Comments on: Equifax Dispute Lowered My Credit Score 72 Points! Master Your Finances and Reach Your Goals Thu, 07 Dec 2023 15:04:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alex Alex Wed, 02 Feb 2022 14:01:49 +0000 My score dropped 46 pts with only very positive stuff added that would have got me extra 60 pts… Called Equifax and they said it’s disputes I just did. Odd enough, exact same stuff dropped my TransUnion 70 pts, Experian went up 55 pts. TU also has some disputes but they won’t answer questions. So I’ll wait a few days and hopefully It’ll be proper. I’m figuring sometimes it takes more than a day for new things to process as well. See a delay with Experian before of an extra day before score update

By: Elizabeth sanchez Tue, 24 Mar 2020 14:38:44 +0000 I have a score of 753 with trans union, and Equifax was at 753 also , it dropped to 735 , trans union stayed the same. I have NO hard inquiries, been 62 months on time with my car note, my mortgage payment have been excellent , even my credit card payments, with my utilization below 30 percent, the only thing I see that reflects in a red line on credit karma would 2 accounts that have been closed and transferred (mortgage lenders) and 1 with Wells Fargo that has been paid with zero balance EQUIFAX can not tell me what has changed for them to dropped my score, I’m diligently trying to get to 800 & above I only have 1 credit card with only a 300.00 payment left to pay ,and two open accounts which is my car loan , house loan and nothing else to pay off such as old or recent bills !!! SO WHY AND HOW CAN I GET EQUIFAX TO STOP DROPPING MY SCORE WITH NO EXPLANATION AS TO WHY THEY DID THIS
