Articles by Miljana Manojlovic - FinMasters Master Your Finances and Reach Your Goals Tue, 30 Jan 2024 09:44:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Best Online and Offline Side Hustles for Women Tue, 23 Jan 2024 22:00:00 +0000 A side hustle won’t get you rich overnight, but it can boost your budget. Learn what the best side hustles for women are and try them out. 

The post The Best Online and Offline Side Hustles for Women appeared first on FinMasters.

The days of rigid separation between men’s work and women’s work are long gone, and many of the best side hustles for women are also perfectly good for men. We are still different, though, and these are some of the best side hustles for women who want to add a little income and even explore a new occupation!

Take a look at some of the best side hustles for women and find your perfect match!

Understanding Side Hustles

Start by setting your priorities. Are you more interested in boosting your budget or simply doing something productive with your time? Would you prefer to work from home or from a different location?

Then, write down a list of activities you enjoy doing (and are good at) – e.g., spending time in nature, playing with pets, or even coding. It’s always easiest to make money when you match your skills and interests with your work.

10 Online Side Hustles

Online Side Hustles

Most online side hustles for women don’t require any particular prior experience or expertise. There are countless remote jobs you could pursue as a complete novice as long as you have a computer, good WiFi, and some dedication.

1. Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant does everything that a traditional assistant does: scheduling appointments, booking hotels, handling administrative tasks, and much more. The only difference is that the virtual assistant works remotely.

💸 Earning potential: You can find flexible virtual assistant work on freelancing platforms such as Freelancer or Upwork. If you build up your online profile and prove you’re reliable, you can expect to earn about $24.55 per hour on average[1].

💻 Learn more: Kickstart your career from home with our list of 15 remote jobs you can start without experience.

2. Freelance Writer

If you have good spelling and grammar and a knack for writing, you might just find the position as a freelance writer the perfect side hustle for your needs. You can choose the specific type of writer you want to be: a copywriter, a web content writer, a technical writer, and more. You can even choose the specific topics you want to work with.

💸 Earning potential: The work hours are flexible, so you can set your own schedule as long as you meet your deadlines. As a freelance writer, you can expect an average salary of $22.77 per hour[2].

👉 Learn more: Explore our list of side hustles for introverts, offering low-stress income opportunities that suit your personality.

3. Transcriptionist

You could try being a transcriptionist if you don’t feel creative enough to be a freelance writer. The job simply involves listening to the audio/videos your clients send you and transcribing everything you hear. You’ll need good grammar and spelling, and you might need to invest in a pair of high-quality headphones, but that’s about it.

💸 Earning potential: On average, a transcriptionist in the US can earn about $19.45 an hour[3].

4. Online Tutor

You’ll have countless options here, from teaching English to native and non-native speakers to tutoring schoolchildren and adults alike in any subject you’re good at – math, computer coding, accounting, music, and many more.

You could find good gigs on freelancing platforms, or you could even look up online schools that are asking for tutors. Depending on the school, you might need some credentials, or you might just need to pass some basic tests that show your competence.

💸 Earning potential: The pay may vary greatly, but you should expect to earn about $18 an hour[4].

5. Online Course Seller

With tutoring, you’ll typically have live one-on-one or group classes, and your salary will be determined by the online school you work for. If you want more freedom, you could try selling online courses.

Depending on your preferences, you can pre-record the entire course or offer live classes. You can set your own rates and determine your own hours. However, you’ll also need to find your own students.

💸 Earning potential: On average, course creators can earn about $42 an hour, though that heavily depends on the popularity of the course[5].

6. Blogger

Blogging isn’t for everyone, especially not for those looking to earn a quick buck. However, if you’re ready to invest time and effort without any guarantees, you could try it.

Select a topic you’re interested in, passionate about, or knowledgeable in, and you can start a blog. To monetize it through affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and the like, you’ll need to gather quite a large audience, which takes time and work.

💸 Earning potential: On average, bloggers in the US earn about $19.34 an hour, but some earn just a couple of hundred every few months[6]. A select few make it big and earn thousands a week.

7. Etsy/eBay Seller

Perhaps the simplest side hustle for women is starting up an Etsy or eBay shop. As long as your items aren’t explicitly forbidden on the platform, you can sell them. Whether you have too many clothes (in good condition) that you no longer wear, or you enjoy crafting handmade items or even propagating plants, you can sell them all online without much fuss.

💸 Earning potential: On average, a successful Etsy seller can make about $43,000 a year[7].

👗 Learn more: Discover how to successfully start reselling on Poshmark and potentially earn a significant income, as revealed in our latest post.

8. Survey Taker

If you don’t want to invest too much time or energy into your side hustle, you can always start taking surveys online – you can even earn money this way with your phone, no additional equipment required.

All you have to do is join a platform like Swagbucks, MySurvey, Survey Junkie, OneOpinion, and the like, fill in as many surveys as you can, and start making money.

💸 Earning potential: The pay isn’t always all that great, but if you target your efforts carefully you could amass around $25 an hour[8].

9. Digital Product Seller

Just like you can sell physical items on sites like eBay or Etsy, you can sell digital goods on various platforms. You can sell music on platforms like Fiverr, eBooks on sites like Amazon, and photos on sites like Shutterstock.

💸 Earning potential: Your options are virtually endless, and, technically, so are your earnings. There are no averages you can expect. It all depends on how popular your digital goods are and how effectively you market them.

10. Social Media Creator

Becoming a social media influencer isn’t as easy as it seems, but it could be well worth the effort. Find a niche you’re interested in, and start creating and publishing content.

💸 Earning potential: As with blogging, it could take a while before you become profitable, however. By some estimates, you’d be looking at average earnings of around $27 an hour, though you could easily earn much less or much, much more[9].

Local/Offline Side Hustles for Women

Local/Offline Side Hustles for Women

If online side hustles for women aren’t your cup of tea, perhaps you should look into your local/offline options. You might find more traditional side hustles more to your liking.

11. Pet/House/Babysitter 

Pet, house, or babysitting is often considered one of the best options for side hustles for women. Many people find women to be more trustworthy for these types of jobs, which makes work easier to get.

It’s best to start offering these services to neighbors or close friends and family. You could also market them on social networks or neighborhood groups.

💸 Earning potential: Your average earnings can vary between around $13 an hour as a house sitter[10] and up to $21.09 as a babysitter[11].

🐕 Learn more: Uncover the steps to making a steady income by dog sitting with Rover, as detailed in our informative guide.

12. Senior Caretaker

If you have the skills, will, and resilience, you might find senior caretaking to be both fulfilling and lucrative. Depending on the clients you find, you might be responsible for grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning, or you might have to take on medication management, doctor’s appointment scheduling, etc.

💸 Earning potential: Depending on the specific job description, you could be looking at around $15.69 an hour[12].

13. Baker

Creating a small, home-based bakery isn’t all that difficult, especially when starting out as a baker. You need just some basic kitchen equipment and some good baking skills.

You can offer to sell baked goods for children’s birthdays, parties, or even weddings, and similar events, depending on your capabilities. Moreover, you can take things a step further and create baking-oriented social media content to hit two birds with one stone.

💸 Earning potential: Your earnings will vary wildly based on your skills, clients, and, of course, your pricing. Look into what custom-made baked goods are going for in your area before setting your prices.

14. Makeup Artist

If you have a knack for makeup, why not try becoming a freelance makeup artist? It takes a bit of an investment as you’ll have to buy different makeup products that suit different skin types, purchase all the tools and brushes, and get all the proper cleaning items to keep everything sanitary.

💸 Earning potential: However, it could all be well worth it. You could be looking at earning around $25.60 an hour[13]!

15. Nail Artist

Becoming a nail artist might be a bit more challenging than becoming a makeup artist, but it could also be more fulfilling.

Depending on your location, you might have to complete a course or get a certificate before you can start working as a nail artist. Additionally, you’ll need to invest in all the equipment.

💸 Earning potential: But seeing as you could earn well over $21.26 an hour, any investments you make will quickly be reimbursed[14].

16. Photographer

If you have a keen eye and you can set aside some cash to invest in a good camera, photography could be a great side hustle for you. It takes skill and patience, but it could be pretty profitable as long as you’re dedicated to self-improvement.

💸 Earning potential: You could earn around $25 an hour as a freelance photographer and more if you also work on perfecting your photo editing skills[15].

17. Cleaner

If you’re detail-oriented and don’t mind completing common household chores, cleaning might be the side hustle for you. You’ll need equipment, and lots of it – everything from rubber gloves to cleaning supplies, rags, sponges, and cleaning brushes.

💸 Earning potential: You could earn around $15.27 an hour, and you can choose your own clients and work hours[16].

18. Jewelry Designer

Although you can always get into designing luxury jewelry if you have the skills (and the tools), this side gig doesn’t always require precious stones and metals. If you’re the creative type, you could look into designing jewelry made from clay, epoxy resin, plastic, and more.

Sell your creations at your local market or fair, or look into selling via your social media channels.

💸 Earning potential: Your earnings will vary based on your popularity and the quality of your goods.

19. Fitness Coach

Becoming a fitness coach can take some time, as you’ll first need to obtain certifications to operate legally. However, once you have the necessary certificates, you can start helping your clients achieve their fitness goals.

You can develop personalized training programs, work with clients one-on-one, hold group classes, and more.

💸 Earning potential: As a fitness coach, you could earn well over $28 an hour[17].

20. Flipped Goods Reseller

Finally, you might want to give it a go as a flipped goods reseller. It involves finding cheap used goods, fixing them up, and selling them for a profit.

Of course, it’s not as easy as it sounds, and you’ll need to invest in some tools. However, from there, it’s all a matter of trial and error. Start small, with simple paint jobs, for instance, then work your way up.

💸 Earning potential: Depending on your work and what you’re flipping, you might make hundreds of dollars per project.

Balancing Side Hustles With Other Responsibilities

You must learn to balance everything to ensure your side hustles don’t take over your entire life.

As a general rule of thumb, your best strategy for success is treating your side hustle like you would any other job. As in, you’ll have pre-determined working hours, and you’ll do what you can to stick to them.

Creating and sticking to a schedule will allow you to fulfill all other responsibilities without issues and find enough time to unwind.


Finding the right side hustle for women could have a massive impact on your budget and even on your confidence levels. You’ll feel more fulfilled and spend your time more productively.

Just don’t forget to give yourself proper breaks when you need them and find some time for yourself as well!

The post The Best Online and Offline Side Hustles for Women appeared first on FinMasters.

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35 Best Jobs for Seniors: Consider Them if You’re Over 60 Thu, 17 Aug 2023 09:00:09 +0000 Many seniors want to work, either to add to their retirement income or just to stay busy. Here are some top job options.

The post 35 Best Jobs for Seniors: Consider Them if You’re Over 60 appeared first on FinMasters.


Many seniors want to continue working even when they have the option of retirement. Some need the money, and some simply feel they can still continue working and feel capable of contributing. The best jobs for seniors can meet both of these goals at the same time.

Luckily, there are various part-time and full-time jobs you can seek out as a senior over 60. Keeping a job is an excellent option for stretching out your savings, engaging in the community, finding new challenges, and staying active.

Best Jobs for Seniors Locally

Best Jobs for Seniors Locally

If you want to keep your routine and do some work that will have a positive impact on your local community, here are some of the best jobs for seniors that you can look for locally.

1. Parking Attendant

This is a great option if you’re looking for a simple job that lets you sit most of the day while doing repetitive tasks. Parking attendants sit in a booth throughout the day and charge people for their parking fare. You can find a position on the beach, hotel, or public parking facilities.

💰 Annual pay: $20k – $35k

2. Event Planners

Event planning is all about being organized, understanding the key factors affecting your work, and solving problems on time. Most seniors have lots of experience, and they’ve organized many events in the past, including anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, and parties. Why not do this for someone else while making money in the process?

💰 Annual pay: $40k – $94k

3. Courier Drivers

Courier drivers deliver various goods to and from warehouses, stores, restaurants, private homes, markets, etc. The growth of services like GrubHub and Amazon Flex has opened up many positions for courier drivers. Drivers are responsible for delivering the goods safely within set time frames.

💰 Annual pay: $30k – $39k

🚙 Learn more: From route planning to customer interactions, discover the nuances of excelling as a delivery driver.

4. Retail Associates

Retail associates or retail sales associates help customers that walk into stores. Some of their main duties are greeting people, helping them find the merchandise they need, answering questions, showing how products work, and making returns.

💰 Annual pay: $21k – $44k

📊 Learn more: In the intricate game of investing, retail participants hold some unexpected cards; learn where they shine brightest.

5. Teaching

One of the ways seniors can use their accumulated knowledge and experience is to teach. Community centers and colleges need temporary teachers or instructors for general interest or professional development. Visit the local community center for seniors or college to see what they offer and create a class based on your knowledge and experience.

💰 Annual pay: $47k – $69k

6. Tour Guides

If you love the place where you live and want to share some exciting locations, sights, natural sights, restaurants, or historical monuments with others, you could consider becoming a tour guide. These positions require some basic geography, history, and economic knowledge. It’s also a good choice if you have good public speaking and communication skills.

💰 Annual pay: $28k – $40k

7. School Bus Driver

Seniors who love driving and spending time with kids can do both by becoming bus drivers. Driving a school bus requires exceptional driving skills, and you need to be able to enforce school rules and maintain order while driving adolescents to school. You must have a clean driving record and a commercial license.

💰 Annual pay: $30k – $65k

8. Secretary

There’s a wide range of secretarial positions in different sectors, including government offices, schools, companies, etc. You can find a job as an executive, medical, or legal secretary, which all require specific knowledge you can quickly acquire.

Secretaries handle tasks like talking with the public, vendors, or clients, managing schedules, organizing calendars, and scheduling meetings.

💰 Annual pay: $25k – $44k

9. Paralegal

Paralegals support lawyers by handling several tasks like maintaining files and documents, organizing paperwork, doing legal research, writing reports, etc. There’s a growing demand for paralegals, and the current workforce can’t keep up with the numbers, meaning seniors with the right skills can easily find an open position.

💰 Annual pay: $37k – $88k

10. Receptionist

Receptionists are the welcoming face of businesses, and they handle tasks like answering phone calls, taking notes, greeting visitors, and giving information. Most available receptionist positions are in social assistance and health care, but there are opportunities in many other sectors. Check the local nursing homes, hospitals, government institutions, and businesses for open positions.

💰 Annual pay: $30k – $47k

Best Jobs for Seniors Part-Time

Best Jobs for Seniors Part-Time

Part-time jobs are a great option if you don’t want/cannot work full-time but want to make some additional money.

11. Nanny

Nannies take care of people’s children while they’re away. Sometimes, they live in the child’s home for a couple of days at a time or make visits. Nannies have to take care of the children, watch them play, keep up with their sleep schedules, feed them, help with light housework, and help them with school assignments.

💰 Annual pay: $30k – $75k

12. Consulting Work

Many seniors have a rich work history, a wealth of knowledge in their fields, and various accomplishments. This knowledge and skills are very valuable, and you can share them with companies that need guidance in specific scenarios or are going through transitions. Consultants can earn great money and usually have flexible work schedules and work part-time.

💰 Annual pay: $75k – $130k

13. Bookkeeping

Accounting and bookkeeping are among some of the best jobs for seniors. Many small companies need part-time bookkeepers. What’s even more convenient for seniors is that they can get a flexible schedule while getting a great hourly rate.

These jobs also let seniors move around and meet new people. You can keep the work volume to the number of clients you feel able to handle, making it an ideal part-time job for people with less energy.

💰 Annual pay: $32k – $57k

14. Housekeeping

Housekeepers maintain various facilities, including private homes, residential facilities, hotels, motels, etc. Their main futures include sweeping, vacuuming, mopping floors, removing garbage, changing the sheets, dusting, and restocking amenities if there are any.

Housekeeping can be part-time or full-time, but seniors should only focus on part-time endeavors as these jobs can be physically challenging.

💰 Annual pay: $9k – $21k

15. Back-Up Driver

Transportation services like Lyft and Uber often seek new independent drivers and want to expand into different markets. These services let you set your work hours and have absolute flexibility. Simply put, you earn how much you drive, and that’s why so many people over 50 are driving Ubers.

💰 Annual pay: $25k – $54k

16. Pet Sitters

Pet sitters are similar to nannies or babysitters, but they watch people’s pets while they’re not home. Like nannies, they sometimes watch people’s pets for multiple days while on holiday or make daily visits. Their duties are feeding, walking, cleaning, and playing with pets. This work is ideal for animal lovers.

💰 Annual pay: $27k – $72k

17. Handyman/Handyperson Services

Physically fit 60-year-olds with handyman skills can help people with various repairs and home jobs. Many companies are looking for handy people, or you can become an independent contractor or find work on platforms like TaskRabbit that operate like Uber but offer repair services.

💰 Annual pay: $32k – $62k

🔧 Learn more: Men looking for a profitable sideline might find these side hustles quite intriguing.

18. Dental Assistant

In some states, you don’t need any experience or education to become a dental assistant. However, some states require you to go through an accredited training program to qualify for the position. Dental assistants perform various tasks like maintaining patient records, sterilizing equipment, and getting dental supplies.

💰 Annual pay: $31k – $54k

19. Registered Nurse

Healthcare employees are in high demand, and this includes registered nurses. The expected growth of registered nurse positions in the US is estimated at 12%, which is way higher than the average projected growth across all jobs[1]. However, these positions require the latest training, education, and a nursing license.

💰 Annual pay: $61k – $98k

20. Orderly

Orderlies are in demand in hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare institutions. Their responsibility is to maintain and clean the environment and help transport or move patients. It’s important to mention that orderlies spend their work hours on their feet and must be physically ready.

💰 Annual pay: $27k – $110k

Best Jobs for Seniors Who Want to Work From Home

Best Jobs for Seniors Work From Home

Work-from-home jobs are an excellent option for seniors that can’t go outside or have difficulty engaging in physical activities. There are many ways you can make money online if you have basic computer skills.

21. Blogging/Writing

If you’re passionate about writing, you can write books, blogs, poems, songs, or anything else from the comforts of your home. Take your free time to be creative and use your life experience as inspiration to come up with amazing stories. You can start your own blog or work for someone else. You can write articles and other web content. If you’re writing a book, you can publish it online or look for a publishing deal.

💰 Annual pay: $30k – $70k

👉 Learn more: Explore a curated list of part-time jobs that fit seamlessly into your home environment.

22. Administrative Assistant/Virtual Assistant Roles

Administrative assistants give clerical support to organizations. Many administrative assistant positions allow you to work from home. The main duties include taking calls, managing calendars, scheduling meetings, contacting partners, organizing documents, tracking inventory, and taking notes.

💰 Annual pay: $35k – $70k

💻 Learn more: Unravel the techniques to position yourself as a sought-after influencer VA with a lucrative pay scale.

23. Customer Service/Support

Many companies need customer service agents that work from home. The job requires you to take phone calls, receive emails, or talk to people on video calls and help them with their issues. You will need basic computer skills, exceptional communication skills, patience, and problem-solving abilities to do this job effectively.

💰 Annual pay: $35k – $100k

24. Finance and Accounting

You can easily find a finance or accounting job that you can do from home if you’re good with numbers and have experience in this area. Work in this industry includes various tasks like paying bills for people, organizing financial records, handling accounts payable, preparing taxes, etc. You can work for individuals or larger companies.

💰 Annual pay: $42k – $100k

25. Editing & Proofreading

If you have a thing for spelling, grammar, and literature, finding an editing job might be the right way to go. Editors spend time in front of their computers editing, proofreading, and reviewing various types of texts and approving them before they’re published. You can find full-time positions or work as a freelancer and organize your own work schedule.

💰 Annual pay: $46k – $95k

26. Translation Work

Translators and interpreters write, read, and speak fluently in (at least) two languages. Their job is to convert the information they’ve received in one language into another. Finding translation work shouldn’t be difficult if you speak multiple languages fluently. The job comes in different formats; some people translate documentation, others translate blogs, and some translate in real-time.

💰 Annual pay: $36k – $100k

27. Online Music Teacher

Whether you’re a guitar, saxophone, piano, bass, ukelele, or violin player, you can turn your knowledge into money online by giving private lessons. The best thing about it is that you don’t need a music degree to teach people. Of course, if you have one, you could get paid even more and work as a part-time teacher at music schools.

💰 Annual pay: $44k – $60k

👩‍🏫 Learn more: From harnessing your musical talents on Outschool to embracing the ease of teaching English with VIPKid, there are diverse ways to turn skills into income from the comfort of home.

Best Jobs for Seniors Volunteering

Volunteer Opportunities for Seniors

You can easily find meaningful volunteer work if you want to work as a senior and help your community. Here are the best jobs for seniors who want to start volunteering.

28. Community Gardening

Many cities have local community gardens where you can spend your spare time making the most of your green thumb and love nature. Activities include seed packing, making plant cages, maintaining gardens and plants, event planning, logistics, and educating people on gardening. You can work on your passion and relax while giving something back to the community.

29. Animal Shelters

Thousands of shelters offer volunteer opportunities, including caring for animals, offering companionship to animals, creating policies, getting out in the field to help people, offering support over the phone, etc. This kind of volunteer work is an excellent option for senior animal lovers and doesn’t require specific skills.

30. National and Local Charities

You can volunteer with a wide range of charities that help feed people, assist veterans, build homes, help sick people, raise money for the poor, etc. If you’re looking to give back to people, you can easily find a local charity that will quickly assign you to a position you can do. Anyone can pitch in and help others in need!

31. Foster Programs

As a senior foster parent, you can give back to the community in a meaningful and rewarding way. Foster parents take children in their homes, raise them, care for their needs, educate, and mentor them. There are large nationwide foster parenting networks you can join. Some are part of the military, some are non-government organizations, and some are within religious communities.

32. Park Volunteering

Parks often seek volunteers to help them maintain and improve their environment. Some positions require specific skills and experience, while others don’t require any knowledge. You can expect some part-time work and long-term commitments that include garbage removal, plant maintenance, gardening, or working as a tour guide.

Best Jobs for Seniors in the Military

Military Jobs for Seniors

If you’re a veteran or simply want to help the troops, here are some of the best jobs for seniors you can find.

33. Management and Administration in the Military

The majority of the civilians that work full-time in the military have desk jobs. There are all kinds of positions you can find in the military to help our soldiers and enable them to do their jobs even better. These positions include organizing events, creating schedules, planning, managing documents, communicating with departments, etc.

💰 Annual pay: $50k – $100k

34. Contracting Work for the Military

The military often needs civilian or ex-military contractors that can help them with part-time projects. The type of contracting work required can differ depending on the needs. You will need specific skills and qualifications to get a military contract, including college degrees, military experience, driving skills, electrical knowledge, etc.

💰 Annual pay: $45k – $150k

35. Medical and Dental Work for the Military

Various organizations like Military Medical Personnel help civilians find medical and dental work in the military. If you have the necessary degree and experience, you can apply for these positions and continue working for the military while getting a pay bump. The military requires licensed professionals that have to go through some additional background checks.

💰 Annual pay: $40k – $290k

⚕ Learn more: Find clarity and gain confidence in your next medical bill negotiation with this detailed walkthrough.

Conclusion on the Best Jobs for Seniors

There are plenty of great jobs for seniors, and you can find an option that fits your financial needs, lifestyle, and goals. Take the time to send out your resume and, if possible, visit employers and talk with them about your abilities and possible contributions. Good luck!

The post 35 Best Jobs for Seniors: Consider Them if You’re Over 60 appeared first on FinMasters.

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10 Creative Ways to Make Money With a Drone Fri, 04 Aug 2023 16:00:15 +0000 Flying a drone can be a fun hobby, but it can also be a fantastic earning opportunity. Find out how to make money with a drone.

The post 10 Creative Ways to Make Money With a Drone appeared first on FinMasters.

Looking to make money with a drone? Drones can be a lot of fun. It takes just a couple of times flying one to get used to the controls and start piloting like a pro. Before you know it, piloting a drone can turn into your favorite hobby.

However, a hobby isn’t the only thing drone flying can be for you. With a bit of talent and some business acumen, flying a drone can present an excellent money-making opportunity. Check out the top ways to make money with a drone.

What You’ll Need to Make Money With Your Drone

Just like monetizing any other hobby, earning money by flying a drone doesn’t happen overnight. You must prepare, hone your skills, and obtain all the necessary paperwork, as you would when starting any business endeavor.

For starters, you’ll need to invest in the equipment.

Drones come in all shapes and sizes and at varying price points. Depending on what you’re looking for, you can find drones that cost anywhere between just $50 and well over $10,000[1]. If you want to make money with a drone, you should expect to spend at least $3,000 on average for a higher-end professional one.

The precise type of drone you should use depends entirely on what you want to use it for. Multi-rotor drones, for instance, are excellent for aerial photography and inspection, while you’ll need a fixed-wing hybrid VTOL drone for tasks such as surveillance or search and rescue. You’ll first want to consider the type of work you want your drone to do before investing in suitable equipment.

With the drone all set, it’s time to get to training. Drone flying isn’t as easy as it may appear, and you’ll likely go through some trial and error before you figure it out.

However, you can’t hope to make money with a drone if you’re not good at it, so keep practicing. If possible, you could also sign up for courses. While there are many online ones, you might find it easier to master the necessary skills with in-person training.

📚 Learn more: If you’re keen on expanding your financial knowledge without spending a dime, this post lists some of the best sites offering free financial courses.

Once you’re confident in your skills and ready to start flying your drone commercially, you’ll need to get a license. Without it, you cannot legally pilot a drone for commercial purposes. You can obtain a license in the US from the Federal Aviation Administration after completing a simple flight, safety, and procedures test.

If your plan to make money with a drone involves photography or videography, you’ll need to develop photo and video composition and editing skills.

All there’s left to do is get drone insurance in case of accidents, and you can start finding ways to earn money with your drone.

Top Ways to Earn Using Drones

Top Ways To Make Money With A Drone

With the right equipment, some training, a license, and insurance, you can find excellent ways to make money with a drone.

1. Real Estate Photography

One of the most popular options to make money with a drone is real estate photography. Real estate agents heavily rely on photos and videos to highlight their property listings and attract prospective buyers.

Traditional photos and videos often leave much to be desired. That’s why many agencies hire drone pilots to take aerial shots and present their properties in their full glory.

💵 On average, a real estate drone photographer can earn about $51,000 annually. That depends on your precise location and the agency you work with. You will not usually be hired as a full-time employee: you’ll receive contracted work and be paid by the project.

📚 Learn more: In case you’re starting your journey in real estate investment, this post offering 7 simple yet effective ways to invest could provide some valuable insights

2. Aerial Photography

Still staying in the realm of photography, you could use your drone for aerial photography and videography for magazines, websites, independent businesses, and more. You’d be surprised at how many companies need such services.

Depending on your specialization, you could take landscape photos and videos with your drone, shoot commercial properties for advertising, or even help create marketing content for different types of businesses. This is a creative and fun way to make money with a drone.

💵 If you want to increase your earnings, you could even join the entertainment industry, helping with video production. With the average videographer salary of $71,032 in the US, you could turn your drone-flying hobby into a steady career[2].

📚 Learn more: If you’re exploring lucrative weekend job options, this post highlighting some of the best ones might be helpful.

3. Stock Photography

While you can earn the most with your drone by starting a business and connecting directly with clients, that’s not your only option. You don’t have to turn drone piloting into a full-time job or a career. Keep it as a hobby and still earn a pretty penny on the side by selling stock photos and videos.

Websites such as Getty Images, Alamy, Shutterstock, and iStockPhoto are great for selling high-quality photos and videos you’ve captured with your drone.

Depending on the site you join, you could earn money in several different ways. Some sites will offer immediate payments in exchange for a license to use your photos and videos as they see fit. Others will only pay you once someone downloads the content you’ve shared on the platform.

💵 Your earnings can vary significantly based on the stock platform you choose and the popularity of your content. Most stock photographers earn up to just $500 a month. However, the top 20% can easily earn over $2,000[3].

4. Wedding Photography/Videography

Of all the ways you could make money with your drone, event photography and videography might be the best, especially if you choose to shoot weddings.

Virtually everyone nowadays wants professionally-made videos of their wedding day with gorgeous aerial views of the venue and guests. Finding lucrative opportunities shouldn’t be much of a hassle.

You can work independently, start your own business or find gigs on freelancing platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. Alternatively, you can reach out to established event photographers and see whether you can collaborate with them.

💵 On average, wedding photographers can earn around $52,500 a year, depending on their location[4].

📚 Learn more: In case you’re scouting for an online job or gig opportunities, this detailed list of platforms might help streamline your search.

5. Surveying and Mapping

Surveying and mapping the land, especially in remote areas, used to be done with helicopters. However, with the rising popularity of commercial drones, the job description has changed.

Drones can easily access virtually any environment. Whether it’s the remotest part of a forest or an area affected by wildfires, they can easily fly over the land taking in data without risking harm to the pilot.

For mapping and surveying, you’ll pilot your drone over a specific area, taking photos and videos of the land. Then, you’ll likely have to use mapping software to ensure the accuracy of the images you produce.

Surveying and mapping can be done for construction projects, 3D models, archaeology organizations, and more.

💵 On average, you can expect an annual salary of $70,000, though depending on your expertise, you could even get a six-figure salary[5].

6. Search and Rescue

If you want a job that pays well and helps you give back to the world, taking your drone and joining search and rescue missions could be just the thing for you.

Many search and rescue missions can be dangerous. The terrain could be inaccessible or hazardous, sometimes making it impossible to organize search and rescue operations. That’s where drones can come in particularly handy.

You can cover vast areas from a safe distance, easily detect missing people, deliver emergency supplies, and more.

It’s a stressful but rewarding way to make money with a drone.

💵 Those involved in search and rescue could earn an average salary of over $99,000, though you’ll need skills and experience to reach such high earnings[6]. You could also offer services only when the occasion arises or choose to volunteer and help out.

7. Drone Deliveries

While we’re still a long way away from having everything delivered by a drone, there’s no denying that drone deliveries are becoming increasingly popular. If you aren’t interested in using your drone for photography and surveying, it’s a great alternative.

You could partner with businesses that handle their own deliveries or join order fulfillment services.

Whether this is a good field for you depends mainly on the type of equipment you have. As a general rule of thumb, most drones cannot carry excess weight, so you’ll need powerful equipment designed to carry loads.

💵 On average, you can earn between $20,000 and $50,000 as a drone delivery pilot[7].

8. Drone Tutoring

Another fun way to make money with a drone is by teaching others how to fly one. If you’re primarily interested in flying your drone for fun and don’t want to get involved in photography, delivery, mapping, surveying, and more, you could offer drone-flying classes.

You’ll get to do precisely what you enjoy, simply piloting your drone. You’ll just have to transfer your knowledge and skills to others as you do so.

💵 Depending on where you’re located, you can expect to make anywhere between $20,500 and $100,000 annually, with the national average being around $59,600[8].

9. Inspection

Structural and building inspection can be a dangerous job. Poorly maintained buildings, those located in earthquake zones, or those affected by flooding, natural disasters, and more can pose a serious threat to human inspectors.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that drone inspections are becoming exceptionally popular. Drones can inspect every nook and cranny of a building, regardless of the condition it’s in, without risking human lives.

💵 Drone inspection and monitoring usually pay between $50 and $200 per job. However, there’s a possibility of earning even more in some locations[9].

10. Social Media

If your ultimate goal is to simply enjoy drone piloting by yourself, you can always turn to social media to make money with a drone. All it takes is an active social media account, some creativity, and a decent drone.

As a general rule of thumb, starting a YouTube channel could be the most lucrative way to earn money from flying your drone. You can share your experiences, tips, tricks, and failures with your audiences and build a supportive community. You could even offer tutorials on flying drones, choosing locations, and making perfect shots.

💵 There are no guaranteed earnings for a social media influencer. You’ll need to build up your audience, then monetize your content with ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and more.

📚 Learn more: If you’re interested in learning more about personal finance, this post outlines some of the best YouTube channels that might be worth following.

Final Thoughts

Piloting a drone can be extremely exciting. While there’s a steep learning curve, it’s easy to get immersed in this hobby and start honing your skills. Once you develop the expertise, you can find dozens of different ways to make money with your drone.

The post 10 Creative Ways to Make Money With a Drone appeared first on FinMasters.

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100 Chores Kids Can Do for Money (Around the House) Tue, 01 Aug 2023 16:00:41 +0000 If you are giving your kids an allowance, let them earn it, There are plenty of household chores kids can do.

The post 100 Chores Kids Can Do for Money (Around the House) appeared first on FinMasters.

Looking for ways to teach your kids responsibility while also getting some extra help around the house? Consider introducing them to chores kids can do for money. Chores can help your children learn responsibility, independence, time management, and more, all the basic skills that will make adulthood much easier down the line.

And if your kids need a bit of a push to help around the house, some monetary incentive should be more than enough to give them the motivation they need. If you’re going to give your kids an allowance, letting them earn it will help them appreciate what they get.

Chores For Children Aged 7-12

Household chores kids can do for money: for children aged 7-12

When it comes to teaching kids about money and responsibility, having a list of chores kids can do for money tailored to their age is essential. You can’t expect a 7-year-old to be able to do all the tasks that a 17-year-old can handle. So, having a list of tasks suitable for different age ranges is in your and your child’s best interest.

Kitchen Chores

The kitchen is usually the messiest place in the home. Fortunately, if you have kids between 7 and 12 years of age, they could help you keep it tidy. Here are some ideas of kitchen chores kids can do for money.

1. Put Away the Groceries

Putting away the groceries is a simple chore that even a 5-year-old could learn to do. Start by having your child help as you put away groceries so they can learn precisely what goes into the fridge and what goes into the pantry. Then let them complete the chore alone.

2. Set/Clear the Table

Setting the table and clearing it after meals should not be too difficult for your 7-to-12-year-old. They don’t have to master the art of folding napkins into elegant swans, but they can certainly set the tablecloth, a few plates, and some cutlery.

3. Sweep the Kitchen Floors

Hand your kid a broom and have them sweep the kitchen floors after meals… and yes, they need to sweep under the table, too, not just around it. Don’t expect perfection, but make sure that your kids do a good enough job to earn their allowance.

📚 Tip: If you’re considering home improvements, our post on ‘Home Improvements That Do Not Add Value‘ might be worth reading.

4. Help With Cooking

Having a young child around knives and hot stoves could be dangerous, but your child should still be able to help you with cooking. Have them peel vegetables and hard-boiled eggs, hand you the ingredients you need, put away condiments after you’ve used them, and more. Every little bit counts.

5. Prepare and Pack Their School Lunch

Making a PB&J sandwich or putting leftovers into a container and packing it into their lunch box is something that any 7-year-old should be able to do. Let your kid take care of their school lunch. Just keep an eye on what they’re making to ensure they don’t go to school with a lunch box filled with candy bars!

6. Clean Countertops

You don’t want to let your young child clean the countertops using harsh chemicals. They can still use a damp microfiber cloth or paper towels to clean the countertops daily.

7. Fill Up Ice Trays

If you’re like most people, you don’t notice that your ice trays are empty until you really need some ice. Put your child in charge of checking and filling the ice trays on time.

8. Prepare Simple Foods

If your kid can read, they can most likely follow simple instructions. Have your kid prepare simple meals such as mac and cheese, smoothies, fruit salads, and the like. This isn’t only a chore kids can do for money, but it’s also a great way of exposing your child to what preparing and enjoying the food cooked by him actually mean.

Bathroom Chores

Some kids might find bathroom chores disgusting, but it’s still essential for them to learn how to do them. The sooner, the better!

9. Wipe Up Spills and Smudges

Water stains can be a pain in the neck to clean if you tend just to let them be. You’ll want to teach your kids to always wipe spills and smudges in the bathroom as soon as they notice them. Have a handy microfiber towel ready so they can always clean after themselves when they’re done with the shower.

10. Empty the Bathroom Trash Bag

Have your kids check all the bathroom trash cans daily and empty them when they’re full. Of course, the chore is not complete until they’ve also replaced the bag!

11. Clean the Mirrors

While cleaning the mirrors can be an ordeal if you’re looking for perfection, keeping them in a presentable condition is not all that difficult. Hand your kid a damp cloth and a squeegee, and let them keep the mirrors in the bathroom looking nice.

12. Clean and Fill Soap Dispensers

Liquid soap dispensers can get pretty gross and gunky even after a little bit of use. Your child can undoubtedly handle the responsibility of cleaning and refilling the soap dispensers in the bathroom every few days.

13. Clean Water Stains From the Shower

If you have a glass shower door, keep your child responsible for wiping it down daily. A task that takes just a few minutes to complete daily will save you some serious time, as you’ll never have to deal with hard-set water stains.

14. Put Out Clean Towels

Some people change their bathroom towels daily. Others are a bit more lenient with this schedule. Whatever the rules are in your house, have your kids responsible for putting out clean bathroom towels regularly.

16. Dust the Cabinets

With all the moisture in the bathroom, it can be difficult to notice dust accumulation on the cabinets. You can rest assured it’s there. Hand your child a damp towel and have them dust the cabinets at least once a week.

17. Clean Chrome Fixtures

Depending on the condition of the chrome fixtures in your bathrooms, you might need some harsh chemicals to clean them. However, if they have just some minor water stains, let your child take care of this with a simple damp cloth and some baking soda.

Living Room Chores

With kids ages 7 to 12, the living room can get pretty messy pretty quickly. Here are some living room chores kids can do for money.

18. Dust the Bookshelves and the TV Stand

A light dusting is a simple chore kids can do for money that will keep your living room looking, smelling, and feeling fresh. Kids as young as 7 can dust the bookshelves and the TV stand, but you might have to help them with some hard-to-reach places up top, and you might want to keep them away from fragile items.

📺 Tip: Our recent post takes a look at some of the best TV series on frugal living; you might find it interesting.

19. Sweep/Vacuum the Floors

Operating the vacuum isn’t generally difficult, so you should feel free to hand your 7-year-old a vacuum and have them clean the living room floors. If you have a bulky vacuum that’s hard to drag along, hand them a broom.

20. Put Away Their Toys and Other Items

Regardless of your child’s age, they should be able to put away all their toys, outdoor clothes, and other items and keep them away from the living room when they’re not using them.

21. Fold and Store Blankets

Throw blankets aren’t designed just to lay scrunched up on the couch. Your child can easily fold and store away blankets when they’re not in use, keeping your living room looking tidy. For more convenience, have a blanket basket (or other storage solution) right there in the living room.

22. Clean Side Tables

Side tables often get neglected and dusty, something you’ll notice whenever you have guests over. To avoid getting embarrassed by it, have your child responsible for cleaning the side tables every week.

23. Dust Picture Frames

It’s easy to overlook picture frames hanging on the walls of your living room. Can you remember the last time you cleaned them? Have your child in charge of their upkeep – a simple cleaning with a damp cloth will do wonders.

24. Put Away Books, Magazines, and Newspapers

While books and magazines are educational and can serve as sophisticated home decor, they’ll only make your living room look messy when they’re just lying around. Your children should put away all books, magazines, newspapers, and other items every day.

📚 Tip: There are some insightful books on saving money featured in our post “Best Books on Saving Money“. You may want to check it out.

25. Put the Remote in Its Usual Place

Putting the remote control where it belongs doesn’t sound like much of a chore at first, but have you considered how long it takes you to find it when it’s not in its usual place? Make sure your child knows where to keep the remote control and always puts it in its designated place.

Bedroom Chores

As a general rule of thumb, when your child reaches the age of 7, there’s really no reason for you to be responsible for the daily upkeep of their bedroom. They should be easily able to handle most of these tasks. Check out the following bedroom chores that kids can do to earn money.

26. Clean the Floors

If you have hardwood, tile, or similar floors in the bedroom, mopping them daily will help keep them in good condition. If your kid’s bedroom is carpeted, they can instead vacuum their bedroom.

27. Organize Laundry

At 7, your children are old enough to know whether their clothes are dirty or not, and they’re old enough to keep their laundry organized. Let that be one of their daily chores.

28. Strip the Sheets

Regularly cleaning the bedsheets is essential, especially if your child tends to sweat through the night. Have your child strip their bedsheets regularly, whether that’s daily or weekly, and for convenience, keep a laundry basket for the linens in their bedroom.

29. Put on New Bedding

Stripping the sheets is no more complicated than putting them on (unless we’re talking about fitted sheets). If your child can do one, they can certainly do the other.

30. Tidy Up Toys and Books

At the end of every day, your child should put away all the toys, books, and other items they used. Just ensure they have enough storage space in the bedroom for all their things.

31. Fold Clothes

A 7-year-old might not know the perfect “Marie Kondo” way of folding clothes, but they probably have enough dexterity to keep their closet nicely organized.

32. Empty Waste Paper Baskets

It takes less than a minute to empty the waste paper basket and put it in a new trash bag, so there’s no reason why you should do it. Let your children be responsible for the cleanliness of their own rooms.

33. Clean the Study Area

Whether they’re doing homework, doing arts and crafts, or playing at their desk, the study area in most children’s bedrooms tends to get dirty quickly. Have them keep it organized and clean it with a damp cloth once a week.

Pet Chores

Even the youngest child should take on some responsibility for the family pet. While they should not be responsible for the pet’s overall well-being and vet visits, they can do a few small things to help out.

34. Fill Water Bowls

Your pets should always have access to clean drinking water. To ensure that your kids learn this, make them responsible for filling the water bowls at least once a day. Of course, when they first start doing this, keep an eye out so that they don’t forget!

35. Put Out Food

In addition to filling the water bowls, they should also take responsibility for feeding the pets at designated times. Always double-check to ensure that your pets are well-fed.

36. Pick Up Pet Droppings

While it’s a bit gross at first, picking up pet droppings is essential. After all, picking it up using a bag is less gross than accidentally stepping in it.

37. Clean the Litter Box

Just like your kids should pick up after their dogs when they go potty, they should pick up after their cats. Have them clean out the litter box at least once a day.

38. Brush the Pet

Brushing pets can be an exhausting chore. If your kid can’t handle it themselves, you could step in and help them while still keeping this mainly their task.

39. Walk the Dog (If It’s Not Large)

If you have smaller dogs, let your kids be responsible for taking them on a daily walk. It’s beneficial for both the pet and the kids as it will keep them active. Refrain from letting your younger kids walk larger dogs by themselves, even if the dogs are well-behaved.

40. Help With Training

Teaching pets new tricks and training them can be a wonderful bonding experience, so let your children participate. Make sure they’re using lots of positive reinforcement and healthy treats.

41. Help with Bathing

Bathing your pets is likely not a daily chore you need to take on, but it’s important. Have your kids help with bathing your animals and teach them the importance of proper pet hygiene.

Chores To Do Around the House for Children Aged 13–18

Household chores kids can do for money for children aged 13–18

The older your kids are, the more responsibilities they should take on around the house. Here are some chores kids aged 13 to 18 can do for money.

Kitchen Chores

Your teens can offer a lot of help around the kitchen, from organizing the kitchen counters to cooking full-blown meals. These are our ideas of kitchen chores older kids can do for money:

42. Disinfect Countertops

Disinfecting the countertops should be no problem for your teens. Give them a pair of rubber gloves and some cleaning supplies, and let them take care of it daily.

43. Clean Out the Refrigerator

Cleaning the refrigerator could be a somewhat more time-consuming chore, but it’s an important one. Have your teen in charge of the monthly fridge cleanliness, then help them do a deep clean every three or four months.

44. Throw Away Expired Groceries

Every once in a while, have your kid examine the expiration dates on all the groceries, condiments, and other food and discard the expired items.

45. Cook Meals

When they enter their teens, your kids should start offering more assistance around meal times. While you shouldn’t expect them to cook meals daily, you can pick a day of the week when they’ll be responsible for cooking.

46. Organize the Kitchen Counters

It’s more complicated than it seems to keep your kitchen counters nicely organized. Your kid can help you clean and tidy them every couple of weeks.

47. Start the Dishwasher

Starting the dishwasher isn’t a complicated process, so keep your teen in charge of it. They can also do the dishes by hand when there’s not enough for a full load.

👉 Tip: Got some used appliances to sell? Our latest post might give you some ideas on where to do it.

48. Clean the Sink

Your sink needs regular scrubbing and cleaning to stay nice and shiny. Show your teen how to scrub the sink properly, then let that be their responsibility from now on.

49. Degrease the Stove

Whether just boiling some water or cooking a full-course meal, your stove will always get dirty, gunky, and greasy. Have your teen responsible for cleaning and degreasing the stove after you’re done cooking.

Bathroom Chores

Most teens can easily handle any bathroom chores that adults can do. While they might not think it’s fair to be responsible for all the house bathrooms, they could at least take care of the one they use the most often.

50. Clean the Toilet

Technically speaking, the toilet is the cleanest part of your house, but that’s only if you clean it regularly. So, have your teen clean the toilet every now and again to help you out.

51. Scrub the Shower and Bathtub

No one wants to take a shower in a dirty-looking bathroom. Your teen is old enough to scrub the entire shower and bathtub, keeping them looking pristine.

52. Clean the Shower Curtain

Even though they might not always look dirty, shower curtains are a breeding ground for bacteria. Your teen should strip and wash them at least once every three to four months.

53. Clean the Bathmat

Unsurprisingly, bathmats quickly accumulate a lot of dirt and bacteria. Have your kid wash them at least on a weekly basis.

54. Wipe the Medicine Cabinet

You don’t want your young kids cleaning the medicine cabinet as they could accidentally ingest something they shouldn’t. Your teens, however, should be more than capable enough to wipe the medicine cabinet clean without exposing themselves to risks.

55. Wipe Down Walls and Doors

If you have tiled walls in the bathroom, they’ll need good scrubbing on occasion. Have your teen take on the chore of wiping down walls and doors of the bathrooms.

56. Disinfect the Drains

Younger teens can use some dishwashing liquid to clean the drains, while older ones can use dedicated cleaning agents to clean and disinfect them.

57. Mop the Floors

Bathroom floors need daily mopping to stay fresh and clean. Your teen can take up the mop and clean the floors in less than 5 minutes.

Living Room Chores

The living room is one of the most frequently used rooms in the house, and it needs some TLC every single day. Here’s how your teen can help with living room chores.

58. Remove Pet Hair From Couches

If you have a pet, you likely struggle with pet hair getting stuck into every nook and cranny of the house/ Your teen can help minimize the pet hair problem by frequently removing it from couches and cushions.

59. Clean the TV Screen

The electromagnetic waves coming from the TV screen are a magnet for fine dust particles. Have your teen clean the TV screen regularly to minimize this nuisance.

60. Organize Books and CDs

Your teen can easily organize all the books and CDs in the living room, whether alphabetically, by color, size, type, or more.

61. Vacuum the Couch Cushions

As a general rule of thumb, you’ll want to deep-clean your couch and cushions at least twice a year. In between these cleanings, your teen can vacuum the cushions to prevent them from developing that odd, stuffy smell.

62. Clean Up Their Belongings

If your teen has their own bedroom with enough storage, there’s no reason why their personal items like notebooks, clothes, and more should be in the living room. Have them clear away their belongings every day.

63. Wipe the Coffee Table

Coffee stains can be a bit challenging to remove, but it’s nothing your teen can’t handle. Have them wipe the coffee table clean every day.

64. Remove Everything From the Shelves and Clean Them

Dusting the shelves doesn’t mean just dusting around all the books, decor, and do-dads. Your teen can remove everything from the living room shelves, clean them thoroughly, then place everything back where it belongs.

65. Dust Hanging Lights

Hanging lights in the living room attract dust and spiders. Have your teen dust them frequently, especially if they have brass and glass decorations.

Bedroom Chores

Bedroom chores shouldn’t be much of a hassle for your teen. Here’s how they can keep their bedroom well maintained.

66. Keep the Bedroom Tidy

Your teens will likely spend most of their time in their bedroom, so there’s no reason why it should be messy. Have them keep up the bedroom mess every day. This is a great way of teaching them to be well-organized while also doing chores to earn money.

67. Fold and Organize Their Clothes

A messy closet is typical for teens, but you should at least have them fold and organize their own clothes. Don’t tidy up their closet for them.

👕 Tip: Our recent post explains how to sell on Poshmark, which might be helpful if you’re planning to do so.

68. Dust and Wipe Shelves

Regular dusting and wiping will ensure your teen’s bedroom is nice and clean and ensure that it smells pleasant at any time of day. Your teen should remember to dust and wipe all the shelves without you having to interfere.

69. Disinfect Light Switches and Door Knobs

Light switches and door knobs are some of the dirtiest places in your entire house – after all, they’re the objects everyone most frequently interacts with. Your teen should disinfect all the switches and door knobs regularly to keep harmful bacteria away.

70. Vacuum Under the Bed

Even if they mop the floors daily, your teens will find that their bedroom is often stuffy and dirty. That’s because all the dust from under the bedspreads around easily. Vacuuming under the bed should be added to the list of chores your teen is responsible for.

71. Scrub Down the Study Area

On occasion, a good clean of the study area is required. Some light dusting will keep the area looking clean, but thorough cleaning is necessary every couple of weeks.

72. Dispose of Items They No Longer Use

Whether it’s books, toys, clothes, or anything in between, your teen should pick out all the items they no longer use, pack them in donation boxes if they’re in good condition, or throw them away if they’re not.

73. Bring Out Seasonal Clothing

Your teen likely doesn’t wear the same clothing items in the middle of winter and in the middle of summer. So, they should rotate their clothing and bring out seasonal items when needed.

Pet Chores

Teens can take on more pet chores and responsibilities than young kids. Pet chores aren’t only a great way for your kids to earn money, but they’re also an opportunity for them to learn more about responsibility and commitment. If their schedule allows for it, have your teen responsible for the following pet chores.

74. Fill the Water Bowl Twice a Day

Most pets will need their water bowls filled at least twice a day. It’s a simple chore that every teen can remember to do daily.

75. Make Sure the Pet Is Fed

Different pets will have different dietary needs. Regardless of the type of pet your family has, your teen can ensure they’re well fed.

76. Take the Dog for a Daily Walk

Older teens should have no trouble walking even larger dogs. Make sure that your kid takes the dog for its daily walk.

77. Handle Bath Time

By age 15, teens should be able to handle bath time for their dogs or cats without adult interference.

78. Trim the Pet’s Nails

If you have a pet whose nails have to be trimmed regularly, have your teen complete this chore. Just make sure that you show them how to do it properly to avoid hurting the animal.

79. Give Medicine

If your pet needs to take daily meds, your teen could help out. In the beginning, monitor how they administer the meds to ensure they don’t make a mistake.

80. Clean the Pet’s Bed

Your pet’s bed can get dirty fairly quickly, especially if you have a dog that sheds a lot. Keep the teen responsible for ensuring the pet’s bed is properly cleaned daily.

81. Laundry Chores

While sometimes boring, laundry chores are important. You shouldn’t rely on your teen for all the laundry-related tasks, but you should expect some assistance.

82. Organize the Laundry

There’s nothing easier than separating the laundry into whites and colors and grouping similar items together. Rely on your teen to complete this simple chore.

83. Iron Clothes

While ironing t all the clothes for every member of the household could be a bit much, your teen should at least take care of their own clothes.

84. Start the Washing Machine

Starting the washing machine doesn’t take any particular skills. Show your kid how it’s done and rely on them for this chore.

85. Start the Dryer

Starting the dryer is just as easy as starting the washing machine. Just explain to your kid which items are allowed to go into the dryer and which are not.

86. Clean Out Dryer Lint

Cleaning out dryer lint regularly is essential for the appliance’s longevity and your own safety! Accumulated dryer lint can start fires. Ensure your teen cleans out the dryer lint regularly to avoid serious issues.

87. Gather Laundry From Every Room

If your household members tend to leave their dirty laundry around the house, have your teen take on the responsibility of going from room to room and gathering it for washing.

88. Dispose of Outgrown/Unworn Clothes

Teens grow out of their clothing pretty quickly. Your kids should go through their closets regularly to collect all the items that no longer fit (or are no longer in style) and remove them from their closets.

89. Hang Clothes to Air Dry

Air-drying clothes is not only eco-friendly but also beneficial for the clothing. Your clothes will smell fresher and last longer. Have your teen hang clothes to air dry whenever possible.

Full House Chores

Full house chores should be everyone’s responsibility. Here’s how your teen can carry their own weight around the house by doing chores to earn money.

90. Strip and Wash the Curtains

Curtains don’t need to be washed all that often. About once every three to six months is enough. Your teen can strip and clean the curtains with the utmost ease.

91. Clean the Windows

Cleaning the windows is hard work, especially if you have a big house. If they can’t clean all the windows, your teens should at least do the ones in their room.

92. Dust the Blinds

Like any other surface, the blinds can quickly get filthy. Hand your kid a feather duster and have them go around the house, ensuring the blinds are clean.

93. Water Plants

If you’re a fan of indoor plants, have your teen help you out with them. They can go around the house weekly, watering all your indoor plants.

94. Get Rid of Trash

With kids around, trash accumulates quickly. Have your teen go around the house, gather up all the trash, and take it out.

95. Organize the Shoe Rack

If you have a household where everyone just tends to take off their shoes anywhere, have your teen responsible for organizing the shoe rack daily.

👡 Tip: Our recent vlog post on ‘Best Places to Sell Used Shoes‘ could be useful if you have some to sell.

96. Replace All Kitchen and Bathroom Towels

Towels in the kitchen and bathrooms need to be changed frequently. Let your teen gather up all the dirty towels, wash them, and replace them.

97. Dust the Lampshades

Whether you have paper, fabric, glass, or metal lampshades, you can rest assured that they’re filled with dust. Have your teen go around the house and dust all the lampshades.

98. Rake the Leaves

Raking the leaves is an excellent physical activity for your teen. They might even want to start offering this service to your neighbors for a bit of extra money.

99. Mow the Lawn

While you might not want to let your 13-year-old mow the lawn, there’s no reason why your older teen can’t do it.

100. Sweep the Doormats

The job of doormats is to prevent excess dirt from entering your home. That means they need regular sweeping!

101. Water the Garden

Watering the garden is a seasonal activity that can be pretty relaxing and enjoyable. Let your kid take care of watering the garden during summertime. This is a great outdoor chore for kids to earn money, as it also helps them become aware of the natural environment surrounding them.

Final Thoughts

Looking to motivate your kids to help out with household tasks? Consider assigning them chores kids can do for money. While it’s a great idea to motivate them to help out by offering monetary compensation, make sure that the amount you offer by chore suits their needs and your finances.

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20 of the Highest-Paying Work-From-Home Jobs (2024 Data) Wed, 26 Jul 2023 16:00:43 +0000 Work-from-home jobs present unique career opportunities. These are some of the best paid work-from-home jobs available.

The post 20 of the Highest-Paying Work-From-Home Jobs (2024 Data) appeared first on FinMasters.

Wondering what the highest-paying work-from-home jobs are? Welcome to the club! Working from home can be a dream come true. You don’t have to waste time getting ready in the morning and figuring out what to wear. You don’t have to spend hours commuting and getting stuck in traffic jams. You can be flexible with your schedule, take breaks when needed, and create working conditions that can help you maximize your productivity.

The only catch is that finding a work-from-home job that pays well can be more challenging than it first appears.

If you’re tired of counting your pennies and struggling to live frugally, take a look at some of the highest-paying work-from-home jobs that could help you turn your life around.

Like most well-paid jobs, these won’t drop in your lap with no effort. You’ll need to pursue education or training and build experience in your chosen field in order to secure some of the highest-paying work-from-home jobs out there. It’s worth it, though, because the payoff is great work on your own terms.

What follows is our list of the highest-paying work-from-home jobs available on the market as of 2024.

1. Graphic Designer

Graphic design can be an excellent field for creative individuals looking to work from home. You’d be tasked with creating visual content, artwork, text, and more that can be used in marketing content, advertising materials, web design, and social media posts, among other things.

While you’ll have the best chances of success if you have at least a bachelor’s degree, it’s not always necessary. You could complete a basic course or even be a self-taught designer. As long as you can use the required software and have a portfolio you can share with your prospective employers, you should be able to find work-from-home opportunities without a problem.

💵 As a graphic designer, you could earn anywhere between $51,401 and $153,953 annually, depending on your skills and expertise[1].

2. Social Media Manager

Businesses large and small across niches and industries need a robust social media presence if they’re to grow their brands and attract new clientele. Since most don’t belong to the social media industry, they need assistance managing their accounts.

As a social media manager, you’d be responsible for posting relevant content and engaging with the company’s followers on social media, developing social media marketing strategies, tracking trends, analyzing engagement and conversions, and more.

A marketing degree is beneficial but not necessary for social media managers. The best route to higher-paying positions is accumulating experience in entry-level jobs, such as working as a social media associate.

💵 On average, social media managers earn around $57,000 annually, but the salary could go over $90,000[2].

3. UX Designer

A UX Designer (or User Experience Designer) is typically tasked with making apps and websites more usable and accessible. However, depending on the specific field, it could also involve working with physical products, such as shoes, and making them more appropriate for users.

You would conduct user research and user testing and design new solutions.

As a general rule of thumb, completing a UX design course and accumulating experience from entry-level positions to find employment is enough.

💵 You should expect to earn about $102,000 annually, on average[3].

4. Software Developer

As the name suggests, software developers create software solutions for computers, smartphones, vehicles, and smart home devices. You’d be creating entirely new software, usually from scratch, using one of the programming languages you’re familiar with, including Java, Python, C++, and more.

It’s a demanding job with strict requirements. You’ll need a college degree and a complete understanding of your chosen programming language.

💵 If you have the necessary skills and experience, you can earn an average annual salary of $76,000[4].

5. Project Manager

While most project managers prefer to work in-office, remote positions are becoming increasingly popular. As a project manager, you’d be responsible for organizing and overseeing different teams in charge of project development from inception to finalization.

You’d be tasked with developing project plans, ensuring everything fits within the company budget, defining goals and milestones, and more.

A bachelor’s degree is preferred for this position, as is prior experience in budgeting and analysis.

💵 The average salary for project managers falls between $124,000 and $155,000 annually[5].

6. Product Manager

Product managers need an intimate understanding of a company and its customers. They must perform thorough customer analysis to grasp their unique needs and preferences, then deliver products/services/features that suit them.

As a product manager, you would need to develop comprehensive strategies to help your company create, distribute, and market new products and services, then identify ways to collect feedback and introduce improvements.

💵 You’ll need a bachelor’s in product design or engineering to work as a product manager, and you can expect a salary of around $122,000 annually[6].

7. Marketing Director

Marketing directors are responsible for developing comprehensive marketing campaigns and overseeing their implementation. They set up precise goals, such as spreading brand awareness, increasing website traffic, or upselling existing loyal customers, performing thorough market research, and conducting competitor analyses.

A college degree isn’t necessary, but it is a plus. You’ll need prior experience with campaign creation to find employment as a marketing director.

💵 The average annual salary is around $182,000[7], making it one of the highest-paying work-from-home jobs on this list overall.

8. Cybersecurity Analyst

Unsurprisingly, some of the highest-paying work-from-home jobs are in the tech field. If you have the skills and experience needed, you can look into becoming a cybersecurity analyst.

Cybersecurity analysts have a critical role in overseeing and protecting the computer networks and systems within an organization, as well as all the sensitive information they contain. They are dedicated to protecting the systems against security breaches or data leaks and updating all security practices to meet the newest standards.

💵 You’ll need a degree in a computer-related field, and you can expect a salary of around $76,000 annually[8].

9. Cloud Architect

A cloud architect is responsible for building and maintaining a company’s cloud networking system. It’s a demanding position, requiring you to be familiar with app and software development, data management, and more.

Many companies use cloud systems to store and access sensitive information, so cloud architects must ensure the utmost security of the systems they build.

Although this can be a great one among the highest-paying work-from-home jobs, you’ll need a robust background in IT-related fields, at least a bachelor’s degree, and years of experience working with cloud solutions.

💵 It will all be well worth it, as cloud architects typically earn an average annual salary of $141,000[9].

10. Sales Manager

Sales managers need to take on many roles. They could be responsible for reaching out to prospective customers to sell new products and services. However, unlike regular salespersons, sales managers are also responsible for nurturing customer relationships, collaborating with product development teams, analyzing sales, and developing business plans and strategies.

You’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree in a field like business, management, or finance and some prior experience in sales.

💵 If you have what it takes, you can easily earn over $129,000 annually[10].

11. HR Manager

Although most Human Resources Managers work inside the office, remote positions are becoming more and more common. Since many tasks can be completed virtually these days, including headhunting, conducting interviews, onboarding, training, and more, work-from-home positions are becoming more readily available for HR managers, making this line of work a great addition to our list of the highest-paying work-from-home jobs.

Besides the tasks above, if you decide to become an HR manager, you’ll be responsible for ensuring legal compliance within an organization, planning and implementing new policies, coordinating staff, and more.

You’ll need a bachelor’s degree in fields related to human resources, including business management, finance, or similar, and at least five years of experience working in HR.

💵 The average salary for HR managers in the US is around $116,000 annually[11].

12. Financial Analyst

Financial analysts have one of the most significant roles within any business organization. They compile relevant financial data, guide businesses to make better financial decisions, assess the performance of the business’s investments, and more.

They help businesses minimize their financial risks and increase profits.

Unsurprisingly, financial analysts must meet stringent criteria and requirements to find employment opportunities. If you want to work as one, you’ll need at least a bachelor’s in a field related to finance, and you’ll need plenty of experience working under other analysts.

💵 You can expect an average salary of around $77,000 annually, with opportunities for pay increases[12].

13. Translator

While most of the highest-paying work-from-home jobs are technical, there are still plenty of opportunities for language and literature lovers.

You can seek employment as a remote translator if you speak more than one language fluently. Depending on your skills and experience, you could offer translation services for fiction and non-fiction novels, magazine articles, or web content. You could offer translation services for instruction manuals, court and legal records, medical records, and more.

💵 Depending on the languages you know and the types of translation services you offer, you could earn up to $80,000 annually[13].

14. Affiliate Marketing Manager

Considering the growing popularity of affiliate marketing, it’s no surprise that more and more companies need an affiliate marketing manager to help them stay on top of all their accounts.

Affiliate marketing managers are responsible for connecting brands with their affiliate partners, resolving issues in the affiliate relationship, growing the company’s network, and monitoring sales, among other things.

To become an affiliate marketing manager, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, or related field.

💵 On average, you can expect to earn about $67,000 annually, depending on the brand you work for[14].

15. Content Creator

Content creators can specialize in many different areas. If you prefer, you can become an independent content creator, starting your own blog, YouTube, or social media account. You can also work as a content creator (part time and full time) for an established business.

You’d be responsible for developing marketing content, writing video scripts, maintaining a company’s blog, and posting frequent content.

There are no strict requirements to become a content creator. All you need is some experience in marketing and the ability to understand and analyze online trends.

💵 For instance, as a digital content writer, you can expect an annual salary of around $49,496[15]. However, if you choose to become an independent content creator or influencer, the sky’s the limit, making it one of the highest-paying work-from-home jobs with the highest upside.

16. Virtual Assistant

Just like a regular assistant, a virtual assistant (VA) takes on numerous tasks and responsibilities. Virtual assistants work directly with skilled professionals, handling their administrative obligations.

As a VA, you must adjust to your clients’ needs. The specific responsibilities you take on could vary wildly depending on who you work with. You might be responsible for scheduling appointments, booking transportation and accommodation, and managing emails. Alternatively, you could handle your client’s social media accounts, manage their data, or conduct specific research.

There are usually no pre-set requirements for a virtual assistant. As long as you have the skills to perform the needed tasks, you can easily find employment.

💵 Depending on your location and your clients, you could be looking at earning $82,000 and more[16].

17. SEO Consultant

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) consultants are essential for any business that wants to increase its online footprint.

These professionals are responsible for conducting thorough SEO audits, then developing and implementing strategies to help a business increase its ranking on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Most companies will prefer their SEO consultants to have at least a bachelor’s degree in IT, communications, marketing, business, or a related field. However, many will hire based on prior experience and demonstrated expertise alone.

💵 An experienced SEO consultant can earn an average of $79,000 annually or more[17], making it a great addition to our list of the highest-paying work-from-home jobs out there.

18. Data Scientist

Data scientists are used in all niches and industries as they can help companies maximize the use of their available data.

Data scientists are talented computer scientists and mathematicians responsible for gathering, analyzing, and managing vast quantities of data and putting it to use. They handle data sourcing, transform large amounts of unstructured data into easy-to-digest insights, and help company leaders make data-driven decisions.

You’ll need a degree in computer science, data science, or a related field and at least some experience working with data.

💵 If you have the necessary qualifications, you could easily earn over $141,000 annually[18].

19. Customer Success Manager

Companies hire customer success managers to ensure the satisfaction and loyalty of their most important clients.

Customer success managers help to increase customer retention rates by providing personalized assistance, developing strategies for nurturing relationships with different clients, handling contract renewals, and much more. They develop training materials, handle high-level accounts, and work on improving the overall customer experience.

A degree in marketing, business, finances, or similar is preferred, but experience in a similar role is preferred.

💵 Depending on your place of employment, you could earn as much as $159,000 as a customer success manager[19].

20. Quality Assurance Director

Quality assurance directors can work in many fields, taking on essential responsibilities that can ensure their company’s success. However, most remote QA director positions belong to the IT field.

QA directors oversee all quality control processes, ensuring that every product and service meets the highest standards. They are responsible for obtaining relevant quality certifications, improving internal processes, minimizing risks, and collecting and applying customer feedback.

Depending on your field, you might need to meet different criteria to become a quality assurance director. You’ll likely need at least a bachelor’s degree in a field relevant to the company you’re applying for and prior experience with QA measuring and testing equipment.

💵 As an IT quality assurance director, you could expect a salary of over $195,000 annually[20], making it the highest-paying work-from-home job on this list.

Final Thoughts on the Highest-Paying Work-From-Home Jobs

Considering the rise in demand for remote positions, it should come as no surprise that there are so many high paying work from home jobs you could pursue. While most will have specific educational requirements, many remote positions are available to those who can prove they have the right skill set. You may not get the peak salary from the start, but it is out there waiting for you!

👉 If you’re interested in some other ideas on how to make extra income, read this.

The post 20 of the Highest-Paying Work-From-Home Jobs (2024 Data) appeared first on FinMasters.

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70+ Cheap Date Ideas: From First Dates to Golden Anniversaries Sat, 15 Jul 2023 16:00:34 +0000 You don't have to spend a fortune to make an impression. Here's a list of 70+ cheap date ideas for the first date and all that come after.

The post 70+ Cheap Date Ideas: From First Dates to Golden Anniversaries appeared first on FinMasters.


On average, most people spend between $50 and $100 on a single date, and often much more when it’s the first one[1]. So what do you do when the money is tight, and you have a big date scheduled? You get creative and enjoy fun, affordable dates that can turn out more memorable than fancy dinners at luxury restaurants. You won’t like all of these cheap date ideas, but one of them might be just what you’re looking for!

Cheap First-Date Ideas

Cheap First-Date Ideas

On a first date, you don’t want to seem cheap. No one finds that attractive. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be frugal and smart with your money while still making an impression.

First dates have changed since the advent of online dating. You’ll often be meeting someone for the first time, so you want it to be in a public place. You’ll also want it to be intimate and interesting. Try these ideas!

1. Visit a Gallery

Art galleries are a great place to go on a first date. They’re public, so both you and your date can feel safe and comfortable. They’re affordable, unique, and insightful and will give you and your partner something to talk about. Many art galleries will have free entry, so you won’t have to spend a dime when going out.

2. Go to a Museum

An alternative to having a first date in an art gallery is having it in a museum. It will make you seem sophisticated and cultured, and both you and your date could use the experience to learn something new. Follow this up with a walk in the park, and you’ll have yourself a trophy-earning date.

3. Check Out the Local Petting Zoo

They say that a person who doesn’t like animals doesn’t like people. Spending some time with animals on your first date could be just what you need to get to know your potential partner.

A petting zoo is a great place to have some casual, relaxing fun and create a memorable first-date experience for animal lovers.

4. Visit the Local Animal Shelter

Not every town has a nice petting zoo, so an alternative to this is visiting your local animal shelter. Even if your date doesn’t go as well as you might hope, you’ll at least get a chance to spend the day giving some love to abandoned animals who need it. And who knows, you might even find your soulmate in a fur baby or someone who loves fur babies as much as you do!

5. Have Some Fun Bowling

Bowling is a classic first-date idea that can help you break the ice. Since you’ll be busy playing the game, you won’t have to worry about handling awkward silences or trying to come up with conversation topics. You can just relax, play the game, and the conversation will flow smoothly.

6. Go Ice/Roller Skating

Nothing’s more romantic than going ice skating in the middle of winter with your potential love interest. Splurge a little on some hot cocoa after the fact and enjoy an affordable but by no means cheap-looking first date.

If it’s too hot out for ice skating, roller skating is an excellent alternative.

7. Schedule a Breakfast Date

If you really want to take your date out to a restaurant but can’t afford expensive dinners, opt for a breakfast date instead. Even the fanciest restaurant will have a significantly cheaper breakfast menu, and you won’t have to worry about covering the costs of pricy alcoholic beverages – few will opt for a glass of fine wine early in the morning.

8. Hit the Street Food Stalls

Fancy restaurants are out, and street food stalls are in. Take your date to your favorite street food place or even a favorite food truck, take a romantic walk through a nearby park, and enjoy a wonderful experience at a reasonable price.

9. Enjoy the Open Mic Night

Depending on where you live, there are likely at least a few pubs or bars that have an occasional open mic night. Have a couple of cheap drinks, share a few laughs, and support emerging local comedians.

10. Visit an Arcade

There’s just something nostalgic about spending your evening at an arcade. If your date enjoys playing arcade games or wouldn’t mind giving them a try, you could have quite a memorable time. Bond over your favorite childhood games, have some fun and make a lasting impression on your date.

11. Take a Painting Class

If you want to show your date your creative side, take them to a painting class. Depending on your location and who’s organizing the event, two tickets could easily cost under $50, and you might even get a complimentary beverage.

12. Take a Cooking Class

Why pay for an expensive dinner at a fancy restaurant when you and your date can learn how to make the same food in a cooking class? Cooking together can be a great bonding experience, but since the first date is a bit too early to take anyone home and cook for them, join a cooking class together and have a blast.

13. Make Some Pottery

Making pottery is a fun experience in and of itself, but it becomes much more enjoyable when you’re doing it with a partner. Sign you and your date up for a pottery class for a truly unique experience. At the very least, you’ll have a quirky handmade creation even if the date doesn’t go over well.

14. See a Drive-In Movie

Going to see a drive-in movie is always a great experience, even when the movie isn’t all that good. You’ll enjoy a more private atmosphere and get to talk with your date without disturbing other viewers.

15. Play Darts at Your Local Pub

A couple of beers and a game of darts is all you need for a perfect first date that ensures there’ll be a second one. Pub games are always immersive and exhilarating, even if you’re not very good at them.

16. Act Like Tourists

If you live in a city that’s popular among tourists, you’ve likely learned to avoid places that are crawling with them. These places often have a lot to offer. So take your date, pretend to be tourists for the evening, and visit all the popular attractions for a newfound appreciation of your city.

17. Scout for Free Events

Even a small town will have immersive free events that you can join without spending a dime, especially during the summer. Whether it’s a free performance in the park, a fun fair, or a group picnic by a nearby lake, you could have a great first date by joining these free events.

18. Have Some Fun Picking Fruit

If you’ve scheduled your date around harvest time, you might find fruit picking to be just the activity for the two of you. Depending on the season and your location, you could go berry picking, apple picking, or even orange picking. Not only can this be a fun activity for the first date, but you’ll also get to go home with some fresh produce – it’s a win-win!

19. Shop Around a Farmer’s Market

The farmer’s market always has some great deals to offer, and most people could easily spend the entire day going from one stall to another. Turn this into a first-date activity, shop around for things you may need at home, and be productive and romantic at the same time!

20. Visit an Escape Room

Escape rooms have grown in popularity over the past few years, so use this to your advantage. You and your date could complete the escape room by yourselves, or you could even turn this into a group activity with your friends for a great bonding opportunity.

21. Go to Your Favorite Bookstore

If your favorite pastime is reading, why don’t you share this passion of yours with your date? Visit your favorite bookstore together, discuss your favorite authors, browse through the books, then grab a quick cup of coffee on your way out.

22. Join a Pub Trivia Night

Trivia games are a great way to get to know someone, learn about their interests, and find out whether you share the same passions. That’s what makes pub trivia nights the perfect experience for a first date.

23. See a Drag Show

For some, this can be an outlandish thought. However, if you and your potential partner are up for it, seeing a drag show together could be an unforgettable adventure. Share a few drinks and a few laughs, and enjoy a casual evening and a great show.

24. Play Mini Golf

Miniature golf is a relaxing activity that gives you plenty of time to talk and get to know each other while still allowing you to share a few silent moments without any awkwardness. Tickets for mini golf usually go between $5 and $20 per person, so you won’t have to worry about spending too much money on your first date.

25. Visit a Planetarium

If there is a planetarium not too far from your house, you’ll always have a great first-date option available. There’s something intrinsically romantic about observing the universe together and learning more about it.

26. Get Tickets to an Aquarium

If planetariums aren’t your thing, another great bet is visiting an aquarium. Stroll around, see some unique sea creatures, and enjoy your day out and about with your date.

27. Go to a Small Coffee Shop

While you’ll always want your first dates to be in a public location, you don’t want them to be in obnoxiously crowded places that are too loud to hold a normal conversation. So, instead of hitting your nearby Starbucks with overpriced coffee, for example, for your date, choose a small coffee shop that’s public enough to help you feel comfortable and private enough to allow you to get to know each other.

28. Watch a Local High School/College Sporting Event

If you and your date are big sports fans, getting tickets to see your favorite teams play could be a dream come true. The only problem is that it’s extremely expensive. An alternative is simply enjoying your favorite sport by watching a local high school or a college sporting event in your town.

29. See a Play

Your local theater likely has a great selection of plays you could enjoy. It’s much more immersive than seeing a movie, and you’ll look far more sophisticated!

30. Go to a Public Garden

Public gardens are lovely, romantic places where you can truly connect with your date. They’re serene, peaceful, and relaxing, perfect for quiet conversations and sharing deep thoughts.

Cheap Indoor Date Ideas

Cheap Indoor Date Ideas

If you’ve been with your partner for a while and are looking for ways to spice up your dates, check out these cheap indoor date ideas that will ensure you have a great time.

31. Netflix and Chill

Few things are better than cozying up with your partner, putting on your favorite show, and enjoying the evening. To make things more interesting, you could choose a show that you’ve never even heard of before or maybe even purposefully watch a poorly rated one just for some laughs and giggles.

32. Play Board Games

Playing board games is always a fun activity. From Monopoly to Connect Four, Scrabble, or Battleship, there are plenty of board games for two that will keep your evenings at home interesting and your mind sharp.

33. Play Multiplayer Games

Even if you and your partner aren’t much into gaming, there’s no denying that playing multiplayer games as a couple can be exciting. Find a few games you both enjoy and start having a blast at home!

34. Have a Spa Day

A full spa day for two can get pretty expensive, but not if you do it at home! Buy a couple of cheap sheet masks, light some candles, put on some relaxing music, and there you have it: a perfect spa day at home.

35. Have a Couples Massage

Like a spa day, getting a massage can put a dent in your budget. However, if you have some nicely scented body lotion or oil, have a couples’ massage at home. If you have no idea how you can perform a massage on your partner, look up a few simple tutorials on YouTube, and you’ll be good to go.

36. Get a Wine-Tasting Kit

There’s no reason to spend hundreds on fancy bottles of wine at a restaurant when you could get a cheap wine-tasting kit on Amazon or a similar platform and enjoy your evening at home with your partner. With some kits, you’ll even learn how to recognize different notes and flavors and pretend you’re a connoisseur the next time you hit a fancy restaurant.

37. Make Arts and Crafts

If you’re feeling artistic, you and your partner could try your hand at some simple arts and crafts. Get some cheap supplies at your local Dollar Tree, find a fun tutorial on YouTube, and go to town. Who knows, you might even end up with nice handmade home decor once you’re done.

38. Cook an Elaborate Meal

While it’s always nice to just relax at a restaurant and have someone else cook for you, it can be fun trying out a new fancy recipe together. See what ingredients you have in your pantry and do a bit of research to find out what you can make with them.

39. Go Axe Throwing

Have you ever tried your hand at axe throwing? It’s not as difficult as it may appear, nor is it as expensive as you might’ve thought. Depending on your location, prices could go from around $15 per hour, and you can easily find even better deals on coupon sites. It’s a unique date idea perfect for more adventurous couples.

40. Build Puzzles

At times frustrating and at times seemingly impossible to solve, building puzzles is always well worth it in the end. Incorporate puzzles into your at-home date night and enjoy a quiet evening with your loved one.

41. Have a Karaoke Night

Even if you’re bad at singing, having a karaoke night could be just the thing you and your partner need to spice up your dates. Go to a bar that has karaoke nights, or set one up at home with your favorite songs and favorite drinks.

42. Get Some Nerf Guns and Go to Town

If you’re feeling bored sitting around at home all day, spice things up with a couple of Nerf guns. You’d be surprised at how great playing childish games with your partner can be. Run around the house (and the backyard) having a Nerf gunfight, but remember to put all breakable things in a secure location before you get started.

43. Go Dancing

If a local club has free entry, take your partner dancing without spending a dime. If not, put on some loud music at home, dim the lights, and have some fun!

44. Take a Yoga Class

Many yoga studios will offer free classes to first-time visitors, so take advantage of it. Sign you and your partner up for a free yoga class and enjoy some quality time together.

45. Go Thrift Shopping

A thrift shop is always a great place to go when you need to find something that doesn’t cost much, be it furniture, home decor, clothes, shoes, or anything in between. So, the next time you’re in need of an affordable shopping spree, take your partner by the hand and make a date out of it.

46. Visit the Local Ikea

If you’ve ever been to an Ikea, you know how easy it is to get lost in the store and spend the entire day in it. It’s fun just to walk around and browse through all the items, even if you don’t buy anything. And, if you and your date start feeling hungry, you can grab some cheap meatballs and enjoy the day.

47. Go to a Local Band Performance

You don’t need to spend a small fortune to enjoy music by going to concerts with your date. Support a local band and go see them the next time they’re playing. Many bands will have weekly performances at bars around town, and they might not even charge an entry fee.

48. Set Up a Paint-Off

Your imagination is your only limit when you have a cheap canvas, some acrylic paints, and a few brushes. Set up a paint-off with your loved one, try to create two masterpieces, and compare your artistic skills.

49. Try Your Hands at a DIY Project

If you have some basic tools, creating a DIY project with your partner can be a great experience. You could try and make anything your heart desires: planters, furniture, cabinets, home decor, you name it. If it’s your first time trying your hand at DIY projects, start small.

As you and your loved one gain experience, you could even start flipping items for profit and worrying less about money when it’s time for your next date.

50. Go Volunteering

Volunteering is an excellent way to give back to your community and a perfect date activity for you and your partner when you’re on a tight budget. As a general rule of thumb, you’ll want to choose volunteering activities that let you spend some time together.

51. Hit a Bar With Pool Tables

Playing pool can be a lot of fun even when you have no prior experience whatsoever. Grab a couple of drinks, play a couple of rounds, and you’ll have yourself a perfect date, whether it’s the first one or the 101st one.

52. Have a Candle-Lit Dinner

You don’t need to spend hundreds on an expensive dinner at a restaurant. All you have to do to create a romantic atmosphere at home is a few candles and some soft music. Even if you’re eating chicken nuggets for dinner, the candlelight will make it seem like you’re at an exclusive resort.

53. Have a Costume Party at Home

If you and your partner want to reconnect with the inner child, throw yourselves a costume party at home. Use what’s already in your closet to create a unique costume, turn on some music, and enjoy the night.

54. Spend the Night at a Cheap B&B

Dates are always somehow better when you’re away from home. However, you don’t have to book a luxury vacation to have a few great dates. Just book a room at a cheap B&B the next town over and recreate the dating while traveling experience.

55. Hit the Gym Together

Couples who train together stay together, so put your gym membership to good use and go work out with your partner. Do a few couples’ exercises, be each other’s spotter, and stay fit, healthy, and happy.

56. Go On an Ice Cream Date

Skip lunch and go straight for desserts. You don’t need a full-course meal for your dates, just take your partner out for ice cream on a nice hot day and enjoy some quality time together.

57. Try a TikTok Challenge

Depending on your age and interests, you might find TikTok to be a bit too childish for you. However, there are some fantastic TikTok challenges for people of all ages, and you and your partner might just find something to your liking. Try a TikTok dance or a popular fitness challenge and loosen up a bit with your partner.

58. Learn How to Make Cocktails at Home

Drinking cocktails at a bar can be great, but it will quickly run your bank account dry. So, instead of going out and spending hundreds on a few drinks with your loved one, try learning how to make cocktails at home. Popular drinks like a Tequila Sunrise or a Margarita are simpler (and cheaper) to make than you may think!

59. Make a Blanket Fort and Unplug for the Night

If you’ve got some string lights, a few blankets, and comfortable pillows, you don’t need much else for a romantic date. Return to your childhood, make a blanket fort, turn off your phones, and share childhood stories all through the night.

Cheap Outdoor Date Ideas

Cheap Outdoor Date Ideas

When the weather outside is gorgeous, it’s a shame to spend your dates indoors. Try these cheap outdoor date ideas!

60. Go Stargazing

Few things are more romantic than just spending a nice warm night outside looking at the stars with your partner. Take the opportunity to disconnect from the world and enjoy the spectacular views the universe has to offer.

61. Take a Hike

Whether you live in the countryside or a large city, there are bound to be plenty of breathtaking hiking trails you and your partner could take. Walk around, explore the wilderness, and enjoy this bonding time with your partner.

62. Take a Bicycle Ride Around Your City

Just like walking in the park at sunset, bicycle rides can be surprisingly romantic. So, take your date on a bike ride. You won’t even have to spend money on gas!

63. Have Fun at a Nearby Carnival

Many towns have carnivals, fairs, and festivals all summer long. Take advantage of it! Take your date to a nearby carnival, enjoy a few cheap rides and some fun games, and have a blast!

64. Visit a Neighboring Town

Just changing the scenery can make your dates that much more exciting. Instead of visiting the same old cheap restaurant in your neighborhood, head to a neighboring town, explore your surroundings and grab a bite of street food.

65. Set Up a Picnic in the Park

There’s a reason why picnic dates are so popular! They’re fun, romantic, and cheap. Pack a few sandwiches and a blanket, and spend the day with your loved one the old-fashioned way.

66. Go Camping

If going on a picnic isn’t exciting enough for you, take your partner camping. You don’t have to go far. Find the nearest camping site, pack some food, and spend some time in nature.

67. Spend the Day at a Beach

If you’re fortunate enough to live near a beach, take advantage of it! Lounge around or get a beach ball. Spend your time sun tanning, or bring your guitar and play a few songs for your loved one. You don’t need to spend a cent to make your partner happy and turn a random beach day into a memorable date.

68. Go Kayaking/Rafting

Many people see kayaking and rafting as exclusive sports that many people can’t afford. However, that’s not really the case. While buying the necessary equipment is expensive, renting it isn’t. Depending on where you’re located, you could go both kayaking and rafting for less than $50.

69. Set Up a Bonfire in Your Backyard

It’s a shame to spend your weekend nights indoors when you have a nice backyard where you can start a bonfire. Get some s’mores, or at least some marshmallows, and enjoy a cheap yet luxurious date night with your partner.

70. Get the Grill Going

You don’t need to wait for a special occasion to get the grill going. Pick a random weekend and surprise your partner with some delicious yet affordable food cooked on a grill. For less than the cost of a restaurant meal, you can buy some high-end meat for your grill session!

71. Play Badminton in the Park

If you’re up for some physical activity during your date, head to your local park, bring some badminton racquets and shuttlecocks, and play with your partner. While somewhat similar to tennis, it’s easier and much cheaper!

72. Have a Photo-Based Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts can be a great date activity. Google your town, dig up a few online photos made by others, then try and find the locations in the pictures with your partner.

73. Try Your Hand at Bouldering

If you and your partner are feeling adventurous, give bouldering a try. However, keep in mind that it’s not as easy as professionals make it seem. It takes strength and resilience, but it will be well worth it.

74. Sign Up as Volunteer Dog Walkers at your Local Shelter

Animal shelters could always use a few helping hands, so offer your support while enjoying some quality time with your loved one. You’ll give some attention to pooches who need it, get some light physical activity, and have a great cheap date.

75. Visit the Zoo

Visiting the zoo is a full-day activity that could be just what you and your partner need. For under $50 for two tickets, you’re bound to have a blast and a more exciting time than dining out at a fancy restaurant.

76. Feed Ducks or Other Birds

If there’s a body of water near you with some ducks or swans, spend the day feeding them. Alternatively, head with your partner to a nearby park, bring some bird seed, and feed the birds.

77. Go Fishing

You don’t have to be a great fisherman to head to a local fishing spot and try your hand at fishing. You need just some basic equipment, and if you happen to make a good catch, you might even get a tasty dinner for your date when you get back home.

78. Comb the Beach for Treasures

While lounging around on the beach is a pleasant experience, you might enjoy your date more if the two of you go comb the beach for treasures! Who knows, you might just find something of value while having fun with your partner, and if not, you could help clean up the beach by removing some trash.

Final Thoughts

While it’s nice to have an expensive date on occasion, you shouldn’t worry so much about spending a ton of money to make your partner happy. At the end of the day, what matters most is that you’ve spent some quality time with your date, and you can do that without spending a fortune.

The post 70+ Cheap Date Ideas: From First Dates to Golden Anniversaries appeared first on FinMasters.

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10+ Best TV Series on Frugal Living in 2024 Tue, 13 Jun 2023 16:00:38 +0000 Frugal living isn’t easy, but it’s well worth it. Some of these TV shows can help us learn to live more frugally!

The post 10+ Best TV Series on Frugal Living in 2024 appeared first on FinMasters.

Frugal living can seem dreary, especially when you’re navigating the tricky waters of managing finances on a tight budget. It can also be entertaining, and exploring TV shows focused on frugal living can provide you with new ideas and perspectives.

TV shows are often dramatized, and what you see there has to be taken with a grain or more of salt. Still, watching TV shows built around the concept of frugal living can give you some ideas on where to start and entertain you at the same time. Check out some shows that can give you unique insights into creating a more manageable budget.

TV SeriesWhere to watch:
1.So Freakin’ CheapAmazon
2.Going From BrokeCrackle and Apple TV
3.Big Bad Budget BattleAmazon, Discovery +, new season on Food Network
4.Living SmallerA&E
6.Til Debt Do Us PartAmazon
7.Get Smart With MoneyNetflix
8.Life or DebtAmazon, Apple TV, Google Play Movies, Vudu
9.Money, ExplainedNetflix
10.The Minimalist: Less Is NowNetflix
11.Prince$$Amazon, Apple TV, and Tubi
12.Eat Well for LessBBC One, Apple TV, and Binge
13.Extreme CheapskatesAmazon

So Freakin' Cheap

1. So Freakin’ Cheap

We might be starting out on the more extreme side of the spectrum, but So Freakin Cheap is worth a watch if you need a lesson on frugality. It is a TLC show that first aired in 2021 and immediately accumulated quite a fan base.

This reality TV series follows the stories of four unassociated families who are ready to do everything imaginable to save a few pennies. Some measures they take to cut down their expenses – like dumpster diving – might be a bit too much for some. However, these families can still teach you some more realistic frugality tips – how to plan a budget-friendly wedding, DIY things around your home, and more.

📺 Where to watch: So far, only the first season of So Freakin Cheap has been released, and the network is waiting for the greenlight for season two. You can watch the entire first season on Amazon.

Going From Broke

2. Going From Broke

If you’re a millennial struggling to get out of student debt, make ends meet, and gain some financial independence, Going from Broke is the reality TV show for you.

The hosts are Tonya Rapley, a financial expert, and Dan Rosensweig, CEO of Chegg, Inc., an educational support services company. They work with young adults, educating them on personal finances and offering tips and tricks that can help them get out of debt and start increasing their savings.

📺 Where to watch: There are four seasons of the show so far, with the fifth on the way. You can watch the show on Crackle and Apple TV.

Big Bad Budget Battle

3. Big Bad Budget Battle

Food Network’s Big Bad Budget Battle isn’t a traditional budgeting reality TV show, but it can be more than helpful when you’re struggling to put food on the table.

Hosted by Ree Drummond, the show came out in 2022 with just one season released so far. You’ll follow along as home cooks compete to create complex, delicious meals on a strict budget. Food is a major item in most household budgets, and eating cheaper is a big step toward living cheaper.

The competitors need to be thrifty, learn how to use only the ingredients they have in their pantries, and make smart shopping choices if they want to win.

While it’s more of an entertaining cooking show, Big Bad Budget Battle has some nuggets of advice that could help you save on groceries and cooking.

📺 Where to watch: You can watch the show on Amazon, Discovery +, and, once the new season comes out, on Food Network as well.

Living Smaller

4. Living Smaller

Living Smaller is a unique addition to this list. It’s less about budgeting than about maximizing the use of the space you have available in your home.

The show gives closer insight into the lives of those who have adopted the “tiny home” movement.

You’ll see how others have creatively improved their tiny homes, built budget-friendly yet exceptionally functional spaces, created renting opportunities, and more.

While the show doesn’t go into detail on “budgeting”, it does offer a glimpse into how you can enjoy your small space better or save money by downsizing your space.

📺 Where to watch: There’s currently just one season with 26 episodes, and you can catch up on the show on A&E.


5. Downsized

Downsized is an oldie but a goodie. It’s a 2010 reality show with only two seasons, and despite it being somewhat outdated, it shows timeless financial struggles and how to overcome them.

The show follows a large blended family as they try to navigate their financial troubles after losing their contracting business and having two of their homes foreclosed.

The 9-member family had to completely change their lifestyle and spending habits, resorting to dumpster diving, couponing, food stamping, and more just to stay afloat. 

📺 Where to watch: Considering it’s been over a decade since the show’s release, you won’t find it on any of your favorite TV channels. However, you can watch the show on Amazon.

Til Debt Do Us Part

6. Til Debt Do Us Part

Going even further back in time, to 2005, we get perhaps one of the best-known finance reality TV shows: Til Debt Do Us Part.

Hosted by Gail Vaz-Oxlade, an expert financial planner, you’ll get to meet couples and families with serious financial issues that are causing serious relationship issues.

Understanding that finances are often one of the main reasons for divorce, Gail is as gentle as she is ruthless with the families seeking her assistance. She offers terrific relationship and financial advice as she works diligently to transform each family’s spending habits.

She goes so far as to put families on a strict budget, taking away their credit cards and giving them only a weekly allowance to push them to realize the financial mistakes they’re making.

📺 Where to watch: While it’s an older show, much of the advice is relevant today. You can catch up on Til Debt Do Us Part on Amazon.

Get Smart With Money

7. Get Smart With Money

Admittedly, Get Smart With Money probably doesn’t belong on this list as it’s not a TV show but rather a short documentary-style movie. However, it’s filled with nuggets of advice you won’t find in many popular reality TV shows that have been running for seasons.

In Get Smart With Money, individuals facing financial difficulties are introduced to economic advisers who try to help them gain some stability over the course of a year.

You’ll follow along with the story of a bartender who’s barely scraping by, a family with a strong desire for early retirement, and more.

Each story is unique yet resonates with the audience, and you’ll want to remember each piece of financial advice offered in the movie.

📺 Where to watch: You can watch Get Smart With Money on Netflix.

Life or Debt

8. Life or Debt

Life or Debt is a show from 2016 that takes an exciting approach to personal finances. It’s hosted by Victor Antonio, a motivational speaker who assists families in dire financial strains, teaching them how to approach their personal finances like they would a business.

In a nutshell, Victor stages a 4-day financial takeover where he goes over all the do’s and don’ts of personal finances, offering every family critical advice that should turn their life around. Once his “intervention” is over, he leaves the families to themselves for 90 days, returning later to find out whether the families followed his advice and how it impacted them.

📺 Where to watch: It’s an intriguing show you can now watch on Amazon, Apple TV, Google Play Movies, and Vudu.

Money, Explained

9. Money, Explained

Money, Explained is a documentary mini-series released as a spin-off of the popular docu-series Explained.

It’s five episodes long, and each episode goes into detail about a specific financial topic. The first episode discusses common financial scams and why many people fall for them. The second one explains credit cards, how they work, and why you should be careful with them, while the next one talks about the student debt crisis and whether it can be overcome.

The penultimate episode is all about gambling, while the finale talks about what’s necessary for a comfortable retirement in the US.

📺 Where to watch: It’s an insightful mini-series that you can enjoy on Netflix.

The Minimalist: Less Is Now

10. The Minimalist: Less Is Now

Another Netflix title you should check out is The Minimalist: Less Is Now. Somewhat similar to the famous Tidying Up With Marie Kondo show, it presents all the perks of minimalism and how you can enjoy your life with less.

Not necessarily a financial show, it can be exceptionally helpful if you tend to overshop and buy items you never really use or need, thus wasting a big chunk of your income.

The show will offer great tips on decluttering your home and changing your spending mindset.

If you feel inspired by The Minimalist: Less Is Now but don’t know how to approach decluttering, the best place to start is in your closet. Go through your closet, get rid of the clothes that are worn and torn, sell used clothes in good condition for profit, and limit your shopping budget to avoid getting back into your old habits.

📺 Where to watch: You can watch this show on Netflix.


11. Prince$$

Prince$$ is a reality TV show from 2010 that garnered quite an audience at the time of its release. It’s dramatic, at times ridiculous, and possibly life-changing for compulsive shoppers who need to get a hold of their finances.

Hosted by an expert financial planner Gail Vaz-Oxlade, the show is essentially an intervention for spoiled spenders who need some serious financial discipline.

Throughout the show, Gail takes away the “princesses’” credit cards, takes control of their finances, and teaches them to become financially responsible and independent.

📺 Where to watch: You can watch Prince$$ on Amazon, Apple TV, and Tubi.

Eat Well for Less

12. Eat Well for Less

Eat Well for Less is a popular British reality TV show that started in 2015. Initially hosted by Gregg Wallace, greengrocer Chris Bavin, and dietician Lucy Jones, and now by Chris Bavin and Jordan Banjo, the show addresses the problem of rising food prices and how families on a budget can overcome it.

The team goes around the UK, meeting struggling families and assessing their eating and cooking habits. They first allow the families to do their regular grocery shopping routines and prepare their meals, then offer advice on bringing their weekly grocery costs down.

In the process, they dispel some common food-related myths, teach others how to cut down on food waste, and offer suggestions on eating healthier foods on a budget.

📺 Where to watch: You can watch Eat Well for Less on BBC One, Apple TV, and Binge.

Extreme Cheapskates

13. Extreme Cheapskates

We can’t talk about the best TV series on frugal living without at least mentioning Extreme Cheapskates! The show is old: it was released in 2012 and only ran for three seasons. It’s still a highly recognizable “budgeting” show that can inspire you to think outside the box when it comes to your finances.

Extreme Cheapskates is just what the title suggests: a show about individuals who will go to all lengths just to save a few bucks. You’ll find episodes about those who heat up their food in a jacuzzi, those who never shower at home, those who dumpster dive, plan unbelievably cheap parties, and more.

📺 Where to watch: While the show focuses on the ridiculous and extreme aspects of frugal living, there’s always something to learn from those stories. If you’re interested, you can watch all three seasons of Extreme Cheapskates on Amazon.

Final Thoughts

Living on a budget and getting ahold of your personal finances isn’t easy. While the best thing you could do is probably seek advice from a professional financial planner, that may not be accessible to everyone. The next best thing is learning from others’ examples and mistakes.

The aforementioned TV shows on frugal living can give you unique insights, inspire you, and help you take your next step toward gaining financial stability. Check them out, have a laugh, and learn important financial lessons!

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20+ Best Side Hustles For Stay-At-Home Moms Mon, 05 Jun 2023 16:00:47 +0000 A stay-at-home mom can earn extra cash! Check out the best side hustles that can add to your family’s budget. 

The post 20+ Best Side Hustles For Stay-At-Home Moms  appeared first on FinMasters.

Stay-at-home moms have plenty of work to do, but that work doesn’t really pay. Considering the cost of raising a family, money-making opportunities that can fit in with your parenting schedule are always welcome.

The good news is that there are plenty of online and offline side hustles you can try to supplement your income, increase your budget, and maybe even take a break from the kids.

The key to finding a side hustle that fits is to exploit your interests and skills. This list is a place to start. Look for the one that suits your needs!

1. Sell Used Clothing

While it’s not a steady job that will bring in a consistent flow of income, selling used clothes can make quite a difference in your budget.

Selling your family’s unused clothes is a great place to start. Maternity clothes, outgrown baby clothes, ill-fitting shoes, or whatever else you have can be sold. As long as it’s all just gently used and in excellent condition, you can sell used clothing online and in person in select stores.

To get started, you simply have to choose your preferred store, create an account, and list your items. Some stores connect you directly with interested buyers, so you must create listings, communicate with buyers, and ship your items. Others take over your clothes, handle the promotion and sales themselves, and then send you a part of the profits, so you won’t have to be involved in the sale process.

How much you’ll earn will depend on the store you choose, the condition of your items, their quantity, and the brands you have.

If you have a good eye for a clothing bargain and you enjoy selling clothes, you can go beyond selling your own family’s clothes and try buying and reselling used clothes.

👗 Read about how one high school choir teacher earns up to $25K/year reselling used clothes on Poshmark.

2. Create and Sell Unique Crafts

If you have a knack for arts and crafts, this hobby can become a lucrative side hustle. Whether you enjoy painting, crafting clay jewelry, creating unique candles, homemade lip balms, children’s toys, or anything in between, you can monetize your talents.

The key is marketing your products and connecting with prospective buyers. You can do both by joining the right platforms. Facebook Marketplace, for instance, is free and easy to use. However, you might find connecting with the right buyers easier on platforms like eBay or Etsy, which specializes in arts and crafts. 

💵 The average seller on Etsy can make as much as $46,000 annually[1]. However, it takes quite a lot of time and effort to reach that level. As a novice, you might be earning just a couple of hundred a month, depending on what you’re selling, the time you have to spend, and the prices you’ve set.

3. Sell Digital Products

Selling digital products is a great alternative to selling physical goods like arts and crafts online. What you can earn money with depends entirely on your skills and talents. You can sell music, apps, mobile games, software, downloadable prints, PDF guides, and more.

While you’ll generally find most success selling your digital goods on your own website, there are also many platforms you can join to connect with interested buyers. Sellfy, Fiverr, Podia, and even Etsy are great platforms where you can easily sell digital products. If you’re into developing apps or games, you can sell your products directly on Google Play, for instance.

💵 Your earnings will vary greatly depending on what you’re selling and how many downloads you get. Some sellers will earn just a couple of dollars a day, while others can get thousands a month.

4. Become an Editor/Proofreader

If you have a keen eye and enjoy reading whenever you get the chance, you might find editing and proofreading to be the perfect side hustle for you.

Proofreaders scan written work for grammatical and syntactic errors, spelling errors, and punctuation mistakes. An editor’s job is a bit more demanding, as you’d have to both proofread and make semantic, stylistic, and formatting changes.

Whichever option you prefer, you can find employment as a freelance editor or proofreader on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer.

To get started, you’ll have to create an account on one (or all) of these platforms, then reach out to prospective clients to sell your services. You’ll be in charge of your schedule, so as long as you meet all the deadlines, you can work whenever your schedule allows it.

💵 Freelance editors can earn as much as $49,808 a year, depending on how much work they take on[2].

5. Try Your Hand at Transcription

If you’re not much for proofreading and editing, you could try your hand at transcription. Your job would be to listen to audio files and type everything you can hear word-for-word.

Different clients will need different kinds of transcription services. You might be transcribing recordings from conference rooms and Zoom meetings, podcasts, phone calls, interviews for market research, or even legal recordings.

If you want to keep your schedule as flexible as possible as you take care of your kids, it’s in your best interest to join some of the aforementioned freelancing sites – Fiverr, Freelancer, or Upwork.

💵 On average, full-time transcriptionists can earn around $43,571 annually[3]. You’ll earn less than that working part-time, but it can still be enough to help!

6. Offer Translation Services

If you’re a stay-at-home mom who has complete mastery of a foreign language, working as a freelance translator could be just the thing for you.

Translators are needed in almost every field and industry. E-commerce companies could need translations of their product descriptions for foreign audiences, attorneys could need translations of legal documents, and doctors could need translations of medical records.

Highly sought-after languages like Spanish, French, German, and Portuguese bring in the most money, but you can find work in virtually any language on popular freelancing platforms.

💵 Your pay will depend on the types of translations you offer, with legal, medical, and corporate translations commanding the highest pay. On average, however, you can expect around $67,919 a year[4].

7. Become an Online Tutor

If you have skills and knowledge to pass on to others, you should look into becoming an online tutor. The key is choosing a niche where you can offer real expertise.

Whether you know a foreign language, a programming language, math, English, science, or anything in between, you can start offering virtual classes to kids and adults alike. You could even offer online parenting classes.

To get started, you’ll need a computer, a high-quality headset and video camera, and a video-conferencing tool like Zoom. Then, simply post up flyers around your neighborhood marketing your services, hit your social media channels, or look for gigs on freelancing platforms.

💵 You can earn between $48,313 and $70,554 annually, depending on the number of students and working hours[5].

🎵 Read more: Katie explains how she earns up to $130/hour teaching music on Outschool.

8. Sell Pre-Recorded Courses

If you have young children who constantly demand your attention, live online tutoring might not be the thing for you. However, that doesn’t mean you cannot start a lucrative tutoring side hustle.

Instead of offering live online classes, sell pre-recorded classes.

Again, your options here are limitless. As long as you have a skill you can teach, you can create a class around it. Fitness classes, coding classes, parenting classes, and more can easily be pre-recorded and sold to others for a fee.

The easiest way to sell your classes is by joining platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, or Teachable.

💵 Your earnings will depend on the number of downloads and your chosen rates. Generally, most courses will cost around $100, but it’s in your best interest to look into what others are charging before you set your prices.

9. Sign Up for User Testing

User testing is the process of determining the usability and functionality of a given product and assessing its capabilities and user-friendliness. User testing can be done on websites and apps, video games, software solutions, online tools, and more. Best of all, it can be done from the comfort of your home. You just need a computer and, depending on the product in question, specific software (such as a specific operating system).

To get started with user testing, you can join sites such as Userlytics, UserTesting, TryMyUI, and the like. You’ll have the most luck if you have prior experience in the tech industry.

💵 You can earn anywhere from $24,500 to $151,000 annually as a user tester[6].

10. Become a Freelance Writer

Freelance writing can be one of the best side hustles for stay-at-home moms. You can set your own schedule, determine your own rates, and choose your own clients. As long as you’re comfortable with writing, you can easily make it work.

You can join freelancing platforms like Freelancer, Fiverr, or Upwork to start offering your services to a diverse clientele. Freelance writers are often needed for online content creation, blog posts, ad copy, social media posts, website content, and more.

💵 On average, freelance writers can earn about $21.82 an hour[7]. However, you can more than double your hourly pay if you’re a skilled writer with a specialist niche.

11. Write a Book

If you really have a way with words, you can be more than a freelance writer. You can be an author.

It’s not easy to make it as an author. It takes years of trial and error and, perhaps most of all, luck. However, you can still make some nice money on the side by writing a book and selling digital copies on platforms like Amazon Kindle, Sellfy, Apple iBooks, and Barnes & Noble.

💵 The only problem is that you won’t have guaranteed earnings. Still, self-published authors on Kindle, for example, can earn anywhere from $150 to over $20,000 a month, so it’s definitely worth a try[8].

12. Run a Blog

Running a blog can be an excellent way to generate passive income and increase your budget. It takes time and dedication, but the results can be astonishing.

The first step is choosing your niche. It can be anything you’re experienced with or have an interest in. Parenting blogs are popular, as are travel blogs, cooking blogs, and interior design blogs, among many others.

Once you have your niche, it’s time to build a website. With the right tools, it’s much easier than it may seem. WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, and others can help you create it within mere hours.

To ensure success, you’ll want to frequently publish new, relevant posts and engage with your readers. Once you have a big enough audience, you can monetize your blog with affiliate marketing, sponsorships, selling ad space, and more.

💵 On average, bloggers make about $50,000 a year, though the number could be drastically different depending on your content[9].

13. Get Into Podcasting

APodcasting is an excellent alternative to blogging. If you don’t have enviable writing skills or don’t want to bother with building and maintaining your blog, podcasting could be a great way to go.

As a podcaster, you can choose your own episode style. Share your thoughts and insights on your chosen niche, invite guests, hold interviews, record panel-style podcasts, do Q&As, or a mix of them all. You can easily publish your episodes through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Pandora, or even YouTube.

Like bloggers, podcasters can earn money through sponsorships and affiliate marketing or offer subscriptions.

💵 There are no pre-set earnings you can expect. Podcasters can earn anywhere from $16,000 to well over $150,000 annually, depending on their popularity[10].

14. Start Your Own YouTube Channel

Most people are a bit too camera-shy to start a YouTube channel, but it can become quite lucrative if you choose the right niche for yourself and know how to connect with your audiences.

If you feel comfortable, you can start vlogging, sharing your daily life with online communities. For instance, you can become a “beauty guru” by offering makeup tutorials. You can share educational videos, entertaining videos, explanation videos, or anything in between. You don’t even have to be in the spotlight if you don’t want to – instead, think about creating animations or graphics and doing voice-overs.

Most YouTubers earn through affiliate marketing and sponsored posts, but many also receive contributions from their followers through platforms like Patreon.

💵 Your YouTube channel could earn around $60,943 a year[11].

15. Play Video Games for Money

If you’re a gamer mom who enjoys nothing more than playing video games with her kids, you might also be able to monetize this hobby.

Platforms like Twitch and YouTube are great for gamers who want to connect with a larger community, live-stream their gameplay, and have some fun.

All you have to do is create an account on one of these platforms, play your favorite games, and engage with your viewers. Keep in mind you’ll also need to invest in the necessary equipment – a gaming PC, a high-quality camera, and a good headset at the very least.

💵 As a successful streamer, you could earn between $3,000 and $5,000 a month, maybe even more[12]. However, earnings are not guaranteed, and you might have to work for a while before you can start making money.

16. Monetize Your Cooking/Baking Skills

Not every mom is a great cook or baker, but if you happen to be, you’ll have many money-making opportunities.

You could offer catering services, cook meals, and prepare baked goods for those in your neighborhood or for parents from your kid’s school. Make flyers to market your services and spread the word around.

💵 Depending on the type of work you take on, you could earn as little as $300 a month or as much as a few thousand[13].

In addition, you could start creating cooking/baking content and sharing it online. Create a cooking blog, share baking videos on your social media channels, or start a YouTube channel recording all orders that come your way.

Not only will you make a profit from your clients, but you could also start earning from your blog or YouTube channel.

17. Become a Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is a remote secretary who deals with administrative tasks. You’d perform tasks such as scheduling appointments, booking accommodations, making travel arrangements, answering phone calls, etc.

You can find employment as a virtual assistant through freelancing platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer, and Upwork, but you can also work directly with companies like CVS Health, Planet Professional, and Ajilon.

💵 Your schedule will largely depend on your employer, but most jobs will be flexible. Salary can range between $15,000 and $108,000 annually, depending on the type of work you take on[14].

👩‍💻 Read more: Can you earn $50 an hour as a virtual assistant? Here’s how one VA found a lucrative specialty and turned it into a career.

18. Sell Your Photos

If you’re skilled at photography but don’t have the time or will to become a professional photographer, you can still make money from your hobby.

There are countless websites where you can sell anything from landscape photos to pet photos, stock photos, and more. Some of the best-known sites where you can earn from your photos include Getty Images, iStock Photo, Alamy, and Shutterstock.

Most sites will pay you a commission every time someone downloads your photos, though some will purchase a license from you for a one-time fee.

💵 Alamy, for instance, pays, on average, $35 per license, so your earnings will depend on both the quality and quantity of your photos[15].

19. Become a Data Entry Clerk

Data entry is one of the most straightforward remote jobs you could do as a stay-at-home mom. A data entry clerk must be familiar with word processing tools and spreadsheets, such as Microsoft Office, Excel, etc. They need to be detail-oriented and have basic computer skills.

You can find employment as a data entry clerk at many companies, though your best option is joining platforms like Freelancer, Fiverr, or Upwork.

Your schedule flexibility will depend entirely on your employer, though, generally speaking, you should be able to set a timetable that suits your and your children’s schedule.

💵 The average salary for a freelance data entry clerk is $28 an hour[16].

20. Flip Furniture for Profit

As most stay-at-home moms, you’re likely well-versed in Do-It-Yourself (DIY) projects. If you enjoy these projects, you could try your hand at flipping furniture for profit.

The premise behind this is simple. You find cheap used furniture on the second-hand market, restore it at home, then sell it for a higher price.

You can market your items on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, Etsy, and more.

💵 Your earnings will depend on your projects, but you should expect at least $500 a month, if not more.

🔄 Read about how Marissa’s furniture flipping pandemic hobby turned it into a flourishing business.

21. Organize Child-Friendly Events

If you’ve ever had to organize a child-friendly event, such as a kid’s birthday party, you know that it’s not easy. That’s why so many parents prefer to have someone else do it for them.

Planning parties becomes much easier when you’re paid to do it, so why not give it a try?

If you’re a detail-oriented, organized person who knows what children enjoy doing, becoming a kid-friendly party planner could be just the thing for you.

You’d be responsible for finding suitable venues, handling decorations, scheduling caterers, musicians, entertainers, and more.

💵 With an average salary of $64,225 a year, becoming a party planner could give your budget a serious boost[17].

Final Thoughts

Finding good side hustles for a stay-at-home mom can be challenging. You must find opportunities that keep your schedule flexible, pay well enough, and don’t intervene with your parenting.

However, while it’s challenging, it’s doable. Give these side gigs a try and see for yourself which one suits you and your kids best.

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How to Save Money in College: 25 Ways to Stretch Your Budget Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:00:09 +0000 Discover expert tips on how to save money in college without sacrificing fun. Learn how to maximize savings and enjoy your college experience!

The post How to Save Money in College: 25 Ways to Stretch Your Budget appeared first on FinMasters.

Hey there, college savers! We’ve got your back with an awesome article on how to keep those green bills in your pocket while still having a blast on campus. Get ready for money-saving secrets, budgeting tricks, and insider advice that’ll make you the king or queen of frugality.

Let’s make every penny count!

How to Save Money on College Expenses

On average, spending four years in college will set you back $102,828, and that’s for a public, in-state institution if you decide to live on the campus the entire time[1]. If you want to attend an out-of-state or private college, it will cost you significantly more.

Saving as much as you can on college expenses is critical.

1. Plan Ahead

If possible, you should start preparing for college long before it’s time for you to attend it. Attending Advanced Placement (AP) classes in high school can help you earn valuable college credits. That could save you thousands on tuition. You should ensure that the colleges you’re interested in accept the AP classes you want to attend in high school.

2. Take as Many Credits as Possible

The best way to save on college expenses is by spending as little time in college as possible. Ideally, you’ll want to finish your diploma within four years. Every extra year will be a blow to your budget.

Finishing college on time means taking as many credits as possible and focusing on the classes relevant to your degree.

3. Make the Library Your Second Home

Your college library should be your second home if you want to save on expenses. That’s primarily because it will give you free access to some of the textbooks you’ll need and because you won’t have to invest much in tech.

Many classes will require you to download specific tools and programs, which could often end up costing a lot. Some college libraries will have most of the software you’ll need. All you need to do is take advantage of it.

To get the most out of the library, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with your course requirements ahead of time. That way, you can take out books before all the other students get all the available copies.

4. Be Careful With Loans

At the moment, federal student loans equal $1.6 trillion[2]! You have to be careful with your student loans. While they’re necessary for many young adults who want to pursue higher education, they can be debilitating to your future financial stability.

Research your future degree and calculate how much you could earn within the first year of graduating. Then, try to scale your borrowing to your expected earnings. Ideally, your total debt burden should not exceed your expected first-year salary.

Consider attending a lower-priced school or starting with two years at a community college to reduce your borrowing.

5. Fill Out the FAFSA

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA for short, is the gateway to federal programs that help support over 10 million students in the US annually[3]. It is the first step toward applying for financial aid through grants, work-study programs, and subsidized loans.

Many schools, state programs, and private scholarship programs also use the FAFSA to help evaluate candidates.

Many students, including many who are eligible for aid, do not submit the FAFSA, or submit it only in their first year of study. That’s a mistake. Even if you don’t think you are eligible for aid, you could be wrong. The FAFSA is absolutely free, and there’s no reason not to submit one.

Most students make the mistake of applying for FAFSA (and other grants and scholarships) only before their first year, thinking that if they don’t get a grant in year one, they do so throughout their college career.

However, you can get grants every year, so you should apply every year.

6. Use Your School’s Resources

Most colleges and universities have financial aid offices staffed with professionals who know the ins and outs of hundreds of aid programs. They are there to help you, but many students don’t use that help. Don’t make that mistake.

😃 Get ready for a chuckle as you discover these weird ways to save money, which are more amusing oddities than genuine advice.

7. Save on Textbooks Whenever You Can

An in-state undergraduate student will pay an average of $1,226 for their textbooks and necessary supplies for just a single year of college[4]. So if you want to cut your college expenses, you’ll need to save on textbooks whenever possible.

Check your college library to see what it offers, rent textbooks from other students, buy used books or see whether you can share textbooks (and their related expenses) with roommates who attend the same classes.

Of course, you should also try and sell any books you’ve bought after you’re done using them.

How to Save Money on Utilities and Housing

How to Save Money on Utilities and Housing

Housing and utilities are significant components of the cost of education. Here’s how you can trim those costs.

8. Choose Your Housing Wisely

Ideally, you’ll want to live as close to your campus as possible if you can’t live in a dorm to save time and money on commuting. However, housing in the vicinity of campuses is often significantly more expensive.

Consider your monthly rent and the expected commuting expenses to ensure you get the best price and the most convenience. If you get cheaper rent at a place further away, you might spend more on commuting, thus nulling your savings on housing.

9. Live With Roommates

It goes without question that living with roommates is usually the best way to save on housing and utilities. You’ll be able to get a nicer, better place while still paying less than you would for a single-bedroom apartment.

As a general rule of thumb, however, you’ll want to vet your potential roommates well beforehand. if at all possible. You don’t want roommate disagreements to come between you, your mental health, and your college experience.

10. Live at Home

Many young people see living away from home as a core part of the college experience. There’s a reason for that, but if there is a college near your home, spending even a couple of years there before a transfer can dramatically reduce your college costs.

11. Negotiate With Your Phone Carrier

If you’ve been with the same phone carrier for a while, it might be time to start negotiating better terms and conditions with them. Alternatively, it could be time to start shopping around for another carrier.

Do some research to find out how to reduce your phone bills, ask whether anyone’s offering student discounts, or try to stay on your family’s plan longer.

12. Don’t Lose Your Security Deposit

Depending on your landlord, you might be required to spend quite a bit on your security deposit. Some landlords will charge one full month’s length, while others will charge three times as much! Regardless of the amount, it’s in your best interest not to lose your security deposit.

First, you’ll want to inspect the entire apartment when moving in, record any damage you find, and take pictures of every nook and cranny. That way, you’ll have plenty of evidence to dispute your landlord if they decide to withhold your security deposit.

The second thing you’ll need to do is clean and maintain the apartment as best you can for the duration of your stay. If the apartment is in pristine condition when you leave, you’ll ensure you get your full security deposit back when you move out.

How to Save Money on Food

How to Save Money on Food

After textbooks, housing, and utilities, food is likely your most significant monthly expense. To ensure you don’t become a “starving student”, you’ll need to learn how to budget your groceries and feed yourself adequately.

13. Use Your College Meal Plan

Most colleges will have different meal plans with varying meal quantities, and most will require first-year students to join them. So, since you’ll already have to purchase the meal plan, it’s in your best interest to use it.

Commonly, meal plans will include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, and you’ll want to take advantage of them all.

Even if you’re not on the meal plan, dining at your college cafeteria might be the most economical option, as meals tend to be fairly priced there.

14. Shop With a Plan

How many times have you gone to the grocery store for one specific item, only to return home with a bunch of useless snacks and condiments that you inevitably throw away? It’s a colossal waste of money that does you no good.

It’s in your best interest to always shop for groceries with a plan. Develop a meal plan for the week, check your pantry to see which items you’ll need for the week, create a list, and only buy items from the list!

15. Buy in Bulk When It Makes Sense

It often seems to make sense to buy your groceries in bulk as you’ll generally pay less for more goods. However, that depends entirely on whether you can eat the food in its entirety before its expiration date.

For instance, buying in bulk would make sense if you eat a lot of cereal. However, if you don’t enjoy it all that much, buying in bulk will eventually result in wasted food and money.

Nutrition matters. A good diet will improve your health, performance, and happiness. If you have limited funds, spend them where they count. Quality food doesn’t have to be expensive!

16. Know Where and When to Shop

You can cut your grocery expenses by buying generic instead of name-brand items. However, even generic items will have different price tags at different stores and at different times. So, you’ll always want to compare the prices before making a purchase.

Furthermore, you’ll want to analyze the sales cycles at your local grocery stores to increase your savings. Most stores will offer discounts after major holidays, and most will have lower prices at the beginning of the month.

If you need to make a larger purchase, it’s worth knowing when the best days to shop for deals are.

How to Save Money When Going Out

How to Save Money When Going Out

Though you’ll want to focus on your studies and complete your degree fast to reduce your expenses, you’ll still want to enjoy your college experience. That means going out, socializing, and spending time with your fellow students.

You can’t really put a price tag on quality time, but you can certainly stick to your budget.

17. Go to Free Campus Events

Virtually every day of the week, your campus will likely have a fun, free event with plenty of food and drinks to attract more attendees. So, take advantage of it!

You can usually find a free (or at least reasonably priced) concert, music event, or sports event. Even some lectures might prove to be entertaining. So ask around, check out the flyers around your campus, and see what events might appeal to you and your friends.

18. Always Check for Student Discounts

Student discounts are one of the best ways to save some money while in college. Never want to leave your home without your student ID! Many venues, restaurants, clubs, and more will offer special pricing for students.

Whether you want to enjoy some live music, visit a museum, or go to the cinema, check for any special pricing for students and save some cash.

19. Go to House Parties

House parties are one of the best parts of the college experience and are typically free! So instead of going out to restaurants, clubs, bars, and more, see whether there are any house parties you could attend during your free time.

They might even help you save on food and drinks, as you’ll usually be able to find some free snacks and get a complimentary beverage.

How to Save Money on Entertainment

How to Save Money on Entertainment

College can be pretty stressful, and you’ll want to have some entertainment that can help you relax. You’ll also want to ensure that your entertainment doesn’t have a massive impact on your budget.

20. Share Your Streaming Expenses

Even a single subscription to a streaming service can slowly eat away at your budget. You should consider sharing your streaming expenses to ensure that that doesn’t happen. Cover the costs of Netflix while your roommate covers the costs of HBO. Share your accounts with trusted friends and family members, and have them share their accounts with you.

21. Use Campus Amenities

Many college campuses offer many amenities that few students ever take full advantage of. However, they’re the best way that you can save on entertainment.

Go to your campus gym instead of paying for a full gym membership at a private facility. Make use of the campus’s rec room, go to the swimming pool on campus, and explore everything that your college has to offer.

22. Join Clubs

Joining clubs can be a great way to meet new people, make connections, and spend some quality time while you’re in college. However, depending on the club, it could also take up much of your time.

Research the available clubs on the campus, learn what activities they often partake in, and join those clubs that suit you, your interest, and your hobbies the most.

How to Save Money on Transportation

How to Save Money on Transportation

Finally, transportation is one of your key expenses while in college, and you’ll want to find ways to save on it. Here’s how.

23. Don’t Use a Car

If possible, refrain from taking a car with you when you go to college. It will usually cause more issues than it’s worth. You’ll have to invest in its maintenance, cover gas costs, pay insurance, and more. If your “check engine” light comes on, you’ll likely be in for a world of trouble and expense.

Instead, get a bike, walk, use public transportation, and significantly reduce your monthly expenses.

24. Park Further Away

If you have no other option but to take your car with you when you go to college, learn where to park. Research the campus and its surroundings and find out where you can get free parking.

In some instances, free parking will be a bit further away than you’d like, but taking advantage of it will be well worth it.

25. RideShare When You Can

Whether you want to go to a restaurant a bit further away, travel somewhere for spring break, or visit your hometown, you’ll either want to use public transportation (if available) or ride share with others.

While it can sometimes be annoying, ride-sharing will significantly reduce your transportation expenses and help you save quite a bit in the long run.

Final Thoughts

It’s never easy saving money in college, but it’s possible with some hard work and creative thinking. While many of the tips above can help you save some, it’s in your best interest to use as many as possible – and find some others on your own, even find a side hustle to earn some extra money as a student – for the best results!

The post How to Save Money in College: 25 Ways to Stretch Your Budget appeared first on FinMasters.

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14 Best Side Hustles for Couples to Earn Extra Income in 2024 Wed, 10 May 2023 16:00:43 +0000 You and your significant other have plenty of online and offline opportunities for earning a little extra. Check them out. 

The post 14 Best Side Hustles for Couples to Earn Extra Income in 2024 appeared first on FinMasters.

If you and your partner share similar skills and interests, as partners often do, why not use those skills and interests to make some money on the side while still spending time together?

Here are some ideas for side hustles for couples. See which option suits you best, and start making some money on the side together!

1. Look Into Car Washing/Detailing 🚘

Many people like to keep their cars in perfect shape but don’t have time to bring them to a car wash. That opens an opportunity.

If you and your partner go into car washing, you won’t need to make any significant investments to get started. All you need is access to water, a good vacuum cleaner, and a few supplies, such as car wash liquid, sponges, microfiber towels, and the like. You can attract clients by offering washing services to your neighbors and marketing yourself on social media.

If you go into car detailing, you’ll need a bit more experience and a few more supplies. Detailing, as the name implies, requires more attention to detail. You’d be cleaning every minute nook and cranny of cars, making them look almost brand new when you’re done.

💰 Earnings potential: Of course, while it takes more time, effort, and upfront investment, it also pays better. You can earn $800 a week just by offering detailing services on weekends[1].

2. Try House Cleaning 🧹

For some people, cleaning is a headache-inducing chore. For others, it’s an opportunity to relax. If you and your significant other are closer to the second category of people, you might want to consider making some extra cash by offering house cleaning services.

You don’t have to become a full-time maid. You can still keep your regular jobs and offer cleaning services as a side hustle on the weekends or during the holidays.

Provide general house-cleaning services such as washing windows and deep-cleaning carpets and furniture, or become more specialized if you like. You can help clean houses when the residents move, offer cleaning services after a catastrophe such as flooding, and more.

💰 Earnings potential: On average, house cleaners charge between $40 and $50 an hour, depending on the size and condition of the home[2].

3. Gardening/Landscaping 👩‍🌾

Spending more time outside is always good, especially when you can earn more money in the process. Gardening or landscaping is one of the best ways to make money while enjoying your time out in nature.

As gardeners, you’d be responsible for tasks such as mowing lawns and raking the leaves. You’d also need to maintain existing plants. As landscapers, you’d have a more physically demanding job, but you’d be more involved with planning out gardens and creating more aesthetically pleasing environments.

💰 Earnings potential: While the pay for gardeners isn’t always the greatest, averaging around $15 an hour, it can help you and your significant other add a few hundred a month to your budget.

4. Try Your Hand at Freelancing 👩‍💻

If you and your partner are more of homebodies rather than outdoor enthusiasts, apply for some freelancing positions on popular platforms like UpWork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. Virtually any skills, talents, or expertise you have can be monetized on these platforms. From data entry to analysis, marketing, web designing, and tutoring, you can find millions of freelancing jobs with relative ease.

You get to set your own rates and schedules, choose your own clients, and work at your own pace.

💰 Earnings potential: Since there are so many different jobs and opportunities, it’s difficult to say how much you could earn as a freelancer. Some of the best-paid positions include copywriters, web developers, and digital marketing consultants.

5. Start Blogging ✍

If you want complete freedom and independence as you make some side money, consider blogging. First, you and your significant other should start by choosing a niche. It can be anything from food and travel to financial advice, fitness, interior decor, and pet training – any niche you are an expert in or are simply interested in.

Once you’ve chosen a niche, you should start coming up with content relevant to it. Share entertaining, educational, or “edutaining” posts that deliver value to the readers.

Keep in mind, however, that you won’t immediately start making money with your blog. You need to attract a large enough readership before you can monetize it through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and ads.

💰 Earnings potential: Once you start monetizing, the sky is your limit. You could earn upwards of $45,000 a year[4].

6. Host a Podcast 🎤

While blogging can certainly be lucrative, it isn’t for everyone. Since it’s mainly about sharing text-based content, it can be challenging for those whose writing skills leave much to be desired. If your and your partner’s writing skills are nothing to write home about, you could consider an alternative: podcasting.

Spoken blogs and podcasts allow you to share your insights into various topics, connect with a larger like-minded community, and make some cash.

If you’re camera-shy, you can publish audio-only podcasts and still make enough to impact your budget significantly.

💰 Earnings potential: Depending on how many listeners you have, you can make well over $500 a month[5].

7. Start a YouTube Channel 🎥

A step up from both blogging and podcasting is starting a YouTube channel. Of course, it isn’t easy to become a YouTube celebrity. You’ll need to choose your niche, develop entertaining videos that your target audience will enjoy, create new posts frequently, and stay engaged with your followers.

There will be a pretty significant upfront investment. You’ll need high-quality audio and video equipment and get your hands on reliable video editing software. And don’t expect to start making money as soon as you post your first video.

💰 Earnings potential: While you could earn an average of $1,154 per week as a small YouTuber creator, it will take some time to build up a large enough following and start monetizing your channel[6].

8. Create Online Courses 💻

If you don’t think that YouTube is the platform for you, but you’d still like to create video content, you and your partner should look into online course creation. The prerequisite is that you have the skill or talent to teach others.

You could be a fitness instructor or a health coach and create courses others could join. You could create WordPress courses, music lessons, writing courses, and more.

When creating online courses, you’ll have two options: create pre-recorded course videos and sell them or host live courses. Of course, you can also mix and match if that’s your preference.

💰 Earnings potential: Your earnings will vary significantly based on your chosen niche and the number of students you attract. You’ll also be able to set your own rates, potentially earning just a few hundred a month or well over $33,340 a year.

9. Organize in-Person Classes 👨‍🏫

Of course, not everything has to be internet-based. You and your significant other could give in-person classes a try.

You could organize casual one-time art or pottery classes for adults, arts and crafts courses for kids, or commit to longer programming courses with pre-set curriculums and more. After-school tutoring for kids in your neighborhood is another option. Whatever subject or topic you know well enough to teach, you can teach in in-person classes.

💰 Earnings potential: As a private tutor with enough experience, you could earn over $100 an hour. As a casual instructor, your earnings will vary based on your chosen rates and the number of students you and your partner attract[8].

10. Try Voice Narration 🎤

If you and your partner enjoy reading and you both have a knack for voice acting, voice narration could be just the side hustle for you. In a nutshell, your task would be to create audio content for audiobooks, ads, apps, or even video games.

You’d need to be able to read aloud with emotion, do different voices, and approach every task with the utmost professionalism, even if your job is to do voices for characters in a children’s book.

💰 Earnings potential: You and your partner could be a voice narration duo, or you could each find individual gigs. Depending on your skills and the clients you find, you could each earn over $100 an hour for your work[9].

11. Sign up as Hosts on Airbnb 🏡

If you and your partner have a home large enough for hosting, consider signing up as a host on Airbnb or similar platforms. It’s one of the easiest ways to earn some money on the side without investing too much time and effort into a second job.

If your property isn’t large enough for you and your potential guests, you could only list your home when you know you’ll be away while you’re visiting family or traveling.

💰 Earnings potential: Depending on your home’s condition, size, and location, you could easily earn over $200 a night renting out your property[10].

12. Flip Furniture

You’ve likely seen countless before-and-after images of restored furniture online. Some people just know how to breathe new life into old items, and it’s not necessarily complicated. If you and your significant other are interested in refurbishing old furniture, this could be the perfect opportunity for you to make some extra cash.

Flipping furniture can be a fulfilling and lucrative endeavor. You need just a few basic tools, some of which you probably already have around the house, like screwdrivers and paintbrushes, sander, sandpaper, furniture cleaner, etc.

💰 Earnings potential: You and your significant other can find cheap furniture at thrift stores, play around with it, then sell it on platforms like Facebook Marketplace. Depending on the items you find and the quality of your work, you could make over $1,000 a month.

👩 Real people, real stories: I started furniture flipping as a pandemic hobby and turned it into a flourishing business. Here’s how I make $1000+/month flipping furniture.

13. Start a Photography Side Hustle 📸

Photography is perhaps the most popular choice for a couple’s side hustle. As long as you have a decent camera and some talent, you and your partner could offer photography services for profit.

You could start with simple portraits or senior pictures. Once you’ve gotten some experience, you could become an event photography duo, offering your services at birthday parties, weddings, gender reveals, and more.

Besides, you could always make some extra cash by selling your photos on stock photo marketplaces like Shutterstock, Pixabay, etc. You won’t earn excessive amounts of money from this alone, but you could get decent commissions when someone buys your photos.

💰 Earnings potential: As freelance photographers, you could earn as much as $1,538 a month, if not more[11].

14. Offer Event Planning Services 🥂

If you’re both well organized, you and your partner might find the most luck offering event planning services.

If you’ve ever planned even a small party, you’ll know it’s not easy. You need to find caterers, book a good band, find decorations, schedule a venue, and pay attention to every last detail that will affect the entire event. That’s why many people prefer hiring event organizers rather than bothering with it themselves.

You could offer services for birthday parties, weddings, business team-building activities, and so much more.

💰 Earnings potential: You can earn $20 an hour or more, depending on your clientele and the events you organize[12].

Final Thoughts

From cleaning cars to creating online courses, getting into YouTube, and trying your luck as event planners, there are plenty of opportunities for making some money on the side as a couple. Talk to your partner, look at your shared interests, and see how you can combine your skills and passions and start earning more!

The post 14 Best Side Hustles for Couples to Earn Extra Income in 2024 appeared first on FinMasters.

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