Comments on: How I Raised My Credit Score Over 100 Points With Fingerhut Master Your Finances and Reach Your Goals Wed, 07 Jun 2023 14:55:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Umb O Fri, 29 Oct 2021 05:36:15 +0000 Actual experience with Fingerhut:

I got an account a year and a half ago, have made all my payments on time. I received 0 credit point increase for signing up and getting a credit line. The first thing I bought on there, I paid it off early. I was penalized for “aggregate spending” and my score actually dropped when I paid off the account. Same thing the third purchase I made: When the account was paid off, my score DROPPED (a good 13 points the second time I paid off).

Have no idea what’s going on, as I’d used this one in the past, but Fingerhut is not the way to go to build credit anymore. Not only has it not helped me, it has actually hurt me, as paying off early is penalized… and paying off on time didn’t budge the score either.

My credit score only began going up when I used credit cards. So just some food for thought for anyone who thinks they’re going to raise their score by paying twice the amount for every product they buy. Fingerhut is also very slow to report pay-offs. Before I went the credit card route, my score was virtually identical one year after Fingerhut as it was before it. I did get one credit line increase at the actual site, that was about it. Even after spending over $1,000, they have not really raised it since the third product was paid off. My credit line is now $400 LESS than I’ve spent. Waste of time.

By: Sheila Cline Mon, 14 Jun 2021 22:48:45 +0000 I did the same thing and they gave me a credit limit increase of 500 dollars and it knocked my score down 83 points. I have no clue whats happening, nothing else has changed. Please help

By: Becca Redmond Tue, 25 Aug 2020 00:45:43 +0000 This is a great little bit of advice on building my credit score. I applied for
A credit card, I was given a $300 line
Of credit. I have to start repairing my
Credit somehow. Thanks for the information.

By: Kevin Craig Fri, 10 Apr 2020 05:01:06 +0000 I have been singing the praises of Fingerhut for at least 3 years and I will continue to do so until I find another creditor that has this much impact on improving credit scores.

Prior to Fingerhut, I had a lot of lower-tiered credit cards but I could never qualify for anything decent. I would always get denied for the major credit cards that carried any clout.

Fast forward to today and I now own some of the most sought after cards in the industry such as Discover, Citibank Double Cash, Barclays Visa, USAA Visa, and many others within about a six-month time span.

I am 100% confident that Fingerhut played a vital role in me being able to get approved for so many cards that have eluded me in the past. Fingerhut has proven to have done more for my credit than any other creditor that I have ever used and I will continue to hold their account in high regard.
