Comments on: Can You Trust Brandon Weaver’s Credit Repair Advice? Master Your Finances and Reach Your Goals Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:20:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathy Smith Fri, 18 Sep 2020 17:05:48 +0000 In reply to Chris Huntley.

Yes you're covertly trying to manipulate what people think about him. It's a play on words that you use. Why trust YOU? We're not going to TRUST YOU!!!

By: TypeB Mon, 13 Jul 2020 00:05:11 +0000 In reply to Chris Huntley.

Hi Chris.

Truth is those are probably bots that respond in anticipation of negative reviews.

By: Chris Huntley Fri, 26 Jun 2020 23:04:14 +0000 In reply to ann gee.

Hi Ann, Thanks for your comments. Please see my response to Angela above. I have no idea where this is coming from. The review is 99% positive toward Brandon. I’m a big fan of his. And by the way, I don’t have clients. We run this website and are supported by advertisers. And his low budget film? Uh, that’s pretty cool if you ask me. Did you notice the other bullet points I listed in his resume? They are all positives. Why would you think that is a negative? I’m saying he is quite accomplished across the board.

By: ann gee Fri, 26 Jun 2020 04:52:42 +0000 You truly are a class act when it comes to hating other people’s business. He is a young successful business entrepreneur that is doing more for the younger generation to help them get the credit back on track. Then that stupid as Donald Trump ass President!!! Yes, I said it!!! I also agree with Angela above, you simply. have to build a website to tear people down by mention all Brand Weaver has done… you need to get a life (including mentioning his low budget film). I would not ask for your help the way you speak to people and really so your character, how unprofessional you are, and how jealous you are of Brandon Weaver’s success so-called Chris Huntley. Then when someone corrects you on your behavior you become very defensive when you know you’re the person that is wrong post picture of Brandon like he is a criminal. I tell you what since I am the MOUTH OF THE SOUTH let me blast everyone on every Social Media to let everyone know not to use you as a Credit Consultant because it talks about people’s success. I wonder how you talk about your client behind their backs. Here the moral of your story… You Reap What You Sow!!! and Trust ME Karma is a BITCH!!! You will get yours at the end of degrading people!!!

By: Chris Huntley Fri, 13 Mar 2020 15:32:04 +0000 In reply to Angela.

Hi Angela,
I appreciate your feedback but I’m not sure you read the full article carefully. I would challenge you to list one negative thing I said about Brandon, because I can’t find one. I’m quite sure of that because I like Brandon and I wrote the article. I can, however, list at least 10 positive things I said about him. To say that he focuses on credit restoration rather than credit building is NOT an insult. It’s an important distinction. It’s true (and I think Brandon would agree) to say that a lot of people trying to build their credit are not right for his material. Some people need repair (his focus). Some people need to build new, positive credit history (not his focus).
It’s like if a storm came through and broke a bunch of the windows on your house and damaged the roof. In that case, you would need home REPAIR. It would not, however, be the appropriate moment to call a contractor to build a second story on your house. I’m simply making a distinction that Brandon focuses on restoration rather than building positive new lines of credit using tools like credit builder loans and secured credit cards. I know he mentions those once in a while, but credit-building tools are not his niche. It’s credit repair. Probably the most dubious thing in the article was my saying that the jury is still out about Awesome Life Group. Nothing bad about that, in my opinion, as that company has just recently gotten going. Could you/would you whole heartedly endorse any product or service that is brand new? I will continue to update the article as I find more reviews. I suppose the worst thing in the article was using “caution” in the title. But that’s nothing more than a bit of clever marketing. The title asks IF you can trust Brandon. It does NOT say “you can’t trust Brandon.” And when you get into the article, I think the resounding answer to the question is yes, you can trust him. I’m eager to hear your response.

By: Angela Thu, 12 Mar 2020 03:10:36 +0000 There is definitely enough credit repair to go around instead of cutting down someone. Not to mention it makes your company look bad when you are cutting down someone else’s business to try to boost yours. Brandon’s system is incredible and has helped mine and several other family members Credit increase . The comment above that you said your only warning ppl his system is to fix bad credit not to help ppl with new credit was a great way to try and make your company look good. Brandon’s system is called Credit Repair so I am pretty sure the ppl that go on his channel are trying REPAIR their credit. I think it is really sad that you created this whole thing to tarnish someone else. Truly SAD

By: Chris Huntley Wed, 04 Mar 2020 00:30:47 +0000 In reply to Renee R.

Hello Renee,
Thanks for your comment. That’s great to hear! We’ve heard lots of great feedback about Brandon. The point of the article is not to cut him down at all. It’s to warn people that his strategies mostly only work if you have a history of bad items (such as bankruptcy and late payments) on your credit record. There’s no point in “fixing” credit if you’re new to credit and simply need more time establishing a solid payment history. I don’t see Brandon cover those things often.

By: Renee R Mon, 02 Mar 2020 18:24:36 +0000 I have used Brandon Weaver’s system and have also followed his building credit advice. Love it and my scores have been soaring. When I helped a friend of mine with it her score went up 200 and my scores have increase over 110 points minus the times I applies for loans and credit cards. I highly recommend his program because even if you do not have bad credit you can learn how to avoid it and build your credit and if you do end up in that situation you can at least use a strategy to recover.
