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Optima Tax Relief offers a free consultation to help you negotiate tax debt with the IRS. Now, I know that paying for such a service when you already owe the IRS a big chunk of change may not be a good choice.

In the end, though, it may end up worthwhile, as it can save you the headache of filling up forms, explore tax forgiveness, as well as negotiating for payment in installments.

Let’s find out just how much this professional tax debt relief company can help you.

Key Takeaways

  • Free Consultation – Optima Tax Relief offers a free consultation to help negotiate tax debt with the IRS.
  • Initial & Variable Costs – the initial fee is $295 after the free consultation with a range of costs between $2,000 and $7,500 depending on your tax bill size.
  • Installment Plan – if you owe less than $10,000, you might set up an installment plan with the IRS yourself, but Optima can help you in cases where an installment plan is the best course of action.
  • Potential Savings – despite the fees, Optima Tax Relief could save you money, as illustrated by client reviews reporting substantial reductions in tax bills.
  • Ease of Dealing with IRS – while calling Optima won’t make tax troubles disappear, it can make dealing with the IRS more manageable.

📘 Read our Optima Tax Relief review to get a full picture of their services and what they can do for you.

How Much Does Optima Tax Relief Cost?

Getting tax relief from a legitimate company like Optima isn’t free. But it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg, either.

Ultimately, whether Optima is worth it depends on a few things:

  • How big your tax bill is
  • Whether your tax returns are filed and up to date
  • The type of legal help you need (such as help for a tax lien or wage garnishment)

The company offers a free consultation. You get to talk to a senior tax pro to decide if they can help without paying anything out of pocket.

But after that, you move onto the Investigation Phase.

And that will cost you $295.

After you hand over the initial fee, Optima will get to work on your case. They’ll open up lines of communication with the IRS and start figuring out what your options are.

From there, how much more you pay depends on your situation. Here’s what you might expect.

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Getting Up to Date on Tax Returns

Here’s the first big question: are your tax returns filed and up to date? If your taxes are already up to date, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

If not, don’t panic.

You probably had a good reason for skipping past returns. Maybe you couldn’t track down some of your records or had a personal hardship.

Whatever the case, know these two things:

  1. You CANNOT negotiate with the IRS to reduce your tax bill until your returns are filed and up to date
  2. Optima makes it easy to fix the problem of unfiled returns

But there is a downside.

Getting up to date on your past returns isn’t going to be cheap.

Generally, costs can average between $2,000 and $5,000 to have Optima sort out your tax situation from start to finish.

📘 Related Article: Pros & Cons of Working with Optima Tax Relief

Setting Up an Installment Plan

If you owe less than $10,000, you can probably get on the phone with the IRS to set up a payment plan all by yourself.

Quick Tip: Once you start an installment plan, you will have a harder time qualifying for a debt reduction request later.  We recommend you speak to an expert to see if you qualify for tax relief first.

You should definitely talk to a tax pro if you owe more than that because you might not qualify for debt relief from the IRS if you already have an installment plan.

If an installment plan is your best course of action, Optima will know.

Why not just do it yourself?

Because you might get a monthly payment you can’t afford.

You see… the IRS thinks anyone who owes that much in taxes must have a pretty good income.

But Optima knows the truth, and they’ll advocate on your behalf.

Negotiating a Settlement

Wondering how Optima might help you negotiate a settlement?

That’s a great question.

Firstnthey’ll negotiate a fair settlement to relieve you of your tax debt by making an Offer in Compromise.

Keep in mind that negotiating with the IRS can be tricky.

Offer in Compromise Mistakes:

Tax relief expert (and former IRS revenue officer). Jeffrey McNeal says when he processed offers, he saw tons of mistakes made on the forms, even when prepared by CPAs and enrolled agents!  So be sure to ask an expert for help.

Even a seasoned tax expert will have to spend some time going back and forth to get you the best deal.

And more time can mean higher fees.

Instead of paying $2,000 to $5,000 for tax debt relief help, you may end up paying closer to $7,500.

But it also could mean higher savings.

One client review I read says the company reduced their $51,000 tax bill to $1,368.

So, instead of sitting around wondering if you’re doing the right thing, you can take a deep breath knowing the pros have got you covered.

Put a Stop to Garnished Wages and Tax Liens

Garnished wages and tax liens are a pretty big deal. When the IRS steps in to take your money or puts a lien on your property, you shouldn’t wait to take action.

Unfortunately, there are additional costs involved to stop wage garnishment or to remove a lien.

We’re talking about court fees.

The court has a filing fee for almost everything. You may have court fees on top of the $2,000 to $7,500 or more that Optima charges.

But there is good news!

No matter how dire the situation, Optima Tax Relief can help you find a way out.

They can even help you remove the lien from your credit report.

Is Optima Tax Service Worth It?

This is the million-dollar question.

So… is Optima Tax Relief worth it?

They sure are.

Because even with the average fees in the $2,000 to $7,500 range, Optima can save you money.

Calling Optima won’t make your tax troubles disappear, but one thing is clear: they’ll make dealing with the IRS a lot easier.

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