Comments on: 10 Reasons People Don’t Budget Master Your Finances and Reach Your Goals Fri, 03 Feb 2023 12:56:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Sat, 10 Jul 2021 10:31:51 +0000 In reply to Ruzanna Hernandez.

Thanks for linking to my article!

By: Business Cash Flow Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:35:27 +0000 I totally agree with what you said. I think that some people are just lazy to do a budget which I also think is wrong. I think that it is very important to do budgeting in order to have a proper finance management. Thanks for sharing this article.

By: John Sat, 05 Mar 2016 19:09:04 +0000 In reply to Jacq.

Thanks, Jacq. It sounds like your bank has a really great tool to use to track your spending. Imagine how much further people’s money would go if they kept a close eye on their spending. When we first started tracking our spending years ago, we were shocked at how much we spent in a few categories.
Keep up the good work!

By: Jacq Sat, 05 Mar 2016 13:48:33 +0000 My bank account has a ‘track spending ‘ & budget tab. It has the ability to look at 12, 6 ,3, 1 month or custom time frames. It displays a graph and % in each category, plus the ability to reassign purchases (yes I split out buying gas vs the snack I also picked up at the gas station). It is a great tool to help on the way to budgeting.
Great insight on the 10 reasons!
