Comments on: How Does Inflation Work: An Illustrated Guide for the Rest of Us Master Your Finances and Reach Your Goals Fri, 02 Feb 2024 10:24:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: raymo Mon, 27 Dec 2021 16:23:38 +0000 Let’s ‘broaden our view…Consider a “Marxian View Of Inflation”

see Michael Roberts Blog:

By: FarNorthWind Sun, 08 Aug 2021 15:51:47 +0000 Inflation from the pandemic….lumber prices, chips, manufacturing, animal and plant rendering, etc.

By: John Luna Mon, 19 Jul 2021 12:41:51 +0000 This is basic BULLSHIT. Inflation is caused by: 1. Greed. 2. Greed. Greed. Sometimes you have top take LESS PROFIT. But GREED is in abundance in America. Wages haven’t kept up with inflation. If you follow the consumer price index, the average wage in America should be $27 an hour if wages had kept up with prices. Inflation is a GOOD thing in that many union wages are contractually tied to the cost of living. When inflation goes up – wages do to automatically. The only losers are the wealthy with money sitting in banks losing value. During times of low inflation prices still go up but wages don’t follow. Inflation is also VERY GOOD for paying off long term debt like mortgages. If you have a home mortgage at 3% and you pay it off with inflated dollars then you actually make money. Inflation also helps pay off student loans at lightning speed. If businesses keep the money moving by investing and building they won’t be stuck with millions sitting in banks losing value. Money has to keep moving during inflation to stay ahead. The inflation we have now is not real inflation – it’s simply a side effect of COVID and businesses starting back up. When government gives tax breaks to the wealthy inflation is created that is not good for anyone. When the government spends on infrastructure jobs, child care, and going electric, the investment leads to lowering of inflation and higher employment cancelling out the effects of inflation. Right now the discussion of inflation is overblown and coming primarily from right-wing media sources who have a primary interest in discrediting the president. I remember the days of real inflation during the Nixon administration when mortgages hit 20 percent interest and gas was $7 a gallon (if you could get it).

By: frankstclair Tue, 13 Jul 2021 14:38:54 +0000 This is basic economics that should be taught in junior high school. Unfortunately, many current college graduates simply do not understand these concepts.
