-B Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Phone: 410-453-4123  PFD: Unknown
  • Law Offices of Bradley J. Rephen, P.C.
  • Law Offices of Burr & Reid, LLP  Mailing Address: Post Office Box 2308, Binghamton, New York 13902-2308  Phone: (607) 798-1521  PFD: Unknown
  • Law Offices of Heidi S. Kenny, LLC  Mailing Address: 11426 York Road, First Floor Cockeysville, MD 21030  Phone:  (410) 415.7071  PFD: Unknown
  • Legal Servicing, LLC  Mailing Address: 2801 Wherle Drive, Suite 5, Williamsville, New York 14221  Phone: (716) 565-9300   PFD: Unknown
  • Lemore Management Services Inc.
  • LHR Inc.
  • Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP Mailing Address: 2777 N. Stemmons Freeway Suite 1000 Dallas, TX 75207 Phone: 800.441.0960 PFD: Unknown
  • Lionstone Holdings Group
  • Louisiana Recovery Services Mailing Address: 1304 Bertrand Drive, Suite F-4Lafayette, LA 70506 Phone: 1-877-277-6300 PFD: Unknown
  • Lyon Collection Services, Inc.  Mailing Address: 7924 West Sahara Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89117 Phone: (800) 935.5966  PFD: Unknown
  • LVNV Funding LLC 1-888-665-0374 PFD: Yes

Lamont, Hanley & Associates

  • Website:
  • Mailing Address: 1138 Elm Street, Manchester, NH 03101
  • Phone: 1-800-639-2204
  • Accept PFD?  Unknown

Lane Bryant

  • Website:
  • Mailing Address: PO Box 659728, San Antonio, TX 78265-9728
  • Phone: 1-800-888-4163
  • Accept PFD?  Unknown
  • Read Our Full Review

Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson is a law firm specializing in the collection of government debts such as taxes, traffic citations, parking tickets, and tolls.


Phone Number: 800.441.0960

Address: 2777 N. Stemmons Freeway Suite 1000 Dallas, TX 75207

Notes:  They are rated A+ by the BBB.  Some of the taxes they collect are income tax and property tax, although they mostly handle property taxes in Texas.

LVNV Funding LLC

Accept Pay for Delete?  Yes, they automatically delete when you pay.

Overview: LVNV Funding is a collection agency based in Las Vegas that primarily collects for Credit One Bank.  LVNV owns your debt but they use Resurgent Capital Services to administer and collect your debt.


Phone Number: 1-888-665-0374

Address: PO Box 10584, Greenville SC 29603-0584

Notes:  Sometimes you can negotiate with them.  We’ve seen reports they will take anywhere from a 10% to 70% discount to settle debt.  Be sure to open an account with Resurgent Capital for the best settlement options.

Read Our Full Review

Lamont, Hanley & Associates, Inc

Accept Pay for Delete?  Yes, they automatically delete when you pay.

Overview: Lamont, Hanley & Associates, Inc., is a national company specializing in accounts receivables management solutions. This company is a debt collection for doctors and insurance companies.Their methodology provides their customers with results in clearing their balance in a non-confrontational, business-like manner.


Phone Number: 1-800-639-2204

Mailing Address: 1138 Elm Street, Manchester, NH 03101

Notes:  Lamont, Hanley & Associates, Inc was established in 1991 and has an A+ rating with the BBB.  All of the collectors are certified by ACA International or the International Association of Commercial Collectors.  They offer Collections Seminars, Training and Monthly Newsletters to keep you informed. They ensure that the information they collect is secure.


  • M & L Recoveries, Inc.
  • MRS Associates, Inc. (888) 334-5677 PFD: Unknown
  • Macy’s
  • Mancing & Associates, Inc.
  • Mandarich Law Group Mailing Address: PO Box 109032 Chicago, IL 60610 Phone: 855-441-5983 PFD: Unknown
  • Marcam Associates Mailing Address: PO Box 60 Rochester, NH 03866-0060 Phone: (800) 638-1005 PFD: Unknown
  • Marel Associates  Mailing Address:  208 Route 109, Ste. 108, Farmingdale, NY  11735  Phone: (718) 445-1000 PFD: Unknown
  • MARS Collection Agency Phone: 918-748-8444 PFD: Yes
  • Maryland Medical Collections
  • MCU Holdings  Mailing Address:  7551 Wiles Road Suite 101 Coral Springs, FL 33067 Phone: (866) 432-3368  PFD: Unknown
  • MBI Associates Inc.
  • MBS Credit & Collection Solutions
  • Medical & Hospital Credit Exchange
  • Medical Bureau of Pittsburgh  Mailing Address:  4227 Steubenville Pike, Pittsburgh, PA. 15205  Phone: (412) 539-0990   PFD: Unknown
  • Medical Data Systems, Inc. Mailing Address: 2001 9th Avenue, Suite 312,  Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Phone: 888-773-2255 PFD: Unknown
  • Medical Financial Solutions
  • Medical Practice Management Associates, Inc  Mailing Address: 3330 Cumberland Blvd SE  Suite 200  Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone: (770) 951-8427  PFD: Unknown
  • Medicredit PFD: Unknown
  • Mid-Continent Credit Services
  • Midwest Recovery Systems Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 899Florissant, MO 63032 Phone: 888-253-3440 PFD: Unknown
  • Mercantile Adjustment Bureau, LLC  Mailing Address:  165 Lawrence Bell Drive, Suite 100, Williamsville, NY 14221 Phone: (800) 480-7094  PFD: Unknown
  • Merit Recovery Systems
  • Metropolitan Adjustment Bureau, Inc.
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc. (MCM) Mailing Address: 350 Camino De La Reina #100, San Diego, CA 92108 – Phone: (800) 296-2657 – PFD: Yes
  • Midland Funding LLC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 939069 San Diego, California 92193 Phone: (800) 296-2657 – PFD: Yes
  • Midpoint Resolution Group. LLC
  • MG Credit  Mailing Address:  5115 San Juan Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32210 Phone: 1 (800) 387-6503  PFD: Unknown
  • Monarch Recovery Management Mailing Address: 3260 Tillman Drive Suite 75, Bensalem, PA 19020 Phone: (800) 220-0605 PFD: Unknown
  • Monterey Financial Services Mailing Address: 4095 Avenida De La Plata, Oceanside, CA 92056 Phone: (800) 456-2225 PFD: Unknown
  • Montgomery Collections, Inc  Mailing Address: 1755 North University Drive, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024 Phone: (888) 378-8100  PFD: Unknown
  • Morgan & Curtis Associates, Inc. Mailing Address:  95 Broadway, Hicksville, New York 11801 Phone:  (800)  933-8710  PFD: Unknown
  • MSW Capital, LLC

Midwest Recovery Systems, DBA CACi aka Consumer Adjustment Company, Inc

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: CACi or Consumer Adjustment Company, Inc. is a professional debt collector and has purchased the assets of Midwest Recovery Systems, LLC.  CACi will assist you with the resolution of your debt. Your current repayment arrangement will continue to be honored and processed. The only change is you will see CACi or Consumer Adjustment Company, Inc. as the payment processor on your bank statements.


Phone Number: (888) 253-3440

Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 899, Florissant, MO 63032

Notes:  Midwest has 25 years of experience in the debt collection industry. Consumer Adjustment Company, Inc has been in business 53 years and has the same phone #.  Consumer Adjustment Company, Inc has an A+ rating with the BBB and is accredited. Midwest has a F rating with the BBB and are not accredited.

Mercantile Adjustment Bureau

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Mercantile Adjustment Bureau is a full service collection agency.  They service many of our nation’s most recognized banks, financial institutions, retailers, universities, and debt purchasers.


Phone Number: (800) 480-7094

Mailing Address: 165 Lawrence Bell Dr. Ste 100. Buffalo, NY 14221-7900.

Notes:  MACL was originally founded in 2001  This organization Has an A+ rating and is not BBB accredited.  They offer several helpful links on their website to help you understand your situation and learn to get out of debt.


  • National Action Financial Services, Inc.
  • National Asset Management
  • National Bond & Collection Associates, Inc  Mailing Address: 210 Division St. Kingston, PA  18704 Phone: (570) 287-6023   PFD: Unknown
  • National Bureau Collection Corp.
  • National Credit Systems, Inc. (NCS) Mailing Address: P.O. Box 312125 Atlanta, GA 31131 Phone: (404) 629-9595 PFD: No
  • National Enterprise Systems, Inc. (NES) Mailing Address: 29125 Solon Road, Solon, OH 44139 Phone: (800) 973-0600 PFD: Unknown
  • National Financial Group, Inc.  Mailing Address: 100 Hartsfield Centre Parkway Suite 475 Atlanta, GA 30354 Phone: (404) 865-3105  PFD: Unknown
  • National Financial Systems, Inc.
  • National Management Recovery Corp.  Mailing Address:  5571 N. University Drive, Suite 203, Coral Springs, FL 33067  Phone: 866-384-1689  PFD: Unknown
  • National Principal Group
  • National One Credit Corp.
  • National Recovery Agency Mailing Address: P.O. Box 67015Harrisburg, PA 17106-7015 Phone: 800-773-4503 PFD: Unknown
  • National Recovery Solution  Mailing Address: 6425 Dysinger Road Lockport, NY 14094  Phone: +1 (855) 677-4026  PFD: Unknown
  • Nations Recovery Center
  • Nationwide Credit & Collection  Mailing Address:  815 Commerce Dr.  Suite 270 Oak Brook, IL 60523  Phone: 888-348-4524  PFD: Unknown
  • Nationwide Debt Management Solutions
  • Navient
  • NCB Management Services, Inc. (NCBI) Mailing Address: 1 Allied Drive, Feasterville-Trevose, PA 19053 Phone: 1-800-828-1110 PFD: Unknown
  • NCC Business Services Mailing Address: PO Box 15630Wilmington, DE, 19850 Phone: 1-877-865-7686 PFD: Unknown
  • NCO Financial Systems, Inc.
  • Nelson Cruz & Associates   Mailing Address:  9535 Forest Lane, Suite 114 Dallas, Texas 75243-6129  Phone: (888) 757-3930  PFD: Unknown
  • New Era Asset Management Mailing Address: Phone: (844) 853-3670 PFD: Unknown
  • New Century Financial Services Inc. Mailing Address: 7 Entin Road, 1st Floor, Parsippany, NJ 07054  Phone:  (888) 989-8300   PFD: Unknown
  • New Jersey Automotive Accounts Management Co., Inc.
  • Niagara Credit Solutions, Inc. Mailing Address:  1212 Abbott Rd, Suite D Lackawanna, New York 14218   Phone:  (888) 841-3131  PFD: Unknown
  • North American Collection Agency, Inc.  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 182221 · Chattanooga, TN 37422  Phone: 800.467.5654  PFD: Unknown
  • North American Recovery Mailing Address: 1600 West 2200 South Suite 410 West Valley City UT 84119 Phone: 800.364.6445 PFD: Unknown
  • North Eastern Asset Recovery, Inc.
  • North Shore Agency, Inc. Mailing Address: Phone: PFD: Unknown
  • Northpoint Recovery Service
  • Northstar Location Services, LLC Mailing Address: 4285 Genesee Street, Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Phone: 1.877.630.6700 PFD: Unknown
  • Northwood Asset Management Group, LLC  Mailing Address:  235 College Parkway Suite 200 Williamsville, NY 14221  Phone: 855-200-5999  PFD: Unknown
  • Notte Agency, Inc. Mailing Address:  250 Half Mile Rd, Red Bank, NJ 07701 Phone: (732) 747-9020  PFD: Unknown

National Enterprise Systems

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: NES is a third-party debt collection agency and attempts to collect debts that have been purchased at a low rate from creditors. They operate in all fifty states and offer services to credit grantors nationwide from the financial services (banks), retail stores, automotive, and telecommunications industries as well as higher education clients (schools)  and government agencies.


Phone Number: (800) 973-0600

Mailing Address: 29125 Solon Road, Solon, OH 44139

Notes:  National Enterprise Systems, Inc. (NES) was established in 1987. They have a A+ rating with the BBB.

National Recovery Agency

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: National Recovery Agency is a medium size company and resolves financial obligations. They aggressively provide third party debt collection services, skip tracing and credit bureau reporting, and litigation of accounts as necessary.  They’ll service and collect on a variety of consumer debt accounts including education, financial, healthcare, retail, telecommunications, government, utilities, and many more.


Phone Number: (800) 773-4503

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 67015, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7015

Notes:  NRA has been in business since 1976. They are accredited with the BBB and has an A+ rating. If they’re unable to collect payment they can legally sell the rights to your account to yet another collection agency.  They offer several helpful links on their website to help you understand your situation and  learn to get out of debt.

Northstar Location Services, LLC

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: The Northstar Companies provides a full-service third party debt collection agency, servicing the U.S.. It buys collection accounts from and works on a contingency basis for major credit card issuers, including Discover.


Phone Number: 1.877.630.6700

Mailing Address: 4285 Genesee Street, Cheektowaga, NY 14225

Notes:  NLS has 50 years of industry experience.  They have an A+ rating with the BBB but are not accredited. They may be working on behalf of a creditor as an outside collection agent.


  • Oliphant Financial Corporation  Mailing Address:  PO Box 740882 Atlanta, GA 30374-0882  Phone: 800.262.1999  PFD: Unknown
  • Omnipoint Capital  Mailing Address: 2303 Union Road West Seneca, NY 14224 USA  Phone: (866) 480-6142  PFD: Unknown
  • Omni Credit Management, Inc.  Mailing Address: 12800 Frederick Road, Suite #130 West Friendship, MD 21794 Phone: (866) 984-6900  PFD: Unknown
  • One Main Financial  Mailing Address:  601 N.W. Second Street Evansville, IN 47708-1013 Phone: 800-290-7002  PFD: Unknown
  • Oracle Financial Group, LLC Mailing Address: 226 W. Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone: 215.546.2933 PFD: Unknown
  • Optimum Outcomes, Inc. Mailing Address: Optimum Outcomes, Inc. PO Box 58015 Raleigh, NC 27658 Phone: (877) 795-9819 PFD: Yes
  • Outsource Receivables Management  Mailing Address: 1349 Washington Blvd. Ogden, Utah 84404  Phone: (800) 325-2702  PFD: Unknown
  • Overton, Russell, Doerr and Donovan  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 437  Clifton Park, NY 12065 Phone: (888) 708-5088  PFD: Unknown
  • Oxford Law
  • Oxford Management Services

Optimum Outcomes, Inc.

Accept Pay for Delete?  Yes

Overview: Optimum Outcomes Inc. specializes in hospital patient insurance resolutions. In addition, their debt account resolution services include Skip tracing, Adverse credit reporting, and Third party liability account resolution.


Phone Number: (877) 795-9819

Address: PO Box 58015  Raleigh, NC 27658

Notes:  They are rated F by the BBB.  All Optimum Outcomes workflows and technology interchanges have been built for HIPAA compliance.


  • P.D.A.B., Inc.
  • PaidHarbor f/k/a Credit Bureau
  • Palisades Collections, LLC
  • Paragon Asset Recovery Services, Inc. Mailing Address:  Phone: (800) 723.1864  PFD: Unknown
  • Paragon Revenue Group  Mailing Address: 216 Le Phillip Ct. Concord, NC 28025  Phone: (800) 868-1899  PFD: Unknown
  • Paralegal Debt Recovery Solutions, LLC
  • Paramount Capital Group, Inc. Mailing Address: 1150 First Avenue, Suite 1001 King of Prussia, PA 19406 Phone: 800-924-7492 PFD: Unknown
  • Paramount Recovery Systems Mailing Address: 7524 Bosque Blvd. Suite L, Waco, TX 76712 Phone: 1 866 250 7007 PFD: Unknown
  • Parker Collection Agency
  • Patenaude & Felix Mailing Address: 9619 Chesapeake Drive Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92123 Phone: 1-800-832-7675 PFD: Unknown
  • Patient Accounts Bureau
  • Paul Michael Marketing Service, Inc.
  • Peerless Credit Services, Inc.
  • Penn Credit Corporation Mailing Address: 2800 Commerce Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17110 Phone: (800) 900-1380 PFD: No
  • Penncro Associates, Inc.
  • Pentagroup Financial, LLC
  • Performant Recovery
  • Peroutka & Peroutka, P.A.
  • Peters & Dean Collection Services, Inc.
  • Peter Roberts & Associates
  • Petron Associates, LLC
  • Phillips & Burns, LLC
  • Phillips & Cohen Associates, Ltd.
  • Phoenix Financial Services, LLC Mailing Address: PO Box 361450, Indianapolis, IN 46236 Phone: (855) 342-6567 PFD: Yes
  • Pier One Imports
  • Pierce Hamilton Stone Collections Ltd.
  • Pinnacle Recovery Mailing Address: P.O. Box 130848 Carlsbad, CA  92013-0848 Phone: 760-929-6685 PFD: Unknown
  • Pioneer Credit Recovery, Inc. Mailing Address: 20 Parker Lane, Perry,NY 14530 Phone: 800-836-2442 PFD: Unknown
  • Platinum Holding Group
  • Plaza Associates
  • Plaza Services LLC Mailing Address: 110 Hammond Drive, Suite 110 Atlanta, GA 30328 Phone: (877) 475-1103 PFD: Yes
  • PMAB Mailing Address: 4135 South Stream Blvd., Suite 400, Charlotte NC 28217 Phone: (866)-885-7622 PFD: Unknown
  • PNC Financial Services Group
  • POM Recoveries, Inc. Mailing Address: 500 Bi County Blvd.,Suite#121,  Farmingdale, NY 11735 Phone: (855) 826-2807 PFD: Unknown
  • Portfolio Recovery Associates Inc. 1 (800) 772-1413 PFD: Yes
  • Powell, Rogers & Speaks, Inc.
  • Praxis Financial Solutions
  • Premiere Credit Mailing Address: PO Box 19309Indianapolis, IN 46219 Phone: 866-808-7118 PFD: Unknown
  • Premium Asset Services
  • Premium Receivables, LLC
  • Pressler & Pressler LLP
  • Price Parker & Associates
  • ProAcct
  • Pro Collect Mailing Address: 12170 N. Abrams Rd., Suite 100, Dallas, Texas 75243 Phone: 800.839.8186 PFD: Unknown
  • Professional Adjustment Corp of SW FL
  • Professional Bureau of Collections, Inc. of Maryland Mailing Address: 5295 DTC Parkway Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 1 (833) 325-5722 PFD: Unknown
  • Professional Claims Bureau, Inc. Mailing Address: 439 Oak Street Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: 877-247-4650 PFD: Unknown
  • Professional Credit Services, Inc. Mailing Address: 12204 SE Mill Plain Blvd, Ste. 101Vancouver, Washington 98684 Phone: (844) 639-2123 PFD: Unknown
  • Professional Debt Medication, Inc.
  • Professional Finance Company
  • Professional Recovery Associates, Inc.
  • Professional Recovery Group Inc.
  • Professional Recovery Services, Inc.
  • Professional Service Bureau Mailing Address: 911 Lund Blvd Suite 100, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 877-688-2268 PFD: Unknown
  • Professional Services of N.Y., Ltd.
  • Profit  Service Group
  • Progressive Financial Services
  • Progressive Portfolio Management, Inc.
  • Puget Sound Collections Mailing Address: 738 Broadway Suite #400, Tacoma, WA 98402-3777 Phone: 253.566.6100 PFD: Unknown

Paramount Capital Group

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Paramount Capital Group provides tuition and sales financing for CDL trade, career, and technical schools. They have 75 years of combined experience in credit and receivables management.


Phone Number: 800-924-7492

Address: 1150 First Avenue, Suite 1001 King of Prussia, PA 19406

Notes:  They are rated A+ by the BBB. Paramount offers four core services: the financing of individual loans, the underwriting and servicing of loans held by the client, the purchase of any existing client loan portfolio, and loan recovery.

Phoenix Financial Services

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Phoenix Financial Services is a Third party debt collection agency specializing in expediting the recovery of medical and student loans, as well as tax and government obligations.


Phone Number: (855) 342-6567

Mailing Address: PO Box 361450, Indianapolis, IN 46236

Notes:  Phoenix Financial Services has a B+ rating with the BBB.  They have been in business for 15 years. They have a bi-lingual collection staff.  We also provide debtors with the right tools to close the door on what can be a stressful revenue recovery process.


Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: PMAB provides third party debt collection services hospitals and large physician organizations.


Phone Number: (866)-885-7622

Mailing Address: 4135 South Stream Blvd., Suite 400, Charlotte NC 28217

Notes: PMAB was founded in 1988 in North Carolina. They have an A+ rating with the BBB and have been accredited since 2010.   They are a medium size company.

Penn Credit Corporation

Accept Pay for Delete?  No

Overview: Penn Credit is a nationwide firm providing third party collection services. They offer Pre-Collect Collections, Primary Collections, Secondary Collections, and Purchases Debt Collections.  They collect for electric, gas, and water utilities, hospital/healthcare, student loans, telecommunications, and state government such as taxes, traffic citations, parking tickets, court fines, and water, sewer, and waste management bills.


Phone Number: 800) 900-1380

Mailing Address: 2800 Commerce Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17110

Notes: Penn Credit has been in operation Since 1987, and have a B+ rating with the BBB, and are accredited.

Professional Finance Company

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: PFC is a contingency-based collection program focusing on clients past due accounts, specializing in outstanding receivables for healthcare providers, retailers, financial organizations, and government agencies   They are a Third Party Debt Collection Service, First Party billing Receivables Solutions and Debt Purchasing Agency which acquires, manages, and liquidates portfolios of defaulted receivables from credit originators.


Phone Number: 855-267-7451

Mailing Address: 5754 West 11th Street Suite 100 Greeley, CO 80634

Notes: Professional Finance Co has been in business since 1904 and has a A+ accredited rating with the BBB.   They state: Our employees have given generously of their time and financial resources to support philanthropic causes. From United Way to the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life or gathering Toys for Tots and gift boxes for our troops around the holidays.

Performant Recovery, Inc

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Performant Recovery, Inc. AKA Performance Financial AKA Performant provides debt recovery services on behalf of state and federal government agencies and commercial financiers. The Company collects unpaid student loans, delinquent state and federal non-tax debt and healthcare markets. Each has separate industry-specific complexities and regulations.


Phone Number: (866) 201-0580

Mailing Address: 333 North Canyons Parkway Suite 100 Livermore, CA 94551

Notes: Performant Recovery have been in business for 43 years and are accredited with the BBB with an A+ rating. They serve customers in the United States.  Services include skip tracing, and asset investigation to collections, loan rehabilitation, loan consolidation, administrative resolution, or administrative wage garnishment.

Paragon Revenue Group

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Paragon Revenue Group is a Third-Party and self pay collection service firm dedicated to Healthcare Collections. They have complete training in FDCPA, HIPAA, FCRA, 501r, and state specific collection laws affecting healthcare.


Phone Number:  (800) 868-1899

Mailing Address: 216 Le Phillip Ct. Concord, NC 28025

Notes: For over 30 years, Paragon Revenue Group has been in service. They have a B rating with the BBB and are not accredited. They serve Clients in 35 States, from Carolina’s to the West Coast.


  • Qualia Collection Services

  • Quality Asset Recovery, LLC Mailing Address: Po Box 239 Gibbsboro NJ 08026 Phone: (800) 796-1476 PFD: Unknown


  • R & R Professional Recovery, Inc.  Mailing Address: PO Box 21575  Pikesville, MD 21282-0575  Phone: (800) 296-6180  PFD: Unknown
  • R. A. Rogers, Inc Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3302 | Crofton, Maryland 21114 Phone: 800-830-8641  PFD Unknown
  • Radius Global Solutions Mailing Address: 7831 Glenroy Suite 250, Edina, MN 55439 – Phone: 1-888-287-5711 – PFD: Unknown
  • Rapid Recovery Solutions
  • RAS Group, Inc.
  • Rash Curtis & Associates Mailing Address: P O Box 5790 Vacaville CA 95696 Phone: 866.729.2722 PFD: Unknown
  • RCS Capital Partners  Mailing Address:  3840 East Robinson Rd #447 Amherst, NY 14228 Phone: (855) 764-8861  PFD Unknown
  • Real Time Resolutions  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 36655 Dallas, TX, 75235-1655 Phone: (877) 252-3761 PFD Unknown
  • Receivable Management Services Mailing Address: Phone: (888) 807-2576 PFD: Unknown
  • Receivable Management Systems  Mailing Address:  PO Box 73810 N. Chesterfield, VA 23235-8047  Phone: (800) 241-1611   PFD Unknown
  • Receivables Outsourcing, Inc.
  • Receivables Performance Management  Mailing Address: 20818 44th Ave W. Suite 140 Lynnwood, WA 98036  Phone:  866-269-9306    PFD Unknown
  • Receivable Solutions Mailing Address: 800 Dutch Square Boulevard, Suite 100, Columbia SC 29210 Phone: 1-803-790-0446 PFD: Unknown
  • Recovery Associates, Inc. Mailing Address: 1551 Kellum Place Mineola, New York 11501   Phone:  (516) 742-5383  PFD Unknown
  • Recovery Services International, Inc.
  • Recovery Solutions Group, LLC Mailing Address: Phone: 302-241-0686 PFD: Unknown
  • Recovery Systems Agency
  • Recovery’s Unlimited, Inc.
  • Red Cedar Associates, LLC Mailing Address: 1207 Delaware Avenue,Suite 471, Buffalo, NY 14209 Phone: 888-268-3349 PFD: Unknown
  • Redline Recovery Services, LLC
  • Regency One Capital Asset Solutions
  • Regional Adjustment Bureau Mailing Address: 4450 Sojourn Drive Suite 300 Addison, TX 75001 Phone:  800.580.0491 PFD Unknown
  • Reliant Capital Solutions, LLC Mailing Address: 670 Cross Pointe Rd. Gahanna, OH 43230 – Phone: 1-866-837-5096 PFD: Unknown
  • Regency One Capital Asset Solutions Group, LLC
  • Remex, Inc. Mailing Address: 307 Wall Street, Princeton, NJ 08540-1515 Phone: 800.562.5158 PFD: Unknown
  • Remit Corporation
  • Resource Management Group Mailing Address: 201 Broad Street, 10th Floor, Stamford, CT 06901 Phone: 203-961-7000 PFD: Unknown
  • Resurgent Capital Services Mailing Address: P.O. Box 10497 Greenville, SC 29603 Phone: 1-888-665-0374 PFD: Yes
  • Retail Recovery Service of NJ , Inc.
  • Retrieval-Masters Creditors Bureau, Inc.  Mailing Address:  200 Pemberwick Rd. Greenwich, CT 06831  Phone:  (800) 666-8097  PFD Unknown
  • Revenue Group Mailing Address: 3711 Chester Ave Cleveland, OH, 44114 Phone: 800.305.5702 PFD: Unknown
  • Revenue Enterprises Mailing Address: PO box 441368, Aurora, CO 80044 Phone: (800) 774 – 7147 PFD: Unknown
  • Rickart Collection Systems, Inc. Mailing Address: 575 Milltown Road P.O. Box 7242 North Brunswick, NJ  08902 Phone: (800) 742-5278   PFD Unknown
  • RJM Acquisitions, LLC
  • Roquemore Auto Repossession Recovery Mailing Address: Phone: (800) 500-7855 PFD: Unknown
  • RS Clark and Associates Mailing Address: 12990 Pandora, Suite 150Dallas, Texas 75238 Phone: 877.532.6133 PFD: Unknow
  • RSI Enterprises Mailing Address: 5440 W. Northern Avenue, Glendale, AZ 85301 Phone: (800) 774-4003 PFD: Unknown
  • Rubin & Raine, Inc. Mailing Address: 409 Bearden Park Circle Knoxville, TN 37919 Phone:   (800) 697-7782  PFD Unknown
  • RUI Credit Services
  • Rupp & Associates
  • Rushmore Service Center Mailing Address: 
  • 3820 N. Louise Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Phone: 1.866.950.7300 PFD: Unknown
  • Ryan & Ryan Ltd.   Mailing Address: PO box 233, Cheswick, PA 15024-0233  Phone: (724) 274-6363  PFD Unknown

Real Time Resolutions

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Real Time Resolutions is a full-service loan servicing and recovery company specializing in the collection of commercial, mortgage, auto, student, credit card, and other consumer loans.


Phone Number: (877) 252-3761

Address: P.O. Box 36655 Dallas, TX, 75235-1655

Notes:  They are rated A+ by the BBB and are a women-owned business.. They also facilitate short sales with realtors. Whether your loan is up to date, or falling behind, they offer multiple payment options including ACH, pay by phone, and recurring payments. They offer an option to resolve your account for less than you owe.  They also facilitate short sales with realtors.

Resurgent Capital Services

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Resurgent Capital Service is a  debt collection company, sometimes referred to as debt collection agencies. The creditor outsourced to RCS as a third party. That’s where a debt collection company comes in. They buy up portfolios of old debt from banks, credit card companies, hospitals, doctors, cell phone companies and car companies for pennies on the dollar.


Phone Number: 1-888-665-0374

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 10497 Greenville, SC 29603

Notes:  Resurgent Capital Service has been in business for 22 years and has a A+ rating with the BBB.  They don’t tack on additional interest or fees for paying over time through a payment plan.  They make generous contributions to local organizations in our Cincinnati, OH and Greenville, SC locations.

Revenue Group

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Revenue Group offers third party debt collections and primarily collects for Cleveland-area  hospitals and doctors’ offices and also hired by credit card companies to collect on debts. They claim to take their data storage and transference very seriously and have made sweeping changes to comply with Federal and State laws and compliant with HIPAA law.


Phone Number: 800.305.5702

Mailing Address: 3711 Chester Ave. Cleveland, OH, 44114

Notes:  Revenue Group was established in 1994.  This small company is not registered with the Better Business Bureau  They help connect the self-pay patient with a variety of financial assistance programs.

Receivables Performance Management

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: The Receivable Management Services LLC (RMS) provides debt recovery services to companies from a wide range of industries, including medical, insurance, finance, telecommunications, and retail.


Phone Number:  866-269-9306

Address: 20818 44th Ave W. Suite 140 Lynnwood, WA 98036

Notes:  They are rated A+ by the BBB.

Receivable Management Services

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: The Receivable Management Services Corporation (RMS) provides debt recovery services for past due client accounts. These industries include such as medical, insurance, finance, telecommunications, and retail..RMS claims they stay compliant with the TCPA and FDCPA.


Phone Number:  (888) 807-2576

Mailing Address: 240 Emery St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

Notes:  RMS has an A+ rating with the BBB but is not accredited. They reply to every complaint. They were established 25 years ago, Receivable Management Group is a family owned collection agency. They provide services in English and French.


  • Sallie Mae Inc  Mailing Address:  Phone: (800) 472-5543 PFD Unknown
  • Sa-Vit Collection Agency  Mailing Address: PO Box 250 East Brunswick, NJ 08816 Phone: (732) 416-3191  PFD Unknown
  • Santander Consumer USA, Inc.  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 961245  Fort Worth, TX 76161-1245  Phone:  (888) 222-4227  PFD Unknown
  • Schreiber Law Firm, PLLC Mailing Address: 53 Stiles Road, Suite A-102 Salem NH 03079  Phone: (603) 870-5333  PFD Unknown
  • Scipione, Berg & Associates, LLC
  • Scorpio Asset Management
  • Scott & Associates  Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 113297 Carrollton, TX 75011  Phone:  866-298-3155  PFD Unknown
  • Scott, Parnell & Associates
  • Seaboard Credit Service of New York, Inc.
  • Seas & Associates, LLC
  • Second Look, Inc. Mailing Address: 360 Motor Parkway, Suite 500, Hauppauge, NY 11788 Phone: 1-877-482-0004 PFD: Unknown
  • Second Round, LP Mailing Address: P.O. Box 41955 Austin, TX 78704 Phone: 1.866.950.6357 PFD: Unknown
  • Security Credit Systems, Inc. Mailing Address: 100 River Rock Drive Suite 200 Buffalo, New York 14207  Phone: (716) 882-4515  PFD Unknown
  • Security Finance  Mailing Address: PO Box 3146, Spartanburg, SC 29304  Phone: (800) 395-8195  PFD Unknown
  • Select Financial Services
  • Sentry Credit, Inc. Mailing Address:  Phone: 800-608-2581 PFD: Unknown
  • Seterus, Inc.
  • SIMM Associates Inc.  Mailing Address:  800 Pencader Dr. Newark, DE 19702  Phone: (866) 572-9376  PFD Unknown
  • Simon’s Agency, Inc  Mailing Address: PO Box 5026 Syracuse, NY 13220 Phone: (866) 454-8701  PFD Unknown
  • SKO-Brenner American  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 230 Farmingdale, New York 11735 Phone:  (866) 281-3714  PFD Unknown
  • Source Receivables Management Mailing Address:  PO BOX 4068 Greensboro, NC 27404 Phone: (877) 251-3792 PFD: Yes
  • Southern Capital Associates, Inc.
  • Southern Management Systems Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 149966 Orlando, FL 32814 Phone: 407-895-7100 PFD: Unknown
  • Southern Tier Credit Center, Inc. Mailing Address: PO Box 118, Hornell NY 14843-0118  Phone: (800)-443-3860  PFD Unknown
  • Southwest Credit Systems Mailing Address: 4120 International Parkway, Suite 1100, Carrollton, Texas 75007 Phone: 1-844-759-1986 PFD: Unknown
  • Spire Recovery Solutions Mailing Address: 57 Canal St Suite 302 Lockport NY 14094  Phone:  (844) 978-0072    PFD Unknown
  • SRA Associates, Inc. Mailing Address: 112 W. Park Dr. Suite 200 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 Phone: (800)735-0552 PFD: Unknown
  • SRS & Associates, Inc.
  • State Collection Services   Mailing Address:  2509 South Stoughton Road Madison, Wi 53716  Phone:  800-477-7474  PFD Unknown
  • Statewide Credit Services Corp.  Mailing Address:  734 Franklin Avenue, Suite 471  Garden City, NY 11530  Phone:  (516) 546-1447  PFD Unknown
  • Sterling Credit Corporation Mailing Address: PO BOX 162449 Altamonte Springs FL 32716 Phone: (877) 859-8401 PFD: Unknown
  • Strategic Recovery Systems, Inc.
  • Stellar Recovery
  • Stevens Business Service Mailing Address: 175 Cabot Street, Ste 415, Lowell, MA 01852 Phone:  1-800-769-0375 PFD: Unknown
  • Stoneleigh Recovery Associates Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1479, Lombard, IL 60148 Phone: 866-724-2330 PFD: Unknown
  • Summit Collection Services  Mailing Address:  80 Continental Drive Suite 101 Reno, NV.89509, Midtown Reno   Phone: (775) 323-1898  PFD Unknown
  • Sunrise Credit Services Inc. Mailing Address:P.O. Box 9100  Farmingdale, NY 11735 Phone: 1-800-208-8565 PFD: Unknown
  • Sure Recovery Service LLC
  • Swift Funds Financial, LLC
  • Synerprise Consulting Services, Inc. Mailing Address: 5651 Broadmoor Mission, Kansas 66202 Phone: (866) 407-0200 PFD: Unknown
  • Sysnet Credit Management, Inc.

Sunrise Credit Services

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Sunrise Credit Services provides services for retailers, banks, and other credit grantors nationwide. Sunrise Credit Services is a third-party debt collection agency.


Phone Number: (800) 208-8565

Mailing Address: 260 Airport Plaza, Farmingdale, NY 11735

Notes:  Sunrise Credit Services has an A+ rating with the BBB.  They have been in business for 44 years. Their sister company, Sunrise Capital Management, Inc., is a debt buyer that allows lenders from all industries to generate operating capital by selling off delinquent debt.

SIMM Associates

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: SIMM Associates is a family owned, medium sized company that specializes in third party debt collection agency & Recovery Services. They offer Probate / Deceased Recovery Solutions and assist customers’ families and estate managers with quickly resolving the process.  Some of the companies they collect for are financial services companies, student loans, and credit cards.


Phone Number: (866) 572-9376

Mailing Address:  800 Pencader Dr. Newark, DE 19702

Notes:  SIMM Associates has 25 years of experience and is an accredited business with the BBB and has an A+ rating. They have achieved 5 certifications that demonstrate their continued commitment to security, including being HIPAA Compliant. SIMM does not purchase their own debt.

Southwest Credit Systems

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: It is Southwest Credit Systems goal to assist you and their client, the original creditor, in resolving delinquent debt. They are a third-party debt collection agency,  provider of accounts receivable management, and consumer service solutions.  Southwest Credit Systems collects delinquent debts for unpaid traffic tolls; government agencies; utility service providers; telecommunications and cable companies; property management companies; and education lenders.


Phone Number: (844) 759-1986

Mailing Address: 4120 International Parkway, Suite 1100, Carrollton, Texas 75007

Notes:  Southwest Credit has more than 45 years of experience and collection agents are fluent in Spanish. They are BBB accredited since 8/1/1976 with a B rating.


  • Tate & Kirlin Associates, Inc.
  • TCAR Collection Services  Mailing Address:  PO Box 589, Burnt Hills, NY 12027  Phone: (518) 346-6286 PFD Unknown
  • Team Recovery Mailing Address: 3928 Clock Pointe Trail Suite 101 PO Box 1643 PO Box 1643 Phone: (330) 916-7030 PFD: Unknown
  • TekCollect Mailing Address: PO BOX 1269 Columbus, OH 43216 Phone: 866.652.6500 PFD: Unknown
  • TGA, LLC
  • The Law Offices of Scott Caruthers
  • The Law Offices of Stephen P Dewey
  • The Thomas Agency Mailing Address: PO Box 6759 Portland, ME 04103 Phone: (800) 639-2408 PFD: Unknown
  • Thomas George Associates Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30 East Northport, NY 11731 Phone: (800) 443-8338 PFD: Unknown
  • Thomson Stone Acquisitions
  • Thunderbird Collection Specialists  Mailing Address: 3200 North Hayden Road  Suite 110  Scottsdale AZ, 85251  Phone: +1 (480) 455-4520   PFD Unknown
  • TMC & Associates, LLC
  • Torres Credit Services, Inc. Mailing Address: 27 Fairview Street, Carlisle, PA 17015 Phone: 866-756-6802 PFD: Unknown
  • Total Credit Recovery USA Group Inc.  Mailing Address: 8668 Spring Mtn. Rd. Ste. 110, Las Vegas, Nevada 89117  Phone:  (800) 852-0604  PFD Unknown
  • Touchstone Asset Management, LLC
  • TrakAmerica  Mailing Address: 27500 Riverview Center Blvd., Suite 200 Bonita Springs, FL 34134  Phone:  (855) 400-3889  PFD Unknown
  • Trans-Continental Credit and Collection Corp  Mailing Address:  .44 South Broadway Suite 401, White Plains, NY 10601  Phone:  (914) 421-3000  PFD Unknown
  • Transworld Systems Inc. Mailing Address: PO Box 15618, Wilmington, DE 19850-5618 – Phone: 1-877-865-7686 – PFD: Unknown
  • Tri-County Service Bureau, Inc. Mailing Address:  24502 Three Notch Rd. Ste. 4 Hollywood, Maryland 20636  Phone: (301) 373-4840  PFD Unknown
  • Tritium Card Services, Inc.
  • TRS Recovery Services aka First Data Mailing Address: 1600 Terrell Mill Road, S.E., Suite 400, Marietta, GA 30067 Phone: PFD: Unknown
  • TrueAccord Corp. Mailing Address: 16011 College Blvd. Suite 130, Lenexa, KS 66219 Phone: 1-866-611-2731 PFD: Unknown
  • Tucker, Albin & Associates  Mailing Address:  1702 North Collins Blvd Suite 100 Richardson, TX 75080    Phone: (877) 455-4572  PFD Unknown
  • Turk Collectors, Inc.  Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 20  Keyport, New Jersey 07735  Phone: (800) 631-2228  PFD Unknown
  • Turning Point Solutions, LLC  Mailing Address: 485 Cayuga Rd Suite 401  Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Phone:  (888) 656-8768  PFD Unknown
  • Turtle Creek Assets


Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: TrueAccord is a digital debt collection agency. TrueAccord’s automated system sends collection letters to consumers with accounts with credit card, internet-based subscription service, consumer loan, e-commerce, and telecommunication account delinquencies.


Phone Number: (866) 611-2731

Mailing Address: 16011 College Blvd. Suite 130, Lenexa, KS 66219

Notes:  TrueAccord has an A+ rating with the BBB.  They have been in business for 7 years.  Their automated systems keep in touch with customers digitally by allowing consumers to engage with them through the channel(s) they want, which include email, text, push notification, letters and yes, even over the phone if they prefer.

TRS Recovery Services

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: TRS Recovery Services is a provider of collection services across varied market segments. They collect for retailers, grocers and financial institutions.  They help merchants to effectively recover check losses. TRS also helps with forgery or identify theft.


Phone Number: (585) 613-1571

Mailing Address: 1600 Terrell Mill Road, S.E., Suite 400, Marietta, GA 30067

Notes:  TRS has a B rating with the BBB and is not accredited.  There are current alerts for this business. TRS has been in business for 30 years.  They settle disputes in the consumers’ preferred language, either English or Spanish.


  • Unifin Inc.  Mailing Address: PO Box 4519  Skokie, IL 60076  Phone:  (888) 572-3987 PFD Unknown
  • United Check Recovery Bureau, Inc.
  • United Collection Bureau, Inc.  Mailing Address: 5620 Southwyck Blvd. Toledo, OH 43614 Phone: 866.209.0622 PFD: Unknown
  • United Mercantile Company of Pittsburgh
  • United Merchant Asset Recovery
  • United Recovery Solutions, Inc.
  • United Revenue Collection Service
  • United TranzActions, LLC Mailing Address:  Phone: 1-800-858-5256 PFD: Unknown
  • Universal Collection Services  Mailing Address:  5240 Mendenhall Park Place | Memphis, TN 38115   Phone:  1-901-452-8900  PFD Unknown
  • Universal Collectors Corp
  • University Management Assoc. & Consultants Corp.
  • Upstate Collection Center, Incorporated
  • USCB Corporation Mailing address: PO Box 75, Archbald, PA. 18403 Phone: 800-499-0309
  • USI Solutions Mailing Address: 925 Canal Street Bristol, Pennsylvania 19007 Phone: 877-201-0618 PFD: Unknown

United Collection Bureau, Inc. (UCB)

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: United Collection Bureau (UCB) is one of the largest third-party debt collection agency collection agencies in the United States, providing services to clients in government, health care, utilities, communications, financial services, and student loans.


Phone Number: (866) 209.0622

Mailing Address: 5620 Southwyck Blvd. Toledo, OH 43614

Notes:  UCB is a family-owned company founded in 1959.  They have an A+ rating with the BBB and have been accredited since 2013.


  • V Collect Global Inc.
  • Valentine & Kebartas, Inc.  Mailing Address:  15 Union Street Suite 202, Lawrence, MA 01840  Phone:  (800) 731-7766  PFD Unknown
  • Valley Credit Service, Inc. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2046, Salem, Oregon 97308-2406 Phone: 1-800-452-0317 PFD: Unknown
  • Vance and Huffman LLC
  • Van Ru Credit Corporation
  • Virtuoso Sourcing Group, LLC Mailing Address: Phone: 1-844-264-8983 PFD: Unknown
  • Vision Financial Corp.  Mailing Address:  113 W. Michigan Ave, Suite 301, Jackson, MI 49201  Phone: (517) 789-8900 PFD Unknown
  • Vital Recovery  Mailing Address:  4775 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. #310 Berkeley Lake, GA 30092  Phone: (678) 578-1020  PFD Unknown
  • Voss & Klein


Windham Professionals, Inc

Accept Pay for Delete?  Unknown

Overview: Windham Professionals provides collection services through 3rd party recovery programs and call center services.  Their clients come from different sectors including, but not limited to, higher education, healthcare, commercial, insurance, and government.  Their company operates across four offices located in Salem, NH; Aston, PA; Las Vegas, NV; and Fair Lawn, NJ.


Phone Number: (800) 969-0059

Mailing Address: 380 Main Street. Salem, NH 03079

Notes:  Windham Professionals was founded in 1982. They have an A+ rating with the BBB but are not accredited.  They claim they use sophisticated voice analytics to examine the caller experience as well as strengths and weaknesses in individual representatives. Windham Professionals analyze metrics such as handle time, wait time, and talk time to ensure a consistent high-quality call experience.



  • Your Collection Solution LLC  Mailing Address:   1755 North University Drive, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024  Phone: (888) 378-8100  PFD Unknown


  • Zenco Collects  Mailing Address: P.O. Bos 851733  Richardson, Texas 75081 Phone: (844) 368-6626  PFD Unknown
  • Zenith Acquisition
  • Zwicker & Associates Mailing Address: 80 Minuteman Road, Andover, MA 01810 Phone: 1.833.210.5100 PFD: Unknown

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How To Get LVNV Funding Off Your Credit Report and Out Of your Life Mon, 05 Oct 2020 13:41:00 +0000 Follow these steps to remove LVNV Funding LLC collections agency from your credit report and stop the harassing phone calls.

The post How To Get LVNV Funding Off Your Credit Report and Out Of your Life appeared first on FinMasters.

Summary: Follow these steps to resolve your debt and remove LVNV Funding LLC from your credit report.

Facing LVNV Funding LLC’s collection efforts can be daunting, but understanding your rights and options is key.

This article guides you through managing LVNV Funding’s collection efforts and their impact on your credit report. It outlines effective strategies to address and overcome the challenges posed by LVNV Funding’s debt collection practices.

Who Is LVNV Funding LLC?

If LVNV Funding LLC has popped into your life, then you either owe someone money or someone borrowed money fraudulently in your name.

In either case, LVNV Funding will not go away if you just dodge their calls and ignore them. You could even find yourself facing a lawsuit.

They have purchased your debt at a discounted price and are now going to take every legal (and sometimes illegal) measure to get paid.

LVNV Funding LLC is a debt collection company that specializes in recovering past due money that was owed to places like your credit card company, bank, utilities, cellphone company, or lender. LVNV has multiple options they may take to collect on the debt you may owe.

Generally, they will first give you a phone call and attempt to settle the debt quickly, possibly even offering you a discounted one-time payment option.

If you fail to settle with LVNV Funding LLC during that initial phone call, they will report a collection account to the three big credit bureaus.

When a collection is on your credit history, you will see a significant drop in your credit score.

LVNV will also send letters to your home while calling every available phone number they have for you, including family and friend numbers.

Luckily, you do have some options to level the playing field and give you the chance to make a good financial decision and remove LVNV Funding LLC from your credit report.

Here’s What You Can Do

📰 New Federal debt collection regulations took effect on Nov. 30, 2021. The new rules will have a far-reaching impact on the debt collection industry. If you have delinquent debts or accounts in collection, these rules will affect you.

Learn more about Regulation F and what will it mean for consumers with debts.

If you’re hearing from LVNV Funding – or any collection agency – there are things that you can (and should) do. There are also two things that you should not do:

  • Don’t panic. It won’t help.
  • Don’t ignore the situation. That won’t help, either. They won’t go away.

That’s what you shouldn’t do, but what should you do?

Here’s where to start.

1. Know Your Rights

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) spells out the rights of debtors and the obligations of debt collectors. Here are some key points.

  • A debt collector cannot call you before 8AM or after 9PM.
  • A debt collector cannot call your place of employment.
  • If you have a lawyer, the collector must communicate with your lawyer.
  • A debt collector may not communicate with your friends or family members or tell them about your debts.
  • Debt collectors cannot threaten to harm you, your reputation, or your property, or use profane language.
  • Debt collectors must identify themselves and the company they represent. They cannot claim to be law enforcement or other officials.
  • A debt collector cannot threaten you with imprisonment or seizure of assets.

For a full review of your rights under the FDCPA see this summary from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

If you believe that a debt collector is violating the rules, you can report them to the FTC, the CFPB, and your state’s attorney general.

2. Validate and Verify the Debt

Under the new regulations that came into effect on Nov. 30, 2021, debt collectors must send you a Notice of Debt within 5 days of their first contact with you. This notice must contain much more information than the notices that collectors sent under prior rules.

If the notice is incomplete, it is invalid, and the debt isn’t collectible. That makes it important to know what’s required.

A valid Notice of Debt must contain an itemization date. This can be one of five different dates.

  • The date of the last statement or invoice provided to the consumer by the creditor.
  • The charge-off date.
  • The date of the last payment applied to the debt.
  • The date of the transaction that gave rise to the debt.
  • The judgment date, if there is court judgment on the debt.

This date will help you establish whether the Statute of Limitations on the debt has expired and when it will drop off your credit report.

The Notice of Debt must also contain extensive information about the debt:

  • The debt collector’s name and mailing address.
  • The consumer’s full name and mailing address.
  • If the debt is related to a financial product (like a loan or credit card), the notice must contain the name of the creditor to whom the debt was owed on the itemization date.
  • The account number associated with the debt.
  • The name of the creditor to which the debt is currently owed.
  • The amount of the current debt and an itemized list of any payments made and added fees, interest, or other charges.

The Notice of Debt must contain a statement advising you of your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FCPA), including a statement that you have the right to dispute the debt within 30 days of receiving the letter.

The notice must also contain a returnable form allowing you to declare that you are disputing the debt and allowing you to select one of three reasons for a dispute:

  • This is not my debt.
  • The amount is wrong.
  • Other (you will need to supply additional information.)

The CFPB has published a sample Notice of Debt that will help you determine whether the one you receive is complete.

Why It’s Important

Many debt collectors who purchased debts before the new regulations came into effect will not have the required information. They may not be able to get it from the original creditor. They may still try to bluff or intimidate you into paying them or admitting that the debt is yours.

If you receive a Notice of Debt, examine it in detail to make sure it complies with the law. If it doesn’t, inform the collector that you will not discuss the debt until you receive a Notice of Debt that complies with Regulation F.

Always Dispute the Debt

If you do not dispute the debt within 30 days, it is presumed valid. Always dispute debts held by collection companies.

If you are using a dispute or debt validation letter template, be sure that the template is designed for notices received after the implementation of Regulation F on Nov. 20, 2021. Much of the information that debtors used to ask for is now required in the Notice of Debt.

Send the debt collector a certified letter addressing these issues.

  • Ask for documentation that verifies that you owe the debt, such as a copy of the original contract.
  • Ask whether the statute of limitations on the debt has expired. The collector doesn’t have to tell you, but they can’t lie. If they won’t say, the statute of limitations may have expired.
  • Ask whether the agency is licensed to collect debt in your state. Again, the collector is not allowed to lie. You can ask for the date of the license, the license number, and the state agency that issued the license as well.
  • A copy of the last billing statement sent by the original creditor.

Send the letter to LVNV Funding by certified mail.

Once you receive the debt validation letter you have 30 days to send your debt dispute letter.

Remember that even if you know the debt is yours, the more important issue is whether they know it’s yours.

Because guess what?

If they can’t prove it’s yours, they can’t collect it or report it to the credit bureaus.

They might not be able to come up with that proof.  Remember, LVNV Funding purchased your debt, in bulk with a bunch of other debt, from the original creditor.

Who knows what was lost in the shuffle?

The onus is on them to provide proof. If they can’t, they’re required by law to remove it from your credit report.

Remember the Statute of Limitations

Always check the date of the debt against the statute of limitations in your state. If the statute of limitations has expired, the collector cannot pursue legal action against you.

The statute of limitations clock begins on the date when the debt was first reported as delinquent.

Remember that making a payment or acknowledging that the debt is yours can restart the statute of limitations.

The expiry of the statute of limitations will not remove an account from your credit record. If the statute of limitations has expired or will expire soon there’s a good chance that the seven-year period of appearance on your credit record is also nearly up.

If the statute of limitations is nearly up your best bet might be to just wait it out.

3. Stop Calls from LVNV Funding NOW

Before Nov. 20, 2021, you could get as many as 15 calls per day from a debt collector, according to a Consumer Credit Card Market Report.

That’s way too many.

That has changed. Regulation F places strict limits on collection calls.

  • A debt collector cannot call you more than seven times within seven consecutive days.
  • If a debt collector speaks to you on the phone, they must wait seven days before calling again.

Debt collectors can now contact you by email and text message as well, but you can tell them how they are permitted to contact you and when.

You can stop all communication from a debt collector.

Follow these simple steps to stop the calls.

  1. Write a “stop contact” or “cease” letter telling them to stop contacting you.
  2. Make a copy for yourself and mail the original to LVNV Funding.
  3. To prove you sent the letter, send it by certified mail with “return receipt requested.”

Make sure you follow these exact steps.

If you do, the National Consumer Law Center states, “the collector can only acknowledge the letter and notify you about legal steps the collector may take.”

When you stop the phone calls, you get some breathing room. Remember that you still owe the debt, and the collector can take legal action.

Then you can tackle the next step.

4. Contest the Debt With the Credit Bureaus

If you believe that you do not owe the debt or that the collection agency has failed to validate the debt, you can file a dispute with the credit bureaus. You will need to dispute the account separately with each credit bureau.

Credit Reporting Bureau Mailing Addresses

P.O. Box 740256 Atlanta, GA 30374-0256P.O. Box 9701 Allen, TX 75013P.O. Box 2000 Chester, PA 19016-2000

You can also dispute it online:

The credit bureau must investigate and verify your debt. If they cannot, they must remove it from your credit record.

Remember that even if the debt is removed from your credit record, the collection agency can still pursue collection efforts.

Get Your FREE Credit Dispute Letter Template

Get our winning dispute letter, plus free tips to help you boost your credit.

Download Now!

5. Settle With A Pay For Delete Agreement

While occasionally, the collection debt isn’t yours, most of the time, it is. If that’s the case, a settlement is one way to resolve the situation.

Remember that debt collectors pay, on average, 4 cents for every dollar of debt that they buy. That gives you room to negotiate. A collector can accept less than you owe and still make a profit.

An article from U.S. News & World Report found that collection agencies will settle for between 40-60% of the balance – which could mean thousands of dollars saved.

You might offer 10% of your balance to see what they say.

They’ll probably ask for more, but don’t let them push you around. With a little negotiation, you can reach an agreement you’re comfortable with.

Pay for Delete

A collection agency may agree to remove your account from your credit record if you settle your debt. This is a “pay for delete” arrangement.

When you discuss a settlement, ask the collection agency representative if they will delete your record if you pay. Send a formal “pay for delete letter” to confirm the arrangement and ask for a written commitment.

Remember that you cannot compel a credit bureau to remove a legitimate account from your record. It will be recorded as paid, but it may remain on your credit report for seven years from the date when the account first became delinquent.

A pay-for-delete arrangement is a gamble. It may not work, but it’s worth trying. If they accept the settlement you will no longer have to deal with the collection agency, and that’s a big plus.

Get Your FREE Pay for Delete Letter Template

After much testing, we have put written a great pay to delete letter you can use to get started.

Download Now!

Hire A Credit Repair Company

If you don’t want to go through all the trouble of writing letters and negotiating with LVNV Funding on the phone, consider hiring a credit repair company to help.

A credit repair company is equipped to deal with aggressive debt collectors to help you get the best possible outcome.

The credit repair industry has earned a terrible reputation, and you’ll have to look out for disreputable companies and credit repair scams. There are still some companies that are legitimate and helpful.

Choosing to work with an expert sooner rather than later can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Get Professional Help

We analyzed 21 credit repair companies based on price, service, and results and picked our top three choices.

Best Credit Repair Companies

Then you can sit back and relax while the credit pros do all the work.

If you’d rather do it yourself, that’s okay, too.

What If They Sue?

Collection agencies will take you to court, sometimes over quite small amounts. If a debt collector sues you, don’t ignore the case.

If you don’t respond, the judge will probably issue a summary judgment against you. You will be ordered to repay the debt. If you don’t, your wages could be garnished. In some states, your assets could be seized.

Not all companies will exercise their right to file a lawsuit against you, but a lawsuit is always a possibility when dealing with an aggressive debt collector.

Important! Read up on what to do if you get sued by a debt collector to make sure you take all the right steps.

Free Yourself From LVNV Funding

Debt collectors will not go away on their own. They will keep harassing you, and you might end up in court. Running away is not an option.

Instead, take the initiative. Learn how to communicate with debt collectors and know your rights. You can control the process and the situation if you’re aware and proactive.

It’s not going to be a pleasant experience, but it will be a better experience if you’re in the driver’s seat!

The post How To Get LVNV Funding Off Your Credit Report and Out Of your Life appeared first on FinMasters.

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Stop Enhanced Recovery Company (ERC Collections) And Remove Them From Your Credit Report Fri, 02 Oct 2020 05:20:00 +0000 Enhanced Recovery Company collection tactics can really be upsetting. Learn how to take back the power and remove ERC Collections from your credit report.

The post Stop Enhanced Recovery Company (ERC Collections) And Remove Them From Your Credit Report appeared first on FinMasters.

Summary: Remove Enhanced Recovery Company LLC from your credit report and stop those harassing phone calls with these steps.

One of the most stressful phone calls you will ever receive is from a debt collection agency like Enhanced Recovery Company (ERC). No one enjoys getting phone calls from companies like ERC, and we’re going to explain how you can make them stop.

If you have an account in collections, the calls aren’t your only problem. Collection accounts will hammer your credit, and if you can’t pay the collection agency may even sue you.

 If you have an account in collections, you have two challenges.

  • You have to resolve the account. A collection agency will harass you and could even sue you as long as the debt is not resolved.
  • You have to address the damage to your credit. Collection accounts are a serious drag on your credit score.

These two challenges are related, but they are not the same thing. One involves dealing with the collection agency, the other involves dealing with the three major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.

What Is Enhanced Recovery Company LLC (ERC)?

Enhanced Recovery Company LLC (ERC) is a third-party debt collector that has many names: ERC Collections, Enhanced Recovery Corp, ERC Collection, Enhanced Recovery Collections, and even Enhanced Recovery Company L.

Regardless of which name you may have Google searched, it’s never a good thing when Enhanced Recovery Corporation comes into your life.

Whether you find out with a huge credit score drop, a phone call, or by mail, ERC will need to be addressed head-on.

If ERC is contacting you, they have purchased one of your debts and are going to spend every legal and possibly illegal way possible to get you to pay.

ERC specializes in collecting overdue or past-due debt that you may have owed to any number of lenders, credit card companies, banks, utilities, loans, or cell phone companies.

Some of the bigger companies that ERC Collection Agency works with are Sprint, T-mobile, AT&T, & DirectTV.

⚠ Once a debt collector contacts you, they have five days to provide a written Notice of Debt.

Luckily for you, ERC does not file lawsuits, so you can take a deep sigh of relief. You still need to take care of this problem.

Here’s What You Can Do

📰 New Federal debt collection regulations took effect on Nov. 30, 2021. The new rules will have a far-reaching impact on the debt collection industry. If you have delinquent debts or accounts in collection these rules will affect you.

Learn more about Regulation F and what will it mean for consumers with debts.

If you’re hearing from ERC Collections – or any collection agency – there are things that you can (and should) do. There are also two things that you should not do:

  • Don’t panic. It won’t help.
  • Don’t ignore the situation. That won’t help either. They won’t go away.

That’s what you shouldn’t do, but what should you do?

Here’s where to start.

1. Know Your Rights

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) spells out the rights of debtors and the obligations of debt collectors. Here are some key points.

  • A debt collector cannot call you before 8AM or after 9PM.
  • A debt collector cannot call your place of employment.
  • If you have a lawyer, the collector must communicate with your lawyer.
  • A debt collector may not communicate with your friends or family members or tell them about your debts.
  • Debt collectors cannot threaten to harm you, your reputation, or your property, or use profane language.
  • Debt collectors must identify themselves and the company they represent. They cannot claim to be law enforcement or other officials.
  • A debt collector cannot threaten you with imprisonment or seizure of assets.

For a full review of your rights under the FDCPA see this summary from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

If you believe that a debt collector is violating the rules, you can report them to the FTC, the CFPB, and your state’s attorney general.

2. Validate and Verify the Debt

Under the new regulations that came into effect on Nov. 30, 2021, debt collectors must send you a Notice of Debt within 5 days of their first contact with you. This notice must contain much more information than the notices that collectors sent under prior rules.

If the notice is incomplete, it is invalid, and the debt isn’t collectible. That makes it important to know what’s required.

A valid Notice of Debt must contain an itemization date. This can be one of five different dates.

  • The date of the last statement or invoice provided to the consumer by the creditor.
  • The charge-off date.
  • The date of the last payment applied to the debt.
  • The date of the transaction that gave rise to the debt.
  • The judgment date, if there is court judgment on the debt.

This date will help you establish whether the Statute of Limitations on the debt has expired and when it will drop off your credit report.

The Notice of Debt must also contain extensive information about the debt:

  • The debt collector’s name and mailing address.
  • The consumer’s full name and mailing address.
  • If the debt is related to a financial product (like a loan or credit card), the notice must contain the name of the creditor to whom the debt was owed on the itemization date.
  • The account number associated with the debt.
  • The name of the creditor to which the debt is currently owed.
  • The amount of the current debt and an itemized list of any payments made and added fees, interest, or other charges.

The Notice of Debt must contain a statement advising you of your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FCPA), including a statement that you have the right to dispute the debt within 30 days of receiving the letter.

The notice must also contain a returnable form allowing you to declare that you are disputing the debt and allowing you to select one of three reasons for a dispute:

  • This is not my debt.
  • The amount is wrong.
  • Other (you will need to supply additional information.)

The CFPB has published a sample Notice of Debt that will help you determine whether the one you receive is complete.

Why It’s Important

Many debt collectors who purchased debts before the new regulations came into effect will not have the required information. They may not be able to get it from the original creditor. They may still try to bluff or intimidate you into paying them or admitting that the debt is yours.

If you receive a Notice of Debt, examine it in detail to make sure it complies with the law. If it doesn’t, inform the collector that you will not discuss the debt until you receive a Notice of Debt that complies with Regulation F.

Always Dispute the Debt

If you do not dispute the debt within 30 days, it is presumed valid. Always dispute debts held by collection companies.

If you are using a dispute or debt validation letter template, be sure that the template is designed for notices received after the implementation of Regulation F on Nov. 20, 2021. Much of the information that debtors used to ask for is now required in the Notice of Debt.

Send the debt collector a certified letter addressing these issues.

  • Ask for documentation that verifies that you owe the debt, such as a copy of the original contract.
  • Ask whether the statute of limitations on the debt has expired. The collector doesn’t have to tell you, but they can’t lie. If they won’t say, the statute of limitations may have expired.
  • Ask whether the agency is licensed to collect debt in your state. Again, the collector is not allowed to lie. You can ask for the date of the license, license number, and the state agancy that issued the license as well.
  • A copy of the last billing statement sent by the original creditor.

Send the letter to ERC Collections by certified mail.

Once you receive the debt validation letter you have 30 days to send your debt dispute letter.

Remember that even if you know the debt is yours, the more important issue is whether they know it’s yours.

Because guess what?

If they can’t prove it’s yours, they can’t collect it or report it to the credit bureaus.

They might not be able to come up with that proof.  Remember, Enhanced Recovery Company purchased your debt, in bulk with a bunch of other debt, from the original creditor.

Who knows what was lost in the shuffle?

The onus is on them to provide proof. If they can’t, they’re required by law to remove it from your credit report.

Remember the Statute of Limitations

Always check the date of the debt against the statute of limitations in your state. If the statute of limitations has expired, the collector cannot pursue legal action against you.

The statute of limitations clock begins on the date when the debt was first reported as delinquent.

Remember that making a payment or acknowledging that the debt is yours can restart the statute of limitations.

The expiry of the statute of limitations will not remove an account from your credit record. If the statute of limitations has expired or will expire soon there’s a good chance that the seven-year period of appearance on your credit record is also nearly up.

If the statute of limitations is nearly up your best bet might be to just wait it out.

3. Stop Calls from Enhanced Recovery Company NOW

Before Nov. 20, 2021, you could get as many as 15 calls per day from a debt collector, according to a Consumer Credit Card Market Report.

That’s way too many.

That has changed. Regulation F places strict limits on collection calls.

  • A debt collector cannot call you more than seven times within seven consecutive days.
  • If a debt collector speaks to you on the phone they must wait seven days before calling again.

Debt collectors can now contact you by email and text message as well, but you can tell them how they are permitted to contact you and when.

You can stop all communication from a debt collector.

Follow these simple steps to stop the calls.

  1. Write a “stop contact” or “cease” letter telling them to stop contacting you.
  2. Make a copy for yourself and mail the original to ERC Collections.
  3. To prove you sent the letter, send it by certified mail with “return receipt requested.”

Make sure you follow these exact steps.

If you do, the National Consumer Law Center states, “the collector can only acknowledge the letter and notify you about legal steps the collector may take.”

When you stop the phone calls, you get some breathing room. Remember that you still owe the debt, and the collector can take legal action.

Then you can tackle the next step.

4. Contest the Debt With the Credit Bureaus

If you believe that you do not owe the debt or that the collection agency has failed to validate the debt, you can file a dispute with the credit bureaus. You will need to dispute the account separately with each credit bureau.

Credit Reporting Bureau Mailing Addresses

P.O. Box 740256 Atlanta, GA 30374-0256P.O. Box 9701 Allen, TX 75013P.O. Box 2000 Chester, PA 19016-2000

You can also dispute it online:

The credit bureau must investigate and verify your debt. If they cannot, they must remove it from your credit record.

Remember that even if the debt is removed from your credit record, the collection agency can still pursue collection efforts.

Get Your FREE Credit Dispute Letter Template

Get our winning dispute letter, plus free tips to help you boost your credit.

Download Now!

5. Settle With A Pay For Delete Agreement

While occasionally the collection debt isn’t yours, most of the time, it is. If that’s the case, a settlement is one way to resolve the situation.

Remember that debt collectors pay, on average, 4 cents for every dollar of debt that they buy. That gives you room to negotiate. A collector can accept less than you owe and still make a profit.

An article from U.S. News & World Report found that collection agencies will settle for between 40-60% of the balance – which could mean thousands of dollars saved.

You might offer 10% of your balance to see what they say.

They’ll probably ask for more, but don’t let them push you around. With a little negotiation, you can reach an agreement you’re comfortable with.

Pay for Delete

A collection agency may agree to remove your account from your credit record if you settle your debt. This is a “pay for delete” arrangement.

When you discuss a settlement, ask the collection agency representative if they will delete your record if you pay. Send a formal “pay for delete letter” to confirm the arrangement and ask for a written commitment.

Remember that you cannot compel a credit bureau to remove a legitimate account from your record. It will be recorded as paid, but it may remain on your credit report for seven years from the date when the account first became delinquent.

A pay-for-delete arrangement is a gamble. It may not work, but it’s worth trying. If they accept the settlement you will no longer have to deal with the collection agency, and that’s a big plus.

Get Your FREE Pay for Delete Letter Template

After much testing, we have put written a great pay to delete letter you can use to get started.

Download Now!

Hire A Credit Repair Company

If you don’t want to go through all the trouble of writing letters and negotiating with ERC Collections on the phone, consider hiring a credit repair company to help.

A credit repair company is equipped to deal with aggressive debt collectors to help you get the best possible outcome.

The credit repair industry has earned a terrible reputation, and you’ll have to look out for disreputable companies and credit repair scams. There are still some companies that are legitimate and helpful.

Choosing to work with an expert sooner rather than later can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Get Professional Help

We analyzed 21 credit repair companies based on price, service, and results, and picked our top three choices.

Best Credit Repair Companies

Then you can sit back and relax while the credit pros do all the work.

If you’d rather do it yourself, that’s okay, too.

Free Yourself From ERC Collections

Debt collectors will not go away on their own. They will keep harassing you, and you might end up in court. Running away is not an option.

Instead, take the initiative. Learn how to communicate with debt collectors and know your rights. You can control the process and the situation if you’re aware and proactive.

It’s not going to be a pleasant experience, but it will be a better experience if you’re in the driver’s seat!

Wanna Know the Easy Way to Repair Your Credit?

In a recent study, we found that *48% of paying, credit repair clients got a 100+ credit score gain or more.  Get help from the pros!

Check out our #1 choice for professional credit repair.

The post Stop Enhanced Recovery Company (ERC Collections) And Remove Them From Your Credit Report appeared first on FinMasters.

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Tradeline Supply Company Review 2023: Authorized User Alternative Tue, 02 Jun 2020 09:19:00 +0000 In this Tradeline Supply Company Review, we dive into the strategy behind buying an authorized user tradeline to increase your credit score fast.

The post Tradeline Supply Company Review 2023: Authorized User Alternative appeared first on FinMasters.

Tradeline Supply Company offers authorized user credit lines for purchase. This is a relatively new credit-building strategy that is discouraged by credit bureaus and credit card issuers. What are the pros, cons, and risks?

Tradeline Supply Company

3.8 out of 5

Tradeline Supply Company is the industry leader in buying or selling authorized user Tradelines. They offer a wide variety of tradelines and have a good customer satisfaction score.

4.5 out of 5
3 out of 5
3.5 out of 5
4 out of 5


No credit check

One-time fee

Credit building tool

Reports to at least 2 of the 3 credit bureaus


Top tradelines cost $$$

The credit card issuer may close the account

May not improve credit

Tradeline will be active for only a short time.

What Are Tradelines?

What is a tradeline? A tradeline is a record of credit activity that is reported to a credit bureau. If you have a student loan, that’s a tradeline. A credit card is a tradeline. Each loan or credit line you establish is another tradeline.

To generate a credit score, you need to have established tradelines on your credit record.

A tradeline with all payments made on time will help your credit. A credit card tradeline with low credit utilization will help your credit. A tradeline with a late or missed payment or maxed-out cards will hurt your credit.

If you have a thin credit file with very few entries or if your credit has taken some damage, you may be looking to add positive tradelines to your credit report. You may have heard that it’s possible to buy tradelines. But how do you do it? Is it legal? Does it work? Where can you buy tradelines?

Let’s look at the practice of buying tradelines and at one of the leading tradeline providers.

Buying Tradelines: How Does it Work?

Buying tradelines is a variation of the authorized user strategy.

People who are trying to build credit often ask a friend or relative with good credit to add them as an authorized user on a credit card.

As long as the card issuer reports authorized users to the credit bureaus, that will add the original user’s payment record and credit history to the authorized user’s record.

By getting added as an authorized user, you’ll “inherit” the payment history of the credit card, and boost YOUR credit score.

Of course that only works if you have a friend or relative with good credit who’s willing to add you as an authorized user. Not everyone is so lucky.

The practice of selling tradelines works the same way, except that you pay a person you don’t know to add you as an authorized user for a fixed period of time.

Authorized user tradelines for sale can increase your credit score by positively affecting these major scoring categories:

  • your credit utilization ratio
  • payment history
  • length of credit history

Tradeline Supply Company and several other companies offer consumers access to a long list of credit cards. You can pay to be named as an authorized user on one or more of them.

👉 The best credit card tradelines have the largest credit limits and the longest credit history. With one purchase, you can add that credit card’s history and credit utilization to your credit report today.

Is it really that simple?

Buying Tradelines: The Pros and Cons

Is it legal to buy or sell tradelines? So far, yes, though Experian warns that if you use a purchased tradeline to improve your score and subsequently default on a loan, you could be liable for bank fraud.

As of now, we know of no case where a tradeline purchaser has been prosecuted.

At least one company selling tradelines has been prosecuted by the FTC. Credit card companies typically prohibit the practice and may close an account if they believe authorized user status has been sold.

Credit bureaus also advise against the practice. The FICO 8 scoring system has an algorithm designed to detect and exclude purchased tradelines.

So it’s not illegal to buy tradelines, but it is also not approved by credit bureaus or card issuers. Let’s look at the pros and cons.

The Pros

  • You can add an established tradeline to your credit history almost overnight.
  • You may be able to boost your credit score substantially, especially if you have a thin credit file.

The Cons

  • Your credit score might not improve. There are no guarantees, especially as scoring models take steps to detect and disregard purchased tradelines.
  • You give your social security number and other personal information to a stranger. You could be at risk for identity theft.
  • The premium tradelines that do your score the most good may be quite expensive.
  • The primary account holder could miss a payment or run a high credit utilization rate. That could harm your credit.
  • The primary cardholder could remove you from the account.
  • Some tradeline brokers use completely illegal practices like asking you to misrepresent your address or Social Security number.

Should you consider buying a tradeline? That choice is up to you, but we urge you to read more on the subject and make a fully informed choice.

Who Is Tradeline Supply Company?

Tradeline Supply Company (TSC) may be the new face in town, but David Melnicoe, the CEO, has quickly become the new sheriff for the Tradeline Industry.

👉 Seeing an industry dogged by bad reviews and questionable business practices, he set out with the goal of treating customers professionally.

This simple business model has taken David from selling his own personal five Tradelines for sale on Craigslist to an office employing seven people in only four years.

They are no longer accredited by the Better Business Bureau, which is a business watchdog that requires its members to abide by a strict code of business ethics.

Tradeline Supply Company BBB rating

According to the Tradeline Supply Co. CEO, when he started the company, you couldn’t find a Tradeline for sale anywhere below $300. Now, he regularly sells cheap Tradelines for as little as $262.50, which has understandably tweaked some of his competitors.

What Makes Them Different?

Tradeline Supply Company (TSC) offers the cheapest Tradelines for sale on the market.

Tradeline Supply Company home page

How much does it cost to buy Tradelines?

The available tradelines and their prices vary from day to day. You can sometimes find tradelines starting at $262.50, but the price is usually much higher.

Premium tradelines with high limits and long histories can sell for as much as $1700.

Tradeline Supply Company logo

Tradeline Supply Company (TSC) offers the cheapest Tradelines for sale on the market.

Browse Tradelines For Sale

One of the ways they keep their costs down is by only selling Authorized Users for specific banks and credit card companies that report authorized users to the credit bureaus.

This is because many of the banks do not properly report authorized users. “I refuse to sell Tradelines for Citi Bank, Wells Fargo, and US Bank,” David said because they only have a, “50-75% success rate of posting to credit reports.”

👉 The reason many of these banks do not report accurately is that the address of the authorized user does not match the address of the primary tradeline owner.

TSC Avoids the Shady “Merging-Address” Request

Many of Tradeline Supply Company’s competitors use an illegal technique called merging addresses to avoid this problem.

They ask their customers to add the primary Tradeline owner’s address to their credit file addresses.

This is an illegal practice that TSC does not use. They recommend that Tradeline buyers avoid sellers who request you to add an address that is not yours to your credit file.

Visit Tradeline Supply Company

Quick & Easy To Apply Credit Building Tool

How To Choose A Tradeline

There are two categories to choose from. Both will affect the cost of buying a Tradeline:

  • Credit limit: The maximum amount of money someone can charge on their credit card.
  • Length of credit history: How long the credit card account has been open.

They both have positive effects on credit scores.

Tradeline Supply Company lists a wide range of tradelines for sale. For example:

  • A Discover card with a $7200 limit, opened in Jan 2020, can be reported for 8 days for $299.25.
  • A Barclay’s card with a $15,000 limit, opened in March 2017, can be reported for 8 days for $525.
  • A Chase card with a $30,000 limit, opened in Sept 2008, can be reported for 8 days for $1,207.50

Those prices are as of March 2023. The tradelines available and the prices will vary from day to day, but tradelines with higher credit limits and longer credit histories will always be more expensive.

There are two types of consumers that consider purchasing a Tradeline. They may have different requirements.

People with Limited or No Credit

Have you heard the stories of people’s credit scores increasing 100 or 200+ points from purchasing a Tradeline?

Every story of huge credit score jumps of 100 to 200+ points occurred to people who had no credit or limited credit.

This is because people with bad credit have a lot more negative reports to overcome than someone who has just started building credit.

👉 If you have no credit or limited credit then choosing a tradeline with a long credit history will make the biggest impact on your credit score.

People with Bad Credit

Someone with bad credit can see a credit score increase from purchasing a tradeline. However, it will depend on the history in your credit file and the tradelines that you choose.

Sometimes this is referred to as diluting your payment history.

Even if you dilute your payment history, those late payments, collection accounts, and other black marks will still be there, and it will take more work to improve your credit than it will for a person with a thin credit record to establish credit.

Why Does Tradeline Supply Company Have Negative Reviews?

Update: 3/13/2020

Tradeline Supply now reports that the negative reviews suddenly stopped when the Federal Government shut down the company they suspected was behind the campaign.

All of the negative reviews have been removed from Trust Pilot but not from Google Reviews.

In my talk with Mr. Melnicoe, I asked about some of the negative reviews his company has online.

He explained that in 2019, someone (most likely in the industry) started a sustained negative fake review campaign against Tradeline Supply Company.

David says, “It seems like we get one or two negative fake reviews almost every day on sites like Google, Site Jabber, and Trust Pilot.”

This orchestrated spam campaign has required Melnicoe and his company to shut down reviews on their Facebook page and to take regular action against the fraudulent reviews.

You can read more of the details about his ongoing war against the ‘Fake Negative Reviews’ on the Tradeline Supply Company website.

How Do I Cancel My Tradeline Order?

At this time, Tradeline Supply Company does not have an official ‘Cancellation Policy’ posted.

David Melnicoe, CEO of Tradeline Supply Company, and he told me, “if anyone wants to cancel their order, so long as we have not added them to the credit card, it’s no problem to issue a refund.”

This means that there is a short window, a few hours to possibly a day or two, from the time when you order to the time when you can cancel your order.

Alternatives To Tradelines

While Tradelines can give a quick credit score boost or add payment history to your credit file, they do not help you continue to build credit after they are purchased. They also present real risks and drawbacks.

You may want to consider other credit-building tools, like secured credit cards and credit builder loans.

Secured Credit Cards

If you have bad credit, no credit, or limited credit, you probably will not qualify for a traditional credit card.

You may want to purchase a Tradeline so that you can qualify for a traditional credit card.

You can get a Secured Credit Card with no credit check by making a deposit and getting a secured card. Your deposit will become your credit limit.

They will then issue you a regular-looking credit card that will work as a traditional credit card and start to build your credit.

Best Secured Credit Cards in 2023

Compare multiple secured credit cards at one time and pick the best option for you.

Best Secured Credit Cards

Credit Builder Loans

Credit Builder Loans are an effective credit builder for people with no credit or limited credit.

Unlike a traditional loan where you’d receive the money upfront, the lender holds your payments in a CD or bank account until you make all of your payments.

When your loan is paid the proceeds of the loan are available to you in one lump sum.

They are great for building credit because there is no credit check and the loan type will add to your credit mix to help increase your credit score.

Wanna Know the Easy Way to Build Credit?

Credit builder loans are an excellent way to start building credit because they are low cost and there is no credit check.

Check out our #1 credit builder loan.

👉 Fun Fact: Credit Builder Loans have been available for many years. But only recently have they become available online nationwide.

Should You Buy a Tradeline?

Buying tradelines has received a great deal of publicity. Some people have used purchased tradelines to improve their credit.

At the same time, buying tradelines has significant disadvantages that you will have to consider before making a deal.

If you do decide to buy a tradeline, Tradeline Supply Company is worth considering as a provider. As always, do your own research and consider all options!

Tradeline Supply Company logo

Tradeline Supply Company is a pioneer in making it possible for consumers to purchase tradelines 100% online.

Get Your Tradeline Account Today


How does Tradeline Supply Company work?

Tradeline Supply Company acts as an intermediary between people buying and selling tradelines. If you want to be added as an authorized user on someone else’s credit card in order to boost your credit score, Tradeline Supply Company can connect you with sellers for a fee.

When was the Tradeline Supply Company founded?

Tradeline Supply Company was founded in 2017 and quickly became the industry leader in buying and selling authorized user tradelines.

Can tradelines hurt your credit?

While tradelines usually help people boost their credit score, there’s the risk of hurting their score if the primary account holder misses payments or removes the authorized user from the account.

What qualifies as a tradeline?

A tradeline is a record of credit activity that is reported to a credit bureau. Tradelines include mortgages, auto loans, student loans, furniture loans, jewelry loans, installment loans, and of course, credit cards of all types.

The post Tradeline Supply Company Review 2023: Authorized User Alternative appeared first on FinMasters.

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VantageScore 3 vs FICO 8 Credit Score: One Person’s Experience Mon, 27 Apr 2020 11:04:00 +0000 Wonder the difference between VantageScore 3.0 vs FICO Credit Score 8? I have created multiple comparison charts with my scores for all three credit bureaus.

The post VantageScore 3 vs FICO 8 Credit Score: One Person’s Experience appeared first on FinMasters.

We all know it’s important to know your credit score. But you have several credit scores, and which do you need to know? Let’s look at VantageScore 3 vs FICO 8 and the difference between them.

Understanding one credit score is hard enough. That’s not all you have, though. You may have heard of credit scores from VantageScore and FICO, but what’s really the difference?

I have been tracking my credit scores with all three of the major credit bureaus – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion – for my journey from a poor credit to a 700 credit score. That’s why I have been tracking my credit score with all three of the major credit bureaus; Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

There are many documented differences between the two scores.

Free vs Paid: The Big Difference Between FICO and Vantage Score

It typically costs money to get your FICO scores. Some credit card companies or banks will give you a free score but it’s usually from ONE credit bureau only. For all three scores, sign up for the myFICO service.

You can typically get your Vantage Scores for free using services like Credit Karma or Credit Sesame. We like Credit Sesame.

FICO and VantageScore use the same information – your credit reports – to generate your credit score. They may process this information in different ways.

FICO vs. VantageScore ranges & factors

If you’d like to know more about the factors that influence your credit score, read our article on how credit scores are calculated.

Below are three VantageScore 3.0 vs FICO 8 credit score comparison charts for TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax with my credit scores.

I will update these charts on a monthly basis and make notes of any movements and speculate the cause or reason for the difference.

EQUIFAX – FICO VS VantageScore Comparison Chart

Comparison chart showing FICO and VantageScore as reported by Exquifax
Comparison chart showing my FICO and VantageScore as reported by Equifax

I have been tracking my Equifax VantageScore with Credit Karma’s free credit monitoring services.

In addition, I have purchased MyFICO’s credit monitoring service, which provides me with FICO scores for all three of the major credit bureaus; Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

In the FICO vs Vantage comparison chart above, you can see that Vantage in the blue line reacts much more extremely to credit report changes than the FICO credit score, represented by the orange line.

Generally, the lines go up and down around the same time, reacting to the same information, it is just that the VantageScore 3.0 is more volatile.

Interestingly, the early large dip in March was due to me disputing my Equifax credit reports.

You can read more about how my Equifax Dispute lowered my credit score by almost 70 points around March 12, 2019!

EXPERIAN – FICO VS VantageScore Comparison Chart

Comparison chart showing FICO and VantageScore as reported by Experian
Comparison chart showing my FICO and VantageScore as reported by Experian

The more you look at these charts and compare Experian Vantage Score vs FICO, the more you realize how different these two credit scores can be.

Keep in mind that the majority of lenders are using your FICO score to determine loan eligibility.

By looking at the huge swings and differences between the two scores, it is no wonder why.

Understand that my Vantage Score is provided by my Credit One Secured Visa card for free.

They provide me with a snapshot credit score one time a month for Experian.

This is a great example of why you should purchase a credit monitoring service instead of relying on a once-a-month free snapshot of your credit score.

I don’t understand how in February, my VantageScore was around 500 but my FICO credit score was over 575 and nearly 600.

However, a month later, my credit score with Vantage went up over 150 points in 30 days to a 650.

I understand that March was a huge month for me with all the tools I implemented to build my credit score but I think that this is a great example of the difference between the two scores.

VantageScore reacts extremely positively to every credit building move you make, whereas, FICO’s reaction is more tempered, like the older and more mature brother who doesn’t quite react as immaturely as his younger sibling, Vantage Score 3.0.

TRANSUNION – FICO VS VantageScore Comparison Chart

Comparison chart showing my FICO and VantageScore as reported by TransUnion
Comparison chart showing my FICO and VantageScore as reported by TransUnion

I feel like the TransUnion VantageScore 3.0 vs Fico credit score 8 comparison chart is the most accurate reflection of my credit history the past couple of months…

With one MAJOR exception!

Take a look at the blue Vantage line and how it pretty much tracks right along with FICO orange credit score line.

Until it doesn’t…

In early April, we had a major disagreement between Vantage and FICO to the tune of over 50 points.

What happened?

Well, do you remember when I disputed all of my credit reports in March?

For some reason, TransUnion 3.0 score pretty much dropped every delinquent account on my credit history, in fact, my on-time payment history with TransUnion Vantage is 99%, whereas it is around 70% with Experian and Equifax.

I know, you are wondering why that would increasing my payment history hurt my credit?

Well, to get my on-time payment history to 99%, TransUnion pretty much deleted my entire credit history and now it looks like I have only had credit for the last couple of years.

This is a weird situation that currently has my Vantage score nearly 75 points lower than my FICO TransUnion score.

We’ll keep monitoring it and let you know!

The post VantageScore 3 vs FICO 8 Credit Score: One Person’s Experience appeared first on FinMasters.

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AmOne Personal Loans Review (2023): All Credit Types Considered! Mon, 27 Apr 2020 01:20:00 +0000 Do you need a personal loan and want to compare multiple offers for the best possible rates? AmOne has been around since 2001 and they specialize in finding you the best rates for personal loans.

The post AmOne Personal Loans Review (2023): All Credit Types Considered! appeared first on FinMasters.

AmOne Personal Loans are a great option if you are looking for a personal loan and you want to compare multiple offers to get the best possible rates.

AmOne has been around since 2001 and they specialize in finding you the best rates for personal loans. They don’t charge a fee for matching you with their network of lenders. The lenders pay, not you.

AmOne Personal Loans

3.8 out of 5

AmOne Personal Loans are a great option if you are looking for a personal loan and you want to compare multiple competing offers to get the best possible rates.

3.5 out of 5
3.5 out of 5
5 out of 5
3 out of 5


Multiple Loan Offers

Competing Lenders

Personal Loan Specialists

Bad Credit OK


Rates By Lender

Must Provide Personal Info

Phone Calls From Lenders

AmOne provides customers with multiple offers from their network of banks and lenders.

The loans do not actually come from AmOne. The Company is a loan broker that links borrowers to a network of lenders. There is no minimum credit score.

They match customers with multiple lenders who compete by offering the best interest rates possible.

There are many advantages and a few disadvantages to AmOne Loan offers.

Approved icon

Prequalify for a Personal Loan

Check your personal loan rates by answering a few questions. It only takes two minutes and has no impact on your credit score.

Who Is AmOne?

AmOne Corp. started in 1999, making small personal loans online out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

They are not an actual lender but provide a platform for borrowers with bad credit or good to find the best rates by receiving multiple offers from different banks or lenders.

What Makes Them Different?

We read countless reviews raving about AmOne’s customer service and accessibility.

Not only do their customer service reps appear to care, but you have multiple options to reach them, including by a toll-free number or on their websites live online chat feature.

They have relationships with a wide variety of banks and lenders, which allow them to offer personal loans to people with bad credit, no credit, or limited credit.

Even if you have bankruptcies, repossessions, and judgments, AmOne may have a lender willing to lend money.

Keep in mind that if you have a lower credit score or a flawed credit record, you will be charged a higher interest rate because you present a higher risk of default.

Based on AmOne reviews, they are one of the few marketplaces where there are no credit or income requirements, in fact, all you have to be is 18 and a U.S. citizen to apply.

AmOne Corp. also offers you the ability to apply and complete the entire loan process from your mobile phone on their app.

How Do AmOne Personal Loans Work?

AmOne has one of the easiest platforms to use and it only takes about 30 seconds to find your best rate.

AmOne works by sending your information to lenders in their network that may match up well with you.

The lenders then send you an offer for a personal loan based on your credit score, credit history, and your ability to pay.

1. Find Your Rate

The first thing you do is select “Personal Loans” and fill out the short form. It takes about 1 – 2 minutes to enter your information.

You need to provide basic information and income, as well as the amount of the personal loan you are looking to apply for.

AmOne Corp. doesn’t check your credit score to get lender offers. They only do a soft credit check.

This means you get to see what rates you can get without the worry of it affecting your credit.

2. Compare Your Options

Once you put your information in and submit the form, you will be taken to a dashboard.

This dashboard will have multiple pre-approval offers from different lenders.

👉 Keep in mind, these are Pre-Approvals, and your actual approval is not guaranteed. You will get to see your actual pre-qualified rates.

The rates you see are usually very accurate as long as you can verify your information and nothing changes on your credit report.

Once you confirm and verify everything, the rates are pretty solid.  The best thing is that you get to see your options upfront and know exactly which option is best for you.

3. Apply For Your Personal Loan

Once you pick a lender, it’s time for you to apply. During the application process, you’ll get asked more in-depth questions about your use of the loan and your financial history. The lender will run a credit check. This all happens on the AmOne website.

Once this step is done the lender will work with you directly to finalize all of the loan details.

👉 Need more options? Check out our reviews of other online lenders.

AmOne Personal Loans Rates and Terms

Since AmOne lets you see offers from multiple lenders, we wanted to show you the absolute minimum and maximum you can be offered. Different lenders will offer different amounts.

  • Loan Amount Range: $1,000 – $50,000
  • APR Range*: 3.99% – 35.99%
  • Fees: Origination, Late Payment, and NSF fees all vary by the lender.
  • Prepayment Penalties: None
  • Loan Terms: to 7 years
  • Payments Directly To Creditors: Varies by lender.

👉 Remember, once you pick a lender, they will pull your credit report and create a hard pull on your credit. If you apply with several lenders, keep your applications within a 15-day window, and only one hard inquiry will be placed on your credit report.

AmOne Personal Loan Eligibility

In order to be eligible for AmOne personal loans, you must meet the below AmOne personal loan requirements:

  • Be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • You are at least 18 years old

Those are the only absolute requirements. There’s no minimum credit score.

What Information Will You Need To Apply?

You will need this information to fill out the online form.

  • Your date of birth.
  • How much do you want to borrow?
  • What do you plan to use the money for?

Have this information ready before you start.

AmOne Personal Loan Calculator

Use the AmOne Personal Loan Calculator to help determine the payment amounts based on interest, length of personal loan, and amount borrowed.

The interest rate will be determined primarily by your credit score and your ability to repay the loan. Each lender will set their own rate based on their own criteria.

This calculator lets you adjust the different loan variables to give you a good understanding of how each affects your monthly payment.

As you increase the term of the loan, the monthly payments decrease, but your total interest payment increases.

Customer Reviews

AmOne customers predominantly praise their customer service team for their friendliness and ability to resolve problems.

Customers also appreciate that loans are available to people with bad credit or no credit.

Overall, after reading hours of AmOne reviews, we feel confident in recommending them for any future financing you may need.

AmOne BBB has had a file at the Better Business Bureau since 2001.

AmOne BBB rating

Taking Action & Getting A Loan

Personal Loans are a great option to consolidate credit card debt, meet necessary expenses, or even start a business.

If you need a personal loan, AmOne Corp.’s lender network will be a prime choice, especially if your credit is flawed.

You can click the button below to complete your application process and get a loan in under 2 minutes.

Apply Now

The post AmOne Personal Loans Review (2023): All Credit Types Considered! appeared first on FinMasters.

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How to Get a 700 Credit Score in 90 Days Thu, 16 Apr 2020 11:54:00 +0000 Do you want to know how to get a 700 credit score in 90 days? With three easy steps you could increase your score 100 to 150 points in 90 days or less!

The post How to Get a 700 Credit Score in 90 Days appeared first on FinMasters.

Getting a 700 credit score in 90 days might seem impossible. It’s not possible for everyone but in some conditions, you may be able

In this guide, we’ll dive into practical steps you can take to boost your credit score quickly. We go through methods that work and have been tested by many people just like you who have struggled with this very issue.

Key Takeaways

  • You can increase your credit. A credit score increase of 100 to 150 points in 90 days is possible for many individuals, depending on their specific credit history.
  • Success will depend on your existing record. If you have a thin credit file it is possible to improve your credit fast. If you have many negative records it will be harder.
  • There are tools designed to help you. Credit-builder loans, secured credit cards, and other credit-building tools are accessible and affordable.
  • Management matters. Whatever tools you use, making on-time payments and keeping your credit utilization low are essential.

Ways to Boost Your Credit Fast

Many people would consider 700 to be a good credit score, though, in reality, it’s below the US average FICO score of 716. If your score is in the 600s or below, you’d probably love to get it up to 700.

Would you like to know how to get a 700 credit score in 90 days?

Depending on your credit history, it is quite possible you can improve your credit score by 100 to 150 points in 90 days. This won’t work for everyone. If you’re just out of bankruptcy and your score is 450, it will take a lot longer. For many people, it’s still a reasonable goal.

Your ability to change your credit score fast will depend heavily on what’s already in your credit file.

If you have a thin credit file with a short history and only a few records, a few new moves can change your score dramatically.

If you have a lot of information in your file, it will be harder to move your score.

To build credit, you have to use credit responsibly. That’s hard to do if you can’t get credit, but there are credit products that are designed to help you build credit.

👉 If you want a quick bump to your credit score, try these moves.

Use a Credit-Builder Loan

A credit builder loan is an installment loan product designed specifically to help you build your credit. It does this by reversing the usual loan process. Instead of getting the money upfront and paying the installments back, you pay the installments first and then get the money.

This system almost eliminates the risk of default, so lenders are willing to offer these loans to borrowers with no credit or bad credit. Many credit-builder loans offer very low monthly payments, which makes it easy to keep up and make payments on time.

Many local banks and credit unions offer credit-builder loans, or you can look to nationwide lenders like Self or Brigit.

A credit-builder loan will be particularly effective if you don’t already have an active installment loan on your credit record. Remember that a credit-builder loan will only help your credit if you make every payment on time.

Best Credit Builder Loans of 2023

We compared nationally available lenders offering credit builder loans based on availability, loan term, APR, credit check, and other factors.

Compare Loans

Try a Secured Credit Card

Part of your credit score is your credit mix: lenders like to see that you can handle both installment loans, like a student loan or a credit builder loan, and revolving credit, like a credit card. Of course, it’s hard to get a credit card if you don’t have good credit.

A secured credit card can get you past this hurdle. You put down a deposit, and the deposit becomes your credit limit. That reduces the risk to the issuer, so they can issue these cards to borrowers with poor credit or no credit.

A secured card will only help your credit if you use your card wisely. Keep your balance below 30% of your credit limit, much lower if you can. Pay off every balance in full on or before the due date.

Here’s a proven way to build credit with a card. Put one recurring expense that you’d pay anyway on the card, like a Netflix subscription or your internet bill. Set up a pull payment from your checking account and make sure there’s enough money there to pay it. Then put the card away.

The card will be active, the balance will be small, and the card will be paid on time. That’s a recipe for boosting your credit.

Best Secured Credit Cards in 2023

Compare multiple secured credit cards at one time, pick the best option, and get approved fast.

Compare Cards

Store Cards Can Help

There are several store-specific cards that are available to people with low credit. These products are designed to help you build credit.

Remember that these card issuers aren’t generous: they also want to make money. They typically do this by charging high prices for the goods they sell.

If you’re aware of this, you can use these cards effectively. Be sure that you buy only inexpensive products and only buy items you really need. You’ll pay a premium, but the boost to your credit score may be worth it.

👉 Check out cards from Kikoff and Fingerhut.

Look After the Credit You Have

Adding new tradelines to your credit report can boost your credit, especially if you are new to the credit game. If you already have loans or credit cards, you’ll also have to manage them effectively. Here’s what you need to do.

  • Make every payment on time. Payment history is the most important part of your credit score.
  • Keep your credit utilization low. Keep card balances below 30% of your credit limit.
  • Don’t close old accounts. If you’re not using an old card, just leave it open unless it has a large fee. It will help the length of your credit history.
  • Pay off credit card balances. You’ll pay less interest and lower your credit utilization.
  • Ask your card issuer to increase your limit. A higher credit limit can lower your credit utilization instantly.
  • Use the authorized user strategy. If a friend or family member adds you to their card as an authorized user, your credit score can gain.
  • Put your bill payments to work. You can place your bill payments on your credit report with services like eCredable Lift and Experian BOOST™.
  • Use a rent reporting company. Rent reporting companies can put up to 2 years of rent payments on your credit report. You’ll pay for this service, so you’ll have to decide if it’s worth it.
Experian logo

Experian BOOST™ can help you build your credit record with phone and utility payments… and it’s absolutely free!.

Try Experian BOOST™ Now!

Take Action!

You will see your score gains as soon as your creditors report to the credit bureaus. That’s often within the first 30-60 days of starting to use these tools.

Want a free credit score? Check out our definitive guide on getting a free credit score!

These steps can help you build your credit and get on a path toward financial freedom.

The post How to Get a 700 Credit Score in 90 Days appeared first on FinMasters.

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