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The Credit Pros is one of the top three picks in our survey of top credit repair companies. In an industry known for dodgy marketing practices and outright fraud, The Credit Pros stands out as a legitimate company that provides valuable services to many clients.

What makes The Credit Pros unique is that they are not only a credit repair company. They are also a financial and credit education company focused on helping clients build credit and avoid credit mistakes both now and in the future.

They also have dozens of informational videos on credit, finance, budgeting, and entrepreneurship.

All counselors at the Credit Pros are FICO certified.

The Credit Pros

4.4 out of 5

The Credit Pros offers credit report access, consultations, and credit repair programs. If you have an exceptionally complex credit report with many questionable records, hiring a reputable credit repair company like The Credit Pros might be your best move. If you have easily verifiable errors on your credit report or there are only a few items that you need to contest, DIY is probably a better option.

4.8 out of 5
4 out of 5
4.5 out of 5
4.5 out of 5


A+ Rating With BBB

Credit Education Tools

Multiple Plan Options

Unlimited Disputes

Refund Policy

FICO-Certified Credit Professionals


High Startup Costs

Not Available In Every State

Money-back guarantee is limited

What Do The Credit Pros Offer?

The Credit Pros offers three plans, each with different options and different costs.

Money Management Plan

The Money Management plan is the most basic of the three plans. It’s designed for people who don’t have disputable entries on their credit reports and are simply looking to build better credit and better financial knowledge.

The plan includes the following:

  • Bill Reminders
  • Budgeting System
  • Snowball and Avalanche Debt Payment Systems
  • $5000 Line Of Credit
  • Real-time Account Sync
  • Credit Report, Dark Web, and Social Network Monitoring
  • Credit Reports and Scores from One Credit Bureau.

This is the most affordable option out of the three plans, but it does not include actual credit repair services. There’s a package of financial planning and debt payment scheduling systems and credit monitoring to help prevent or detect identity theft.

The plan includes a $5000 credit line from National Credit Direct. You can use this credit line to shop in the National Credit Direct store. You will pay in installments, and the payments will be reported to the credit bureaus. This can help you build credit, but it’s a very expensive way to do it: the items in the store are wildly overpriced.

While all of these are useful (with the possible exception of the credit line), we’re not convinced that they are worth the considerable cost.

Prosperity Package Plan

The Prosperity Package plan is the cheapest plan that involves actual credit repair services that can remove erroneous or unverifiable entries from your credit report.

You get the following credit repair services:

  • Unlimited disputes at all three major credit bureaus.
  • Creditor interventions.
  • Cease and desist letters to get collectors off your back.
  • Letters of reference to potential new creditors.

You also get all of the features of the Money Management Plan, except for the $5000 credit line, and given the prices in the store, you probably won’t want to use that anyway.

Success Plus Package Plan

The Success Plus Package Plan is the most expensive of the three plans. It includes all of the benefits in both plans discussed above, plus unlimited credit reports and scores from all three credit bureaus and access to a credit-builder loan.

The core credit repair features of the Success Plus plan are essentially the same as those of the Prosperity Package Plan. You’ll have to decide whether the two added features are worth the extra cost.

Unlimited Disputes With The Credit Pros

Credit repair often involves disputing records on your credit account. The Credit Pros will dispute an unlimited number of inaccurate, obsolete, and unverifiable items from your credit report every month (unlike some of their competitors, which limit the number of items they challenge on a monthly basis).

Disputing more items faster could give faster results, but only if there are many disputable records on your credit report. If you only have a few problematic records, this feature will not help you.

What Do The Credit Pros NOT Cover?

The Credit Pros cannot guarantee that they can improve your credit. Any such guarantee is prohibited by law, so if any company offers it, you should be very careful.

They also probably won’t be able to help with the following:

Bankruptcy Removal

A bankruptcy can only be removed from your credit report if it is there inaccurately. The Credit Pros might be able to help you lessen the impact of bankruptcy, but nobody can remove a bankruptcy from your credit report if it is yours.

Student Loan Removal

Unless your loan is an unreasonable financial burden or you can find a loan forgiveness program, it will be nearly impossible to remove a student loan from your credit report.

Again, there are things you can do to lessen the blow of a student loan, and The Credit Pros can help with that.

Because of the guidelines laid out by the Credit Repair Organizations Act, no credit repair company can guarantee that they can fix bad credit.

What Does it Cost?

Here’s the pricing for each plan:

PlanInitial FeeMonthly Cost
Money Management



Prosperity Package



Success Package



The Credit Pros Refund Policy

The Credit Pros offers a limited money-back guarantee. You can get a complete refund in these cases.

  • At any time within five days of signing the agreement.
  • If The Credit Pros has not sent any dispute letters within 30 days of the signing of the agreement.
  • If no items are removed from the client’s credit report within 90 days of the signing of the agreement. Only payments made in the last 90 days will be refunded.
  • Any items that are deleted from the credit report and then reinserted can be investigated for life.

The guarantee does not apply to clients who have been enrolled in another credit repair program within 180 days before joining The Credit Pros.

The Credit Pros does not – and legally cannot – guarantee that your credit will improve.

The Credit Pros Reviews

The Credit Pros Reviews tend to be neither positive nor negative. Of all the credit repair companies that we reviewed, their reviews ratings are among the hardest to nail down.

While their average customer rating was 3.8, many of the comments suggested that the people doing the rating had unrealistic expectations or a poor understanding of the credit repair process.

For instance, one review stated that they had just signed up with The Credit Pros, and they were hopeful that they were legit. That person gave them a 2.0 rating before they saw what the outcome would be.

Another customer gave a rating of 1.0 because a bankruptcy record wasn’t removed after 30 days. As we stated above, nobody can remove a legitimate bankruptcy from your credit record.

Many customers have reported fast positive results and stated that The Credit Pros are friendly people to work with.

The complaints tend to indicate some possible disorganization within the company, which leads to miscommunication and billing errors.

Trusted Credit Pros ReviewsCustomer Average Rating
Yelp Reviews Avg. Rating2.0
Google Reviews Avg. Rating4.3
Better Business Bureau Avg. Rating4.0
Consumer Affairs Reviews Avg. Rating4.1
Best Company Reviews Avg. Rating4.6

The Credit Pros Promise

It is always great when a company stands by its word, and The Credit Pros has put it in writing.

“We understand that you have placed your trust in us, and we take that responsibility seriously.

This is why we want you to feel safe when working with us. The Credit Pros is committed to quality, achieving results, and providing “5-star level” client support.”

They also promise:

  • That you can cancel your service at any time
  • That no one will over-promise or guarantee a specific outcome
  • That your private information will be protected and secure
  • That you will be treated professionally and courteously
  • That all of your requests will be responded to in a timely manner

This is a great promise. Be sure to hold them accountable if you sign up.

What To Expect After You Sign Up

So once you get signed up, within 3 to 5 business days, their specialists will begin sending letters addressing the inaccurate items on your credit reports.

Approximately 60 days from signing up, you will receive a copy of your credit reports from the credit bureaus (Transunion, Equifax & Experian).

When you receive all three of your updated credit reports, you will need to just put them into an envelope and mail them to The Credit Pros.

All you have to do is continue to send the updated copies of your reports.

Helpful Tip: You should probably fax all of your documents; the sooner they receive the information, the better results you will have overall.

If you have access to a fax machine, you may also send your files to them via fax as well.

You can fax your reports over 24 hours per day to (973) 732-0794.

The Credit Pros Availability

The Credit Pros doesn’t provide credit repair services in these states:

  • California
  • Georgia
  • Kansas
  • Maine
  • Minnesota
  • Oregon
  • South Carolina

How To Cancel The Credit Pros

The fastest way to cancel your membership with The Credit Pros is to contact them by phone at: (844) 257-4696 between the hours of 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. (EST) M-F.

You can also email them at: [email protected]

Best Alternatives To The Credit Pros

If you have an exceptionally complex credit report with many questionable records, hiring a credit repair company might be your best move. If you have easily verifiable errors on your credit report or there are only a few items that you need to contest, DIY is probably a better option.

Start by reading and understanding your credit report. If there are items that may not be yours or that you think may not be verifiable by the creditor, use this guide to disputing a credit report entry. Once you have disputed the items you think are illegitimate, start building a better credit history.

You’ll get the same impact that credit repair will provide. It may take longer, but you’ll spend a lot less.

It’s always good to shop around before choosing any financial service provider. Before selecting the Credit Pros, consider the offerings from other top credit repair companies.

Initial work feeMonthly feeCredit monitoringDiscountMoney back guaranteeCancellation policyBBB ratingFounded in
The Credit Pros$119–$149$69–$149Yes/90-day money back guaranteeFull refund within 5 days after signingA+2009
Credit Saint$99–$195$79.99–$119.99YesFamily member discount (first work fee only)90-day money back guaranteeNo pro-rated refundsA+2007
Sky Blue$79$79NoCouple discount90-day guaranteeNo cancellation chargeA+1989
Ovation Credit$89$79–$109YesReferral, couple, military, senior, upgrade/Cancel any time — no-risk refund policyA+2004
Lexington LawCredit report access fee plus first work fee$99.95–$139.95YesMilitary, familyNo money-back guaranteeCancel anytimeNR2004

Taking Action

Starting your credit repair journey can be complicated and confusing. There is no better time than now to get things started. The sooner you get your credit in a better position, the better off you can obtain the things that have been eluding you.

Whether you choose a credit repair company or a DIY approach, the most important step you can take is to start!

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