Jonathan's Latest Articles

9 Best Food Stocks & ETFs of 2024

There are few sectors more basic - and more resilient - than food. The best food stocks give diversified exposure to this key industry.

Investor Profile: Elon Musk

Elon Musk is one of the most controversial investors of our time. Love him or hate him, but there are things we can learn from him.

Leveraging The Yen Devaluation

The yen has fallen dramatically against the dollar. But what does that mean, and how can investors leverage the yen devaluation?

Investor Profile: Nassim Taleb

Nassim Taleb is an influential thinker, author, and investor. He's associated with the "black swan" theory but his work goes beyond that.

Industry Primer: Telecom

Telecom is an omnipresent industry that has split into multiple sectors. It's also a widely misunderstood industry, Here's a closer look.